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Arrests Made in Murders of Atheist Bloggers in Bangladesh, But Int’l Response to Violence Remains Anemic

…rhetoric of Bengali unity, Bangladesh has been increasingly radicalized, particularly in rural areas and villages just outside of major cities such as Dhaka and Chittagong. Even under the nominally secular Awami League, land-grabs against groups such as Hindus and indigenous tribes have gone up, and authorities have done little to deter violence led by Islamist groups and their allies. Now, religious minorities, atheists, and secular Muslims are…

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Women are (Still) Fleeing the Church — And the Cause is (Still) Pretty Clear

…bly, while both men and women were less likely to go to church than four years earlier, women’s attendance dropped slightly more. But following that, men’s attendance held more or less steady, with the same 31% attendance in 2016, 30% in 2020 and 2022, and 32% in 2024. But women’s attendance declined precipitously, dropping five points between 2012 and 2020. Since then it’s been holding steady at 27%. Overall, women’s weekly attendance dropped nin…

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After Her Remarks Pope JPII Was Never the Same — Controversial, Beloved Sr Theresa Kane’s Effect on the Catholic Church Endures

…, without whom enormous changes could not have happened. Theresa was born Margaret Kane in 1936 into a large family with Irish immigrant parents. She entered the Sisters of Mercy in 1955, studied at Manhattanville College, and went on to a career in Mercy ministries focusing on health care. She was the CEO of a hospital well before she was 30. In the 1970s, she became president of the community as well as President of the Leadership Conference of…

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Royal Wedding Ceremony Quite Dated, Hats Notwithstanding

…e, simply no one does hats and fascinators like the Brits. Even the horses are a little more gussied up in England. The Queen herself set the pace with a yellow outfit from head to toe. One commenter suggested that she looked like a Peep, those pastel marshmallow treats, but I thought it became her and fit the occasion. So there. Let me stipulate further that I was not expecting a barefoot in the park kind of wedding. I know the Church of England…

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Evolution Challenged in ‘Textbook’ Case: As Goes Texas, So Goes the Nation

…hat your kid learns in biology class in the next decade. For more than a year, board members, led by McLeroy, a Young Earth Creationist, had been leading efforts to preserve wording in Texas’ science education standards that waters down the teaching of evolutionary theory: The student is expected to analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific eviden…

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Anti-Gay Celebration in Uganda; Weddings in England; ‘Francis Effect’ at the Vatican

…orld, that gays have human rights,” he said during an event at a hotel in Harare, the country’s capital, that commemorated International Women’s Day as the Herald, a Zimbabwean newspaper, reported. “Gays have no human rights. They have human rights – human rights for doing an inhuman thing.” In Kenya, Member of Parliament Alois Lentoimaga urged the passage of a Ugandan-style law to “outlaw gayism and lesbianism.” In response, reports James Machari…

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God Grows Up: Robert Wright’s Evolution of God

…Also, more generally, I felt that the standard histories of God, such as Karen Armstrong’s, do a good job of showing how our ideas about god change over time but don’t spend much time on the question of why. What’s the most important take-home message for readers? That there’s no such thing as a “religion of peace” or a “religion of war.” Any religion can be good or bad, depending on the circumstances that believers find themselves in. If you arr…

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Palestinian Orthodox Christians, Desperate for Help, Have Caught the Attention of Russia

…to block the sale of other property to Ateret Cohanim. And Hamas has regularly targeted Palestinian Christians for discrimination, including attempting to curb the public celebration of Christian holidays. As Christians, they’ve largely been left without the assistance of the region’s Muslim powers, interested mainly in the protection of their co-religionists. Likewise, they’re forgotten by American evangelical Christians whose pro-Israel, pro-Br…

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Call Yourself Evangelical, Isaiah 11, or Orville Redenbacher, But Don’t Organize Under it

…tty strong case! It’s also completely fucking worthless. Christian reactionaries care less about the progressive definition of “orthodox” than they do about whatever nasty shit they just scraped off their shoes. There is simply no margin in imagining some grand social connection that would cause conservatives to be shamed into obeying a definition of Christianity they didn’t come up with for themselves. Progressives, either. The church invisible m…

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Alienating Even the Sadistic Trumpian Right, How Did Kristi Noem Miscalculate So Badly With Her Puppy Killing Story?

…n’t even read it. A 14-month old dog is still a puppy & can be trained. A large part of bad behavior in dogs is not having proper training from the humans responsible for them. Noem was grilled on two CBS news shows over both her stories of animal killing and the lie that she had met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. (She remarks in the book that he underestimated her, “having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been…

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