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Spiritualism and Sex Meet Evangelical Censorship, 19th-Century-Style

…ng subtitle. I also thought about a title that would call attention to the central conflict in the book between Craddock and Comstock and also perhaps between Craddock and her posthumous psychoanalyst, Theodore Schroeder. But I could never make one of those work.  How do you feel about the cover?  I feel ecstatic about the cover—and not just because it has two nearly nude figures on it. In Craddock’s diary she called attention to William Bouguerea…

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Not Cause, But Effect: Jared Loughner and Tea Party Rhetoric

…ted with progressive social reform. The focus on liberty and tyranny is so central that it’s often overridden religious concerns, as in the conservative admiration for the deeply anti-Christian Ayn Rand. There are precedents for this in American history as well, but the Tea Party represents uniquely high popular support for this program. Inventing Your Own Reality While I am speculating based on a few YouTube postings, and I expect that a more det…

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Martin Luther King: Libertarian and Anti-Abortion Social Conservative

…elf-critiques of King’s speeches, and the necessity of a political movement to turn King’s words into reality. The historical co-opting of King as icon is inevitable, but it can be resisted through insisting on the central themes of King’s life and legacy. That requires not only the rules of a radical—getting to the root of injustice—but also demanding historical accountability for those who would distort his dream….

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GOP Hopeful Herman Cain: Jesus was “The Perfect Conservative”

…t this presidential bid, and he was a spokesman for Ginni Thomas’ “Liberty Central.” At the October 2010 Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention in Richmond, I saw football-jersey-style T-shirts displaying names of those who might run for president this year: Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Mike Pence, and Herman Cain. When no other Republican wanted to talk about 2012, Cain would walk into speeches introduced by a heavily produced video, a highlight ree…

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State of the Union Stuck in that Olde-Time Semi-Niebuhrianism

…ies that “don’t have this problem” because everything is controlled by the central government. “As contentious and frustrating and messy as our democracy can sometimes be, I know there isn’t a person here who would trade places with any other nation on Earth”—one of two lines in the speech that triggered the evening’s loudest and longest bursts of applause.  The president surely knows that Niebuhr endorsed the theory of democracy; not as an inhere…

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A Philosopher of Religion Calls it Quits

…values, and relationships, changing one’s mind is a daunting prospect. The central point of contention—the existence of God—is most fraught of all, not to mention starkly binary. “In philosophy of religion you do have this gap—either God exists or not. There’s no middle ground,” Parsons says. However, even philosophers bent on keeping their core beliefs can help move discussions forward. As in other subfields, much of philosophy of religion consis…

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Egypt Protests Upset Assumptions About the
Arab World

…their most hopeful supporters. Reports from the scenes in Tahrir square in central Cairo describe a level of cooperation unseen in recent memory; people share their water, bring each other blankets, hold hands to ward off security forces and face down tanks in a scene widely-regarded as Egypt’s Tiananmen Square moment. These protests are nonsectarian and do not hew to established ideologies, disproving yet another common assumption in political sc…

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God-Haters Can Be Great Company

…radox explored in my book. What he does, unwittingly, is confirm one of my central contentions: that people generally lack the cognitive receptor to recognize misotheism as the third stance beyond piety and atheism. Many people want to live with the comforting myth of such a simple dichotomy: people either accept the existence of God and worship him or they deny/doubt God’s existence. Meador echoes this need in his closing plea for a “cleaner, sim…

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Florida Gov Cozies to Local Tea Party Xenophobes

…ernor Rick Scott announced his proposed budget in front of tea partiers in central Florida, instead of in Tallahassee where the budget has been announced in the past. Clearly designed as pageantry to flatter the tea partiers, the Governor boasted some $5.2 billion in cuts (only to later have to admit that the number was inflated and that the cuts were “only” $3.5 billion). The announcement of our state budget, by the way, was held in the Eustis Fi…

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Confession Fail: iPhone App Controversy Muddies the Sacramental Waters

…of the priestly intermediary in petitioning God for forgiveness that was a central element in the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. Here, users usurp clerical sacramental authority entirely and, as Gonzalez notes, offer spiritual reflection, penances, and absolutions to one another directly. Of course, we do well to remember that Penance is categorized as a game in the iTunes store for a reason. It’s clearly designed to gather the r…

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