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Frank Gaffney Appointed to Clarion Fund Board

…ice presidents. Clarion’s address is also the same as that of Aish HaTorah International, a fundraising arm of Aish HaTorah. In addition to being available on DVD, Iranium will be shown in limited release in theaters starting February 8, and will be screened on Capitol Hill in conjunction with a Heritage Foundation event on February 1, according Shore’s fundraising email. “Several notable Congressmen and Senators,” Shore added, “have pledged their…

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The Muslim Loyalty Oath

…est of the Muslim community, which has made these arguments for years. The international Amman Message, for example, was issued in 2007, and the Islamic Center at NYU is a center based on the message. The Islamic Society of North America issued a similar statement in 2005. The difference between these endeavors and the Ahmadi community’s statement is that that these other messages are far-reaching, including as they do wide sections of the Muslim…

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Zeitgeist A Blend Of Skepticism, Metaphysical Spirituality, and Conspiracy

…f the analysis of Zeitgeist and Loughner has focused on its ideas about an international banking conspiracy that uses currency to foster debt slavery with the goal of instituting a one world government. But such analysis only accounts for part of what is going on in the film. As Jesse Walker points out, in the case of Zeitgeist the labels “left” and “right” are pretty useless descriptors. Rather than placing the film, and by proxy Loughner, on the…

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“Taliban Dan’s” Teacher: Inside Bill Gothard’s Authoritarian Subculture

Bill Gothard is intent on defending himself. He’s speaking with me by telephone from the Northwoods Conference Center in Watersmeet, Michigan, where he spends every January “for study and writing and reflecting and fasting.” The controversial 76-year-old evangelist wants to explain away the “distortions” of his critics, and why, he insists, that widely-discussed “Taliban Dan” ad had it all wrong. In the ad (run last fall by congressional candidat…

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The (Mostly Catholic) Anti-Abortion Roe v. Wade Schlep

…pear more broadly based. The Polish seminarians’ banner conveys a message. International delegations from France and Ireland had similarly Catholics flavors. But finding Jewish, Protestant, Muslim, Pagan, and other participants was not easy. Evangelical Christians put on a rock concert in a nearby park after the march this year. It was advertised by “Rock for Life” with the logo of a fetus playing an electric guitar. They offered some diversity. T…

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Recounting (Again)
The Role of American Religious Activists in Uganda Anti-Gay Violence

…is “initiative” was David Bahati, the Ugandan parliamentarian who achieved international notoriety for introducing the “Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009,” a bill that sought to introduce the death penalty for certain same-sex consensual acts. Commenting on the Rolling Stone article, Mr. Bahati said that the campaign “would have been very helpful to law enforcement of these people; it would have been a great source for law enforcement.” David Kato w…

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Religious Leaders Speak Out Against Physician Complicity In Torture

…ous forms of torture on detainees,” in violation of numerous U.S. laws and international conventions. The video, which features religious leaders, focuses attention on Alyssa Petersen, a devout Mormon who served in Iraq and committed suicide after refusing to participate in the torture of naked detainees. Like Peterson, who said she could not be “two people,” one who opposed torture yet one who participated in it, Jim Winkler of the United Methodi…

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Why All the Silly Devil Talk Should be Taken Seriously

…a talented platinum-album-selling, award-winning woman who achieved a mass international following through dedication and hard work. Instead, she is a witch. [See also: “Lady Gaga’s Secret Religion.”] Finally, popular culture and the occult associations are a class issue. Jay-Z and Beyonce are a top-earning couple who made $122 million between June 2008 and June 2009. If they keep doing what they’re doing, their great-grandchildren will have old m…

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Controversial “Bishop of the Poor” Dies at 86

…to do, and forget the flesh and blood individuals whose lives have been transformed and who deeply mourn the passing of religious leaders such as Ruiz; he not only lived with the poor, he learned their language (four Mayan dialects), and placed their struggles on an international arena. And yet I hope that ten years from now his advocacy will not be remembered as a relic of the past—a Church that once was—and instead that there’ll be an active rem…

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Waterboarding in the Living Room

…tention and interrogation in countries where—in the CIA’s view—federal and international legal safeguards do not apply; in other words, to countries that torture. The U.S. has long been engaged in torture: from the genocide of native peoples, to the lynching of African Americans, to the School of the Americas, to the Tuskegee Institute, to the treatment of prisoners in US prisons. And, as this most recent case shows, US torture culture is not limi…

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