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“Burka Avenger”: Pakistan’s Middle Class Gets a Feminist Cartoon

…he identified burkas as “a tacit critique of the darker side of the modern spirit” and a way for Muslim women to maintain their identity while transitioning from rural traditions to industrialized urban living. “Burka Avenger,” in other words, may do more to encourage the large majority of Pakistanis already enjoying relatively strong education than to convince uneducated people of the value of schooling. Indeed, wealthier people may find it easie…

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‘Republicanity’—The GOP Transformation is Nearly Complete

…he Orishas, or manifestations of God, in the Santería religion is Oshun, a spirit associated with love, beauty, and intimacy; Mormons understand God the Father (and the Heavenly Mother) as having a physical body; Wiccans, as the letter writer below notes, “worship divinity in both male and female forms.”*  Republicanity is built on a theology of divine presence in national affairs that looks in some instances like a form of theo-fascism—particular…

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A Reluctant Millennial On The State of Church

…nd not just why they stay, but why they give their entire life over to the service of God and God’s people? I have a hunch that part of it is that instead of being put in a box labeled “millennials” those of you who stayed felt included. Maybe someone asked you to teach the fourth grade Sunday school class when you were a high school student, and you got your first taste of mentoring and educating others. Maybe, instead of shoving you into a “sing…

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Does God know if I cheat on a test in São Paulo?

…ties and steppes of Southern Siberia. Does the cher eezi (a powerful local spirit) know what color your house is? Does the cher eezi know if you lie? Does the cher eezi know if you lie in Moscow? In all of these situations, even if the cher eezi knows, does it care? We might call this discipline theopsychology: what do I think about what the gods think? The researchers found that Tyvans attributed less knowledge about moral activities, and less co…

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U.S. Bishops Have No Trouble Judging Gays

…nti-ENDA letter, which was posted by blogger Jeremy Hooper, is less in the spirit of “who am I to judge” and more in keeping with the scorched-earth culture-war rhetoric coming from the US bishops in their opposition to marriage equality. In order to stake out an anti-ENDA position while still maintaining that the USCCB is aligned with the church’s stated opposition to “unjust discrimination” against “people who experience a homosexual inclination…

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Obama, MLK, Not “Nice” Enough to Moderates?

…gliding and riffing played well outside the South and among the very small number of Southern liberals already aware of the sins of segregation, but it seems almost calculated to make the vast majority of white Southern Christians dismiss King as some highfalutin’ liberal with grandiose ideas, rather than a minister of their own Christian faith calling attention to laws that contradicted the spirit of the Gospel. This, about a man who led doubtles…

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…ing from right-wing radio and television. That’s what makes it an elite affair. The Tea Party was able to scoop up a lot of free-floating resentment and direct it against taxation and the social safety net. It’s true, however, that some of this resentment appears to be truly populist in spirit. If so, it is unlikely to sit well with the funding structure of the organization. Obama employed the rhetoric of grassroots democracy during his campaign f…

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An Independence Day Sermonette

…things? And then there’s Matthew 5:3-11: those who are blessed are poor in spirit, those who mourn, those who are meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, those who are merciful, those who are pure in heart, those who are peacemakers and those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.  Just to remind the “God Bless America” contingent, the United States, as a nation, does not possess any of the qualities of blessedness that the bibli…

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On NSA Spying, What’s With the Silence of the Lambs?

…hat most sickens: the absence of a community of active and intelligent and spirit-filled resistance, the sense that everyone is making sure their bed corners are properly turned down, the faint sound of heels clicking.  Given gruesome past instances of prying, spying, and coercion of the conscience by state actors over centuries, one might imagine that American religious leadership would be up in arms at this moment. Our bloody history makes clear…

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The Search For Proofs For God’s Existence

…n years coming to terms with the experience of converting to Catholicism at 18, and that process caused me to read a lot of dead writers. In the course of reading them through the lens of my own experience, it became clear that the ideas of these writers were products of experience—and anguish and struggle—as well as of abstract thought. Most histories of theistic proofs today, however, leave out the experience and focus only on the abstraction. I…

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