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On Religion, Abortion, and Politics: Dr. George Tiller’s Christian Ethics

…ck on the institutional power of the church led to great changes. Enormous numbers of people were “professional” religious. Luther urged them to stop trying to save their own souls: they should leave the monastery, go into the community and bake some bread, make some shoes, teach in a public school, build up the life of the community by serving the neighbor. Luther rejected the distinction between divine church and secular world, the world was as…

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The Gray Lady’s Regard: Ritual and the Wedding Pages

…nd new money couples, couples who like tennis and couples who like cooking classes—everyone is there. The reader then becomes convinced by this welcoming attitude that you, too, could marry on Block Island; that you, too, could have parents who live in Bermuda; and that you, too could know that seafood display equipment comprises a professional consultancy. This is America: anything, including society ascendance, is yours for the having. Then you…

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Far-Right Evangelicals And The Campaign Against Obama

…ious organizations should to be taxed in exactly the same way as any other business or individual; second, full disclosure of candidates’ (and elected members of government, as well as government employees) connections with religious organizations of any kind need to be made; along with financial disclosures subject to exactly the same kind of tough investigation that candidates’ tax returns and other financial dealings are subject to. And last, l…

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This Just In: College Will Make You an Atheist

…through a study of 26,200 people and, as one odd assumption, the choice of business as a “culturally neutral” major. Despite this, some fearmongering headlines announced, for example, that the humanities lead to loss of religion. In articulating the reasons for the decline of religiosity among various majors, the authors identify several culprits: science, “developmentalism” (by which they mean a belief in progress), and postmodernism (by which th…

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Rebuilding the Wall of Separation: A Progressive Discussion on Church & State

…ous and nonreligious folks to share useful perspectives. There have been a number of such initiatives in recent years. For example, the Clergy Letter Project annually organizes Evolution Weekend in which sermons are preached and events held in thousands of religious congregations across the country. The National Academy of Sciences came out with a paper a few years ago that underscored the compatibility of faith and science; and the National Cente…

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“[I] Pray For Barack Obama To Die And Go To Hell”: The Story The Media Missed

…self (in addition to being pastor of a church) as the owner of a “firearms business” operating in “several states” and closed with a plea for an American government based on God’s laws as set out in the biblical book of Deuteronomy. The Constitution Party (which has tended to be the political home for people with views strikingly similar to Anderson’s) is frequently dismissed as a fringe party of little electoral consequence, even though its signi…

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New Age Tragedy in Sedona: Non-Indians in the Sweat Lodge

…ian religion to American culture. Non-Indians have been making a lucrative business out of the appropriation of Native ceremonies for years. Ray’s weeklong event in Sedona cost each participant more than $9,000. A search of any number of Web sites advertising these “Indian ceremonies” will turn up sweat lodges that average over $100 per event, and four-day “vision quests” going for around five hundred dollars, “all meals included” and “Visa and Ma…

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American Fever: A Tale of Romance and Pestilence

…narrator to manage his survival, both through his writing and through his business. It is also what creates the experience of the novel. Though Hall plans to publish American Fever in book form after its conclusion, I don’t think the experience of reading it in print will be as rich as reading it on the screen. Much of what makes American Fever tick is in the way that it can blur the fictional and real words of fear and illness. With its careful…

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Hawk Attack on Liberal Pro-Israel Conference

…ying that “it really smacks of witch-hunts and thought-police. It’s not my business to ‘renounce.’” And Ben-Ami added his own critique of the book, saying that “this notion that somehow Jews control this country, they control our foreign policy, that there is some diabolical conspiracy behind the scenes, this is when you cross that line.  I believe that the analysis in the Walt and [John] Mearsheimer book and article crossed that line, but this do…

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Good Without God: The Ethics of Atheism

…ory. The Not For Sale Campaign, one of the driving forces behind this documentary, brings together a wide swathe of people including faith groups, students, teachers, artists, and the business community to mobilize together for this common cause. Time will tell if this grassroots movement for good can produce real results. …

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