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Media Fail to Acknowledge That 2024 Hopeful Ron DeSantis is as Catholic as Biden

…beliefs and whether they run directly counter to well-established medical best practices. Not to put too fine a point on it, this is exactly why I object to the media’s differential treatment of liberal Catholic politicians and right-wing Catholic politicians. Journalists’ and editors’ pervasive framing choices in this regard both reflect and perpetuate the too-little acknowledged Christian privilege that permeates American civil society. They do…

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Take It Off, Or We’ll Make You: On Sarkozy’s Proposed Burqa Ban

…you. Since you have not been out in the world long enough to know what is best for you, we are going to spell out for you what is in your own best interest. First, you need to stop obeying men. Those men. Fathers, brothers, husbands, uncles, burly sons, imams, mullahs. You need to have a mind of your own. We understand that the peculiarly Muslim pathology is hard to overcome, but we urge you to struggle. Be bold. Make your own decisions. How do y…

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Women, Religion, and Film: Higher Ground Raises the Stakes

…our husband, or you will die a terrible death. Higher Ground is one of the best representations of religiously sanctioned sexism I have ever seen in film. Corinne’s thinking, behavior, and clothing are disciplined throughout the film—by her parents, by her husband, by her minister, by the counselor, and by other women in the congregation who silence her and tell her the dress she wears is too revealing (never mind that it is a floor-length billowi…

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Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Still Sound

…e impression that this new study has single-handedly overthrown one of the best-documented scientific theories in history. Creationists will no doubt pass out copies of these articles at school board meetings as final proof against evolution, just as the Discovery Institute trumpeted an inflammatory New Scientist cover article (“Darwin was Wrong”) to the Texas School Board during one of its 2009 meetings. Those who attack evolution will be hearten…

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Toward a Richer Ethical Discourse in Trumplandia: A Response to Harper’s “Trump: A Resister’s Guide”

…im Barker, and Sarah Schulman. Robin’s “The Dream of the Enemy” may be the best of the lot. In just eight compressed paragraphs, Robin reminds us that today’s multicultural neoliberalism, epitomized by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, is essentially backward-looking and fear-based. The gist of Robin’s argument: A liberalism that needs monsters to destroy can never politically engage with its enemies. It can never understand those enemies as political a…

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Hijab: Culture, Custom, and Chaos

…tood in the context of their revelation first. What does this mean at that time? Then, once those implications are clear, and the ways they were applied at the time are verified, then we must look at our current realties and figure out how can we, or even, if we can, achieve that same goal in our present circumstance. This means a particular rule is only binding in as much at it achieves the goal that was achieved in the original circumstance. Wit…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…s in America because of sanctuary cities. This incendiary statement is, at best, unproven. At worst, it is a willful distortion of the best research and data available. Crime rates among undocumented immigrants are notoriously difficult to track accurately, in part for the reason Clarke recognized. But the allegation that sanctuary cities are “havens” for violence is patently false. There is simply no evidence to suggest that cities that decline t…

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The Night of Power: Laylatul Qadri

…here with more modest plans for the last few days. This will give me more time to complete my reading even as I will resume my solitary suhur. It’s a long month. But actually, who knows? Maybe some unfolding has already begun, that I cannot see, waiting for the right time to be made manifest. Nope, not every night is better than a thousand months, but I can be patient. In a few days the queen will depart and already the steps have begun for prepa…

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Why I Will Not Submit to Arrest, Or, the Problem With Moral Mondays

…urch service toward the cacophony of democracy. Here I think about the sometimes joyful, sometimes anguished form of democracy that arose when police officers joined firefighters, hotel housekeepers, postal workers, and teachers to resist the tyranny of other ALEC-funded bullies across the Midwest a few years ago. It seems time for us to ‘pull a Wisconsin’ here in the Tar Heel state, with or without hymns. And, when I do attend rallies this summer…

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“Ex-Gay” Common Ground More of a Killing Ground

…evelopment. The idea of what is sin and what isn’t sin can change with the times. At one time it was sinful to be left-handed, sinful to marry outside one’s race, or sinful to divorce. Now, not so much. Sin, like gender, is often a social construct and can be changed. However, gays and lesbians don’t need to rely on changing social norms to change views on homosexuality. The Bible, when read in context, condemns homosexual acts that use or abuse a…

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