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Narco-Violence and the Failure of the Church in Mexico

…72 migrants found on August 24th on a farm in a remote town just 100 miles south of the US border. Dismantling the Liberationist Legacy Liberation Theology, the radical social and theological experiment launched after the Second Vatican Council, offered both a social critique and a utopian vision for the future of Latin America. This project was, for a time, powerful and pervasive enough that it could have mitigated some of the underlying social p…

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Even Conservative Pollsters Find Growing Support for Gay Rights

…er groups. Men, blacks, and those living in the traditionally conservative South are less accepting of gays and lesbians; but even there, the numbers are encouraging. Fifty-five percent of men said they strongly or somewhat agree that there’s nothing wrong with same-sex marriage, while 47 percent of blacks said the same thing, and a majority of southern millennials, 56 percent, agreed. In fact, out of all of the subcategories, it’s only in the bla…

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Kenneth Starr in the “Athens of Texas”

…the graduate students in philosophy are Protestants, the famous school in South Bend, Indiana, may itself be the “Protestant Notre Dame.” Sloan’s vision, which he called Baylor 2012, was that his university would become a magnet for Christian scholars and a center—perhaps the center—for Protestant intellectual life. I was in Waco to write a feature article for Christianity Today, and I confess that I was intrigued by the audacity of Sloan’s plans…

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The Mystic in the Rye: JD Salinger’s Religious Fiction

…idental casualty of the occupation of Japan and a Jesuit priest working in South America. Zooey (Zachary Martin Glass) was an aspiring actor in 1955, and the youngest daughter, Franny, was on leave from her college due to a spiritual malaise that brought her to the brink of a nervous breakdown. An intensely neurotic family. Also intensely brilliant, intensely attuned, and intensely committed to one another. What prompted Franny’s crisis was her in…

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Aliens To Arrive in Alabama Today!

…craft of great size shall be visible within your skies. It shall be in the south of your hemisphere and it shall scan over many of your states. We give to you the name of Alabama. It has been decided that we shall remain within your atmosphere for the minimum of three of your twenty four hour periods. During this time there will be much commotion upon your earth plane. Your highest authorities will be intruding into ‘our’ atmospherics that surroun…

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Christians to Conservative Conference: Gays, No! Birchers, Yes!

…opposing “Invictus.” Yes, the new movie about Nelson Mandela and the 1995 South African rugby team.  They’re opposing that because, quote, “Mandela is nothing more than a communist-terrorist thug.”   So, let’s review, conservative Christians demand that CPAC ditch the group that wants equality for a group of human beings – American taxpaying citizens – commonly known as gays and lesbians in marriage, housing, employment and the military – but has…

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Come Let Us Reason Together: A Response to Critics of Evangelical/Progressive Initiative

…r, more homogeneous time where, at least in geographical enclaves like the South, white evangelical voices went virtually unchallenged. On the left, there is often a similar pining for the era when the “Christian Century” was finally dawning, when Rauschensbusch, Ryan, the Niehbuhrs, and Tillich commanded the national stage, or when mainline leaders took up prominent places alongside King and Heschel in the national Civil Rights Movement. But we a…

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Obama’s Pastor and the Politics of Patriotic Treason

…iquitous nature of injustice. This is particularly true among middle-class African Americans in the south side of Chicago. For those who have played by the social rules yet still feel alienated, angered, and victimized by racial disparities within the health, educational, economic, and criminal justice systems, Dr. Wright lets them know that they are not crazy. And while many (like Senator Barack Obama) may reject the political impracticality of h…

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Review: Is the Religious Right Dying?

…of liberal faith-based advocacy. To varying degrees, mainline Protestants, African-American Protestants, Catholics, and Jews joined together in the Civil Rights Movement, the anti-Vietnam war movement, the fair housing movement, the nuclear freeze movement, and various other demands for peace and justice. In this era, conservative people of faith largely lacked a unified political voice, in part by choice; evangelical Protestants for decades embra…

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What’s Wrong with Wright’s Words

…d the lives of our people…Today we stand committed to the proposition that freedom is no half-and-half affair. If the average citizen is guaranteed equal opportunity in the polling place, he must have equal opportunity in the market place.” And during the twentieth century, Martin Luther King powerfully “refuse[d] to believe” that the bank of American justice was bankrupt, and brought his dream to Washington. It was, he told his audience, “a dream…

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