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Joe the Plumber: Horatio Alger with Plumber’s Crack

…y Senator John McCain continued his “Joe the Plumber” bus tour. Throughout central Florida McCain rehashed his attacks against Senator Obama by enlisting other “regular Joes” to reinforce his message that Senator Obama’s tax plan will unduly punish successful small businesses. Of course we know that the character known to millions as Joe the Plumber is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, the Ohio resident who engaged Senator Obama on his tax plan earlier this…

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Bad Karma: Life Lessons From Earl

…n sacred and profane, “right” and “wrong,” is blurred. But capital remains central. But what of the more complex arrangement that actually frames the notion of karma or “right action”? In the show, karma is plucked out of Buddhism: No mention of the “four noble truths” and the relationship between suffering and desire. Earl crosses things off his list, but what of the surrender of desire through the eight-fold path? Yes, there are ways in which th…

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Rick Warren’s Biblical Blowback

…hinged on which part of the Bible Warren had in mind when he invoked “the [central] role of government” as “the punishment of evildoers” (again, I’ll come back to that pesky but powerful word). There has been a general consensus, one that Warren’s PR office seems to have confirmed, that the Reverend had Paul’s famous comment in Romans 13 in mind, the one where the Apostle to the Gentiles counsels Christians to “submit” to secular authorities in th…

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RD10Q: Spiritual Survival for LGBT Christians

…fense” for LGBT Christians. I also came across the Bible verse that became central to the book, 1 Peter 3:15-16: “Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence.” Not returning hatred for hatred is the key to being bulletproof. I developed a workshop around these ideas and it morphed, some ten years later, into a full-fledged book. What’s the mo…

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Doubt v. Predator: A Vatican II Parable

…a girl you loved her and felt the faint nausea of eroding conviction? The central doubt in the story belongs to Sister Aloysius. She became a nun after her husband was killed in World War II, and it’s clear that she saw in the Church the stability, the certainty, that his death took from her. After years in her order she’s beginning to see the cracks in the foundation. She’s irritated by the lack of discipline reflected in Father Flynn (and with…

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Of Zionism and Anti-Zionism: The Ultra Orthodox and the Settler Movement in Israel

…ettlers have begun to use the language of “security”—even though it is not central to their ideology—because it sells in the world, especially to American Jews, who constitute a crucial support group. Second, the Russian immigration in the late 1980s brought a large group of secular Jews (and non-Jews) who, being the victims of anti-Semitism, have little or no sympathy for the Arabs; whether citizens of Arab countries, Israeli citizens, or inhabit…

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Left, Behind on Obama’s Warren Strategy

…ing: The world is a mess. Violence in parts of Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia threatens to further destabilize regions where chaos breeds religious extremism. The deep roots of the current economic crisis—a global economy powered by fossils fuels and unsustainable American and American-style consumerism—must be carefully but decisively eradicated. And a pernicious but largely unreported militarism at the leading edge of science needs to…

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New Book Reveals How Faith is Like a Covert Operation for the Bush Family

…e for an astonishing double life participating in covert operations of the Central Intelligence Agency throughout his career. The story of the reinvention of the religious identities of two presidents and their faith-based political strategy could be easily obscured amidst Family of Secrets’ revelations of the Bush family ties to such murky matters as Watergate and the Kennedy assassination (see sidebar). But Baker’s discussion of how a prominent…

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Amway, Religious Right Pyramid Scheme, Returns to the Motherland

…M. Hutchens of the Christian Zionist “Jerusalem Connection,” who has been promoting the piece. Why? Bartholomew: “I can see why Freund would enthuse over this, but it’s less clear why a conservative evangelical like Hutchens would want to promote the idea of 500,000 to 1 million Portuguese and Spaniards embracing a religion other than Christianity. Such are the mysteries of Christian Zionism.” Coral Ridge Ministries Produces Is Jesus God?: Since…

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Restoring Dignity: The Employee Free Choice Act

…the religious right played the same role in maintaining nearly 30 years of Republican hegemony that the labor movement once played in maintaining Democratic hegemony. The religious right is now in some considerable disarray, though by no means disabled. What better time, and what better way, for religious progressives to help spur a big turn in our politics than to lend some help right now in restoring the central role of a progressive labor movem…

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