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Does God know if I cheat on a test in São Paulo?

…ties and steppes of Southern Siberia. Does the cher eezi (a powerful local spirit) know what color your house is? Does the cher eezi know if you lie? Does the cher eezi know if you lie in Moscow? In all of these situations, even if the cher eezi knows, does it care? We might call this discipline theopsychology: what do I think about what the gods think? The researchers found that Tyvans attributed less knowledge about moral activities, and less co…

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U.S. Bishops Have No Trouble Judging Gays

…nti-ENDA letter, which was posted by blogger Jeremy Hooper, is less in the spirit of “who am I to judge” and more in keeping with the scorched-earth culture-war rhetoric coming from the US bishops in their opposition to marriage equality. In order to stake out an anti-ENDA position while still maintaining that the USCCB is aligned with the church’s stated opposition to “unjust discrimination” against “people who experience a homosexual inclination…

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Do Not Have Sex with This Man

…t arose in the West but now haunts rich societies around the globe. It’s a spirit that privileges the present over the future, chooses stagnation over innovation, prefers what already exists over what might be. It embraces the comforts and pleasures of modernity, while shrugging off the basic sacrifices that built our civilization in the first place. Only ignorance, disdain, and denial allow such an enormous reversal. I am not decadent, nor am I e…

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Reparative Therapy is Quackery, Rabbis Agree—But that Doesn’t Mean it’s Okay to Be Gay

…species. He argues that because homosexuality is banned by the Torah, its “spiritual” harm is no different from the “emotional” harm done by a child molester; terminology unknown in halacha and surely disprovable in practice, if “spiritual” has any content whatsoever. And he claims that “the current culture” holds that the meaning of life is “the fulfillment of appetites”—which of course is absurd; my same-sex partnership is about love, holiness,…

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“Who Was Muhammad, Was He Violent?”: Teaching Islam Ten Years
after 9/11

…ns, and academics charged the battle lines of public discourse in the best spirit of humanism to show that Islam, like all other religions, was at its core a force of good in the world corrupted by the ill-conceived actions of a few. When opportunist authors and their presses released their provocations, Muslims and non-Muslim liberals launched their own visions of what Islam truly is. As universities around the country cut back hiring, department…

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Exodus Declares Opposition to Criminalization of Homosexuality

…d truth of Jesus Christ. Finally, we stand with the LGBT community both in spirit, and when necessary, legally and physically, when violence rears its head in Uganda, Jamaica or anywhere else in the world. The statement is in response to reports that the board Vice-Chair of the Exodus board of directors, Dennis Jernigan, traveled to Jamaica in May to speak about his sexual reorientation. While there he spoke to several groups and appeared to suppo…

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The Reagan Era, Still Going

…body. Ethicist and historian Gary Dorrien finds very little of Winthrop’s spirit in the never-ending attacks mounted against progressive taxation by today’s Republicans: they all like the “City Upon a Hill” part of Winthrop’s sermon, but they ignore the part about what it takes, values-wise, to deserve that hilltop. —eds. The Reagan era was supposed to have ended in November 2008—killed off by 30 years of flat wages and capitulation to Wall Stree…

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The Gospel Gestalt: From Joyful Noise to Whitney Houston

…l a gospel sensibility. I’ve written in these pages before about gospel as spiritual lingua franca in American culture. This notion is widely dispersed throughout the popular imagination and rests on a belief in gospel music as a universal language of deep spiritual feeling that, paradoxically, derives from and transcends racial history in America (incidentally, I recommend Gerardo Marti’s most recent book, Worship Across the Racial Divide, if you…

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Heaven On Earth: A Non-Hysterical History of Shari’ah

…a much narrower focus on jihad and terrorism. Considering the Gallup poll numbers, which indicate that the more religious a person claims to be, the less tolerant they are of militancy and violence, how do you explain your moving from how Muslims conceive of Shari’ah to a narrower and more securitized frame of Shari’ah, which seems to exclude many Muslim experiences of Shari’ah outside certain crisis areas, like Pakistan and Afghanistan?  Structu…

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We Are All Nuns

…rst step in the implementation of the findings” is a personal meeting “in a spirit of mutual respect and collaboration.” This is rather fanciful since the LCWR leaders who received the document were not at all sure it was coming. They went to Rome with the intention of engaging in dialogue, not being presented with a fait accompli.  Second, this move seems like an effort to cut off the head of lay people in the Church, beginning with the nuns. The…

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