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How Far Will White Christians Go to Maintain Power? An Interview with Robert Jones

…n contempt for democratic governance and the expressed willingness of many Republican state legislators to claim the right to override election results they don’t like? I think what we’re seeing in this moment of change is a test case of whether groups of white Christians have merely been paying lip service to democratic principles and free elections, or whether they really believe in those principles and norms now that white Christians have becom…

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The Myth of the ‘Lone Wolf’ Shooter Blinds Us to the Reality of White Supremacy

…a “pack”? And how can we act while protecting our First Amendment right to free speech? Leaving aside spectacles of wolf-pack frenzy like Charlottesville’s torchlight parade, we don’t routinely see these wolf packs rallying at the local VFW hall. Yet, we know these shooters run with a “pack” of their own kind. We know who gives them aid and comfort. Anyone who can surf the web knows white supremacists have a tendency to broadcast their views far a…

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What Does Repentance Look Like For the White Church?: A Conversation with Lisa Sharon Harper

…ree generations in families that have grown up saying “I’m Republican, I’m Republican, I’m Republican.” Many of those people voted Republican even though they couldn’t stand Donald Trump—because it is an identity issue. So many of my white evangelical friends are really struggling right now—not with their faith, but with their communities who are so captured by a political identity. They are witnessing a disconnect between their community’s vote f…

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With the End of ‘Roe’ the Verdict is in: The Supreme Court Majority is Christian Nationalist

…n’t overturn any public health laws for other First Amendment rights, like free assembly and free speech. The religion of the justices also seems to play a decisive role in these decisions. According to the abstract of one study, for example: The Roberts Court has ruled in favor of religious organizations far more frequently than its predecessors—over 81% of the time, compared to about 50% for all previous eras since 1953. In most of these cases,…

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A Better Form of Atheism: Rescuing the Christian Tradition from Religion

…of traditional accounts of atonement is of the way those accounts tend to promote suffering as something that’s inherently redemptive—and to valorize submission and obedience in a way that is obviously destructive when it’s applied unjustly to women. They include accounts of women who were abused by men who justified their actions by saying that in order to be Christ-like, women need to be submissive. The way I tried to chart a way past this—and…

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Pope Francis Dithering About Women, Skittish About Cops

…opic: “We are Catholics. If someone wants to make another church, they are free to do so.” I think what he meant was, we men are the Catholics in charge and women who want to participate equally are free to form their own church. I can assure him on good authority that the process of forming new models of church is well underway with Catholic women serving the needs of the world. I can also brief him on the fact that some of the nuns with whom he…

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Mister Rogers’ Radical Pacifist Neighborhood

…d were saddened and disturbed by Mister Rogers’s apparent unwillingness to free Shamu from the confines of the Sea World tank. The letters are very touching in the care they express for a killer whale in need of the freedom afforded by a vast ocean. They are also moving in the sense that they are the product of Rogers’s own creation—his handwork in encouraging children to express their feelings, including those of anger and disappointment. The let…

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Right Wing Suspicion of Experts is Martin Luther’s Fault

…humility that even a well-educated citizenry must have. Of course, even if Republicans have taken an otherwise healthy skepticism to a mad extreme, Democrats should take care not to become fanatically loyal to an infallible elite. One hopes, for the sake of American democracy, that we can together strike a wise balance between suspicion and deference with respect to expertise. The greater danger right now is brazen suspicion run amok. Unfortunatel…

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How to Prevent Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

…lines we’ve imposed on the Middle East—of secularists versus Islamists, of free-thinking liberals versus religious autocrats, and so on. That view misses the bigger and potentially bloodier point. Democracy’s Dark Side In America, we’re accustomed to believing democracy and diversity go hand in hand—we are obviously pluralistic. But that’s because we assimilate different individuals to a single national identity. Canada’s challenge with Quebecois…

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Evangelical PR Blitz Before Midterms Won’t Fix the ‘81% Problem’

…as compromised its Christian values in order to attain political power for Republicans.” The problem with Ekins’ claim that “church teachings can curb tribalistic impulses by regularly reminding worshipers that we are all God’s children,” is that her own data, which she is employing either sloppily or disingenuously, shows nothing of the sort. In a thorough analysis for RD, Timothy Gloege points to findings in the Voter Study Group data that make…

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