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My Congregation Tried to Help a Syrian Family Settle in the US

…an. Last year about this time, at an otherwise dreadful interfaith worship service, I was blessed to see a trio of Pakistani girls chant a surah. Two of them stood facing one another. They concentrated intently and produced a sweet, heartfelt harmony. The third looked off into space in a different direction and barely mouthed the words. I loved them all immediately. It was one of the few times that night that I could honestly say I felt the presen…

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“Love Them As Yourself”: God’s Words or IKEA Instructions?

…t’s hearing from its (Christian) constituencies. The organization has a website where people can inform governors of their support for refugee resettlement. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League favors refugee settlement, as does the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and The National Association of Evangelicals, whose statement reads, “let’s not punish the victims of ISIS for the sins of ISIS.” Religious advocates for resettlement base their positions…

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The Surprisingly Short History of Popular Yoga

…part of a consumer culture in which practitioners choose yoga products and services based on individual desires and needs. Consumption of this kind appears rather hedonistic, or perhaps, as Jeremy Carrette and Richard King have put it strongly, is characterized by an “obsession with the individual self and a distinct lack of interest in compassion, the disciplining of desire, self-less service to others and questions of social justice.” The last p…

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Religious Hostility to Gay Nigerians; The Pope’s Visit To Africa; Ireland’s Religious Schools Can’t Discriminate Against Gays; Orthodox Church in Georgia Leads Anti-Gay Forces; Global LGBT Recap

…eir belief system and I have mine and I’m living true to mine.” Brunei: US officials discuss human rights, death-to-gays penal code U.S. officials, including the ambassador to Brunei, discussed human rights issues with Bruneian officials at a November 30 meeting in London. The new penal code includes a death penalty for those convicted of sodomy. Northern Ireland: Legal challenge to marriage ban moves forward Two gay couples were granted permissio…

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Religious Exceptions Not So Exceptional According to New Study

…ied under the accommodation designed by the Department of Health and Human Services. The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a consolidated case challenging the exemption in the spring. The large number of Catholic nonprofits currently using the accommodation and potentially seeking a broader exemption means that potentially thousands of women could lose contraceptive coverage and, according to Kaiser, would have to “pay out of pocket for services…

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‘Cancel Culture’ Is as Old as Religion, And It’s Only a Thing Because of Who’s Doing the Cancelling

…even the Talmud Recently, Will Berkovitz, a rabbi and CEO of Jewish Family Service in Washington State published an opinion piece arguing that, as the headline states, “The Talmud has a lesson for our cancel-culture world.” In it, he argues that the Talmud, a product of a small cadre of Jewish sages in Babylonia from the third to sixth centuries CE, can be a model for the tolerance and diversity of opinions that our present moment needs. That it c…

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