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Are Atheists The New Campus Crusaders?

…as a nonprofit in 2001. By 2007, 80 campus groups had affiliated with them, 100 by 2008, 174 by 2009, and today there are 394 SSA student groups on campuses across the country. “We have been seeing rapid growth in the past couple of years, and it shows no sign of slowing down,” says Jesse Galef, communications director at SSA. “It used to be that we would go to campuses and encourage students to pass out flyers. Now, the students are coming to us…

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How Long Does It Take a Man of God to Admit Child Rape is Wrong?

…enforcement. The LA Times report was based on letters written by Mahony in 1986 and 1987 recently entered as evidence in a civil suit. More documents will be disclosed in the coming weeks. Here at RD, I have argued that it was the feminist movement’s emphasis on bearing witness to sexual abuse that raised consciousness and created critical mass among Catholic laity towards breaking the abuse scandal open.  And it sure doesn’t take a degree in gen…

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Leading UK Evangelical Comes Out for Gay Acceptance

…ce and forgiveness and Christ commits himself through the work of the Holy Spirit to bring transformation to our lives—a life-long process.” Clifford goes on to talk about how Chalke’s concession will harm the testimony of “ex-gays,” like one Baptist minister who rejected his homosexuality. “This pastor is just one of tens of thousands of Christians who have come to the conclusion that sex was designed by God to be expressed within a committed rel…

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Material(ist) Girl: A Philosopher Argues Against the Soul

…components, because it surely does.  You practice yoga? For many that’s a spiritual or religious practice. What does it mean for you? I’m getting on in years and I thought I would really like to have a some more exercise and I didn’t like aerobics, so I went to a yoga class. It was very strenuous and very demanding and then we went into shavasana, the relaxation at the end, and I came out of that thinking, “Holy mackerel, I’m high!” It was just t…

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Cue the Mad Swine: A Biblical Lesson for Republicans

…ones,” reads the text. Without hesitating, Jesus first summons the unclean spirit to leave the poor man in peace, but the possessed one immediate shouts back, “What have you to do with me? I adjure you by God: Do not torment me.” When Jesus asks the man his name, he replies, “My name is Legion; for we (the demons) are many.” What’s more, Demon Man seems okay with his situation; in verse 10 he implores Jesus not to send his demons away.  But the de…

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“Mad to Be Saved”: On the Road as Cautionary Tale

…o yearns for a love that Dean can never fully give him.   With the sensual spirituality (or spiritual paganism, if you like) secularized into mere “kicks,” the moral balance of On the Road lurches to one side. In the book, there’s a productive tension between the evanescent, yet incandescent, mysticism of pure human experience on the one hand, and the deep ethical consequences of human relationship on the other. This is a crucial and recurring rel…

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Will Righteous Mormons Still Get their Own Planets?

…meaning that we were all conceived in the preexistence through some act of spiritual procreation. However guarded its wording, the essay does at least acknowledge LDS belief in a Heavenly Mother: “Latter-day Saints have also been moved by the knowledge that their divine parentage includes a Heavenly Mother as well as a Heavenly Father.” The doctrine that male and female human beings may become gods has been absolutely foundational to LDS belief—it…

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“Muslim Gospel” Revealing the “Christian Truth” Excites the Da Vinci Code Set

…Christian Aramaic), would be momentous, even if it were to date to the year 1500 rather than to 1,500 years ago. Some reports, however, have suggested that it isn’t a copy of the GBarn at all. Nevertheless, the notion of the manuscript’s connection with the GBarn continues to attract attention. In 2013, conspiracy theories circulated linking the resignation of the Pope to its rediscovery. This year, various blogs have resurrected the theory that i…

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Jesus’ Language More Complicated Than Experts Claim

…project. It dates at least as far back as Johann Albrecht von Widmanstadt’s 1555 translation of the Syriac New Testament into Latin, which he presented as the original language of Jesus. That tradition claims that Aramaic (not Hebrew or Greek) is the key not merely to Jesus’ cultural background, but to hisipsissima verba, his very words, and thus an unmediated experience of him. This idea is connected to a common story about the death of Hebrew, i…

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Trans Protections in India and Malta; Death-by-Stoning Law in Brunei; Church-State Divides on Marriage

…rights activist Oleg Kluenkov, reports Human Rights First. The group says officials pushed Kluenkov’s employer, a regional university, to ask for his resignation as punishment for a trip Kluenkov made to the US last year to meet with LGBT rights activists and US officials. It is not clear what punishment might away three Russian gay couples who will get married next month in Copenhagen as part of a three-day lead-in to the Eurovision song contest…

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