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Personhood Ohio Claims Bible Dictates Criminal Penalties for Abortion

…, of Missionaries to the Preborn—an organization which features, on its website, a video comparing an abortion provider to a sniper who is running around killing children at an elementary school; which describes abortion clinics as “death camps” and a clinic employee as “one of the crazy women;” and which adopts militaristic language like “regiment” and “brigade” for its local groups. On the Personhood Ohio website, meanwhile, there are implicatio…

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First Gay Bishop? Give Me a Break

…d he hopes to organize 500 community screenings between now and the film’s official release in the fall. Robinson says he has found that nothing works better to change hearts and minds than LGBT people telling their own stories—or allies telling the story of someone they love, such as a child, aunt or uncle, or friend. He recalls making a too-flippant comment at some event asking how straight white men could “get it” in spite of all their privileg…

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Booing Gay Soldiers and Expressing Faith in the Public Square

…ional question of whether government activity is or can be construed as an official endorsement of a particular religion. (The legal test for resolving this question in particular cases was laid out by the Supreme Court in the 1971 case Lemon v. Kurtzman, which Christian right legal advocates aim to eventually overturn.) Kelly conflated two separate concepts: state establishment of religion, which the Constitution proscribes, and free exercise of…

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May 21 Rapture Scheduled for 6 p.m.

…t? UPDATE: For beer drinkers, there’s also a drink for you. Evan Benn, the official beer taster for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, offered this: Stone Levitation Ale would be a no-brainer — a flavorful but not super strong craft beer that will help lift you up to meet your maker…Cocktail-wise, I don’t know if it fits the theme, but the drink that I’ve been seeing all over at fancy-schmancy cocktail bars is the Corpse Reviver No. 2. It’s a mix of gin…

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The View from a Jew at a “Solemn Assembly” Like Rick Perry’s

…ople of all faiths, and that his “behavior is inappropriate for any public official, much less one who is weighing a run for the presidency.” Of course religious people are free to have political rallies. But they shouldn’t be used to convert people, if they involve elected officials or otherwise have a government imprimatur, and if they are intended to influence legislation or policy, they should merely reflect the legislative or policy perspecti…

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Mass Conversion: Changing Churches to Stop the Church From Changing

…can and Episcopal churches to join the Roman Catholic church en masse, the official spin was that the move was motivated by a desire for greater Christian unity—a wish, as Lewis put it, to “enter into full communion with the Holy See of Peter.” At the same time, the small flurry of press releases, letters, statements, and ecclesiological cheat sheets also insisted that the new arrangement for full communion with Rome would allow St. Luke’s to “con…

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Olasky Concludes Gingrich Untrustworthy, Unredeemed

…unconfirmable,” although there’s ample evidence that the press and many in official Washington were aware of Gingrich’s affair with his now-wife, Callista. Armey concluded to Olasky “that Gingrich had been extraordinarily reckless and had left himself open to pressure that the White House was willing to use. Such conduct, he suggested, means that Gingrich’s candidacy is not worthy of support.” Ouch! Olasky’s piling on here—regardless of whether th…

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Showdown Over Shari’ah at Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference

…n what they claim is the threat of shari’ah to the constitution. It was an official panel, in a main ballroom of the conference. Breger, along with Khan, were relegated to an unofficial panel, in a tiny room, on preserving religious freedom. There, Breger laid out why shari’ah law is no more scary than halacha, or Jewish law, and why conservatives and other Americans need not fear its infiltration into our courts which, Gaffney maintains, is happe…

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Palin Bus Tour Like Gideon’s Fleece

…her version of the history of America. Her rapid-fire tours of historical sites is like the attention deficit syndrome version of American history. All photo ops and quick sound bites about energy policy, free markets, and American exceptionalism, then speeding off in an SUV. Topping off her day was a visit to Trump Tower, a monument to the Donald, whose comb-over was perfectly coiffed as he took pictures with Palin and Piper before having a dinn…

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