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Don’t Ignore the Role of “Christian Values” in Conservative Conspiracy

…LGBTQ rights framed as a grand appeal to the American value of “religious freedom” reveal that many on the right interpret any movement for change as being controlled by a group seeking the elimination of God, country and family. The movement that helped elect Donald Trump didn’t spontaneously erupt during this election cycle, it’s been active for decades, using a distrust in the mainstream media, a narrow interpretation of Christian and American…

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Conservative Christians: Think Twice Before Claiming ‘Islam Is Not a Religion’

…ty and claims like these have been used successfully to restrict religious freedom in India. Since the 1950s, seven Indian states have passed “Freedom of Religion” laws that ban conversion by “force, fraud, and allurement,” and in some cases require that potential converts register with local officials beforehand. While most religious people would agree that conversions by force, fraud, and allurement are undesirable, the impossibility of defining…

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Whatever Happens with ‘Roe’ It’ll Be The Consequence of Six Conservative Justices’ Belief in Authoritarian Lies

…rians, loyalty to the collective is far more important than loyalty to the United States. Sharing control over the country is as unthinkable as sharing control of a woman’s body. I don’t know what the United States Supreme Court is going to do over the next couple days, but whatever it does, it will be a consequence of six conservative justices choosing to believe lies the anti-abortionists tell everyone, but especially to themselves. If the sanct…

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A Palin Pastor Primer

…t. Again, from Harper’s: From a November 2007 sermon: “The purpose for the United States… is to glorify God. This nation is a Christian nation.” From an October 2007 sermon: “God will not be mocked. I don’t care what the ACLU says. God will not be mocked. I don’t care what the atheists say. God will not be mocked. I don’t care what’s going on in the nation today with so much horrific rebellion and sin and things that take place. God will not be…

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The Religious Right’s Apocalyptic Visions of an Obama Presidency  

…ow their building to be used for same-sex weddings and they “no longer are free to reject homosexual applicants for staff positions.” An executive order signed by Obama does away with “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and supports “actively recruiting homosexuals,” going so far as offering “bonuses [to homosexuals] for enlisting in military service.” Students are no longer free to attend “‘see you at the pole’ meetings where students pray together, or [par…

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Even After an Obama Victory Reports of the Death of the Religious Right are Greatly Exaggerated

…, D.C. has been seriously diminished,” as the Rev. Barry Lynn of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State wrote early this morning, even in an Obama administration, expect some or all of the following to take place against the backdrop of a mainstream media giddy with reports of the demise of the religious right. Right off the bat, longtime leaders of the religious right, monitoring every move Obama’s transition team makes, will dis…

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Catholic Universities Facing a Fork in the Road on Gender & Sexuality: The Church or the Culture

…such coverage under new rules issued by the Trump administration. Finally freed to duck the hated “contraceptive mandate,” the university realized that ending access to contraception for thousands of woman—many of whom aren’t even Catholic—was an epic PR blunder, which it admitted didn’t recognize “the plurality of religious and other convictions among its employees.” A similar moment of cultural reckoning recently occurred at Georgetown Universi…

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Is Coverage of Liberal Religion a Media Fail?

…the world of liberal American religion. An interfaith group called Faiths United To Prevent Gun Violence held a Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath this weekend, in conjunction with the National Cathedral (hardly an obscure institution) and 1,000 houses of worship around the country. If there is any issue that should compel people (religious or not) to action, the daily, senseless deaths of Americans to gun violence should certainly be one. But despi…

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…what makes it an elite affair. The Tea Party was able to scoop up a lot of free-floating resentment and direct it against taxation and the social safety net. It’s true, however, that some of this resentment appears to be truly populist in spirit. If so, it is unlikely to sit well with the funding structure of the organization. Obama employed the rhetoric of grassroots democracy during his campaign for the presidency, and his political apparatus is…

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Nxivm Scam Is Dead, but ‘Brainwashing’ Pseudoscience Lives On

…ed for those being sued. This history clearly shows why most courts in the United States are reticent to accept such theories today. The science underlying such claims is faulty, and courts have realized that accepting such claims undercuts the very basis of the legal system, which is that individuals are responsible for their own actions. Brainwashing-based claims have too often been used as an excuse to explain what is better described as poor d…

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