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Progressive Christian: Wallis “No Longer Speaks for Us”

…witter, erstwhile Sojourners supporters watch and wait: “still waiting for @Sojourners to respond to critics about its lack of ability to ‘take a stand’ on welcoming gay families to church,” tweeted Pastor Joelle Colville Hanson. Others tweeted that they were canceling their subscriptions to Sojourners. “Frustrated and ashamed,” was another refrain. Seems like “people of faith” are walking away from the big tent. UPDATE: At the Sojourners blog, th…

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Christianity Today counsels “patience” on Uganda’s anti-gay law

…nstead exercise “patience as Ugandan leaders sort out among themselves the best way to preserve their culture’s sexual mores.” Instead of strongly condemning this legislation, which President Barack Obama has called “odious,” CT tells us we need to understand the culture and give the Ugandans a fair hearing on their , reasoned arguments against gays and lesbians: For American Christian leaders, both silence and open condemnation end up violating i…

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At This Week’s Meeting, Will SBC Vote For Voddie Baucham, The Homeschooling ‘Star’ Who Embraces the Right Wing Theology at the Heart of the Abuse Scandal?

…d by evangelical parents who continue to promote Baucham today, states she deals with “ongoing anger from religious trauma syndrome” and has left religion entirely. These impacts are still felt today for many of these survivors. “I have been out for almost a decade,” West explains, “and I am still dealing with PTSD from the abuse I experienced, abuse that was fueled by [Baucham’s] teaching of biblical patriarchy.” Of course, these are personal sto…

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Into the Darkest Moment of a Dark Year Comes the Saturnalia, a Time for Drinking, Swearing, Gambling, and the Circle of Life

…d break from 2020? “December liberty,” as Roman poet Horace called it, the best of days! The Saturnalia used to be a beloved ancient Roman pagan festival, which was held right before the winter solstice, from 17 to 23 December in the old Julian calendar. It was a time of unlicensed celebration referring to a golden age without morality and rules. It praised life, and the mysteries surrounding the sun’s disappearance from our lives. It promoted rol…

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Why Don’t Muslims Condemn Terrorism?

…gives lie to that myth. It was under Muslim control for centuries, and at best is currently 10% Muslim. Even if Pakistan and Bangladesh are counted as part of larger South Asia, only 1/3 of the population is Muslim, spread through the north, the center, and the south. There is no universally recognized command to convert and/or kill. 3. Muslims do not condemn terrorism. Part of moving beyond this simplistic idea of Muslims is to move beyond simpl…

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Three Cheers for Mormon Support of Same-Sex Legislation? Not So Fast

…r their rights (to very little fanfare and often to dismissal or apathy at best), this provision bothers me deeply. In any case, RFMA is very much not the Equality Act, a bill that would provide sweeping non-discrimination protections for queer Americans that has languished in Congress for years. It’s a defensive piece of legislation, a protection of the status quo rather than a step forward. If America were truly a functional democracy, we could…

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Bad Karma: Life Lessons From Earl

…materialism and its awkward and distorting presentation. There is something useful in examining the policies and practices of our nation and demanding that we live the best of our ideals. And, if My Name Is Earl sparks that type of exchange, I won’t complain. My name is Anthony….

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Progressive & Religious

…that “religion poisons everything” on the other. I firmly believe that the best solution to bad religion is good religion. Given the ugly and divisive side of religion that has been so prominent in American politics, I understand the appeal of these neo-atheist books. They’ve been at the top of the best-seller lists (in the category of religion no less!) because they have tapped into a backlash. However, they make the mistake of rejecting all reli…

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(Ex-)Ex-Gay Activist Alan Chambers On His Prop 8 Epiphany and the Downfall of Christianity and Evangelicalism

…publicly renounced reparative therapy, they’re still preaching that “God’s best” for gays and lesbians is celibacy and some still believe that God can change sexual orientation over time. What’s your response? It’s kind of a doublespeak. They want to be against what is publicly recognized as the most damaging sort of thing out there. But, they talk out of the other side of their mouth and support this. I think some of them are confused, but I thin…

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Men Without Guns: A Tribute to Larry McMurtry

…p, McMurtry has made mythologizing silly, the filmmakers merely human, and bestowed practical wisdom on the buzzards. What McMurtry most impressed on a teenage me was that an adult understood some coaches are sadists, being young is as befuddling as growing old, and that the most vocally righteous Christians are likely covering something up. My favorite McMurtry book is The Evening Star (1992). Aurora Greenway’s life after death is my brand of tri…

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