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When White Terrorism Goes Unpunished: Trump’s Acquittal and the Persistence of Anti-Blackness

…. 6 riot being unprecedented overlooks how the U.S. Capitol has never been free of white power efforts to stifle democracy by suppressing Black participation and denying Black humanity. Think of the notorious gag rules, enforced by Southern legislators, that prevented any consideration of anti-slavery petitions in the 1830s and 1840s. Or think of arch-racist Preston Brooks, who in 1856 went unpunished after strolling over from the House chamber to…

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A Love Letter to #Exvangelicals and Those Deconstructing Their Toxic Faith

…icals could contribute to in other ways: the Secular Student Alliance, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Black Nonbelievers, the American Humanist Association, Hispanic American Freethinkers, American Atheists, the Center for Inquiry, Ex-Muslims of North America, and many more, including hundreds of amazing local groups that offer a more intimate and familiar community. Many of these local groups, such as the Atheist Community of Polk County (…

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Are Religious Leaders Prepared to Engage “Religious Liberty” Questions Post-Hobby Lobby?

…ders need to help their congregations tell the story of American religious freedom, both its successes and its failures. Celebrate the ways religious liberty provides the crucial bulwark that allows for pluralism of belief and experience: offer special worship services, sermons, education programs, and social media outreach efforts that critically engage the tensions between freedom and liberty in religious practice and American citizenship; take…

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The Devil is in the Details

…nfused by this, because one of the pre-conditions is that one must be debt-free. That doesn’t mean I don’t have an amount due against my credit card (or my mortgage, if I still had one), but it means I have keep my payments up in accordance to my agreements. No overdue amounts. I’ve done my mock packing. What is mock packing, you ask? Well, for this trip I have almost all new clothes, and I need to make sure they are sufficient for what I am about…

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Back to Basics: Feminism 101

…ce for me: Allah made me free and equal and anyone who dares to limit that freedom or curtail my equality has no right to do so. They also have no control over my choice to live that equality and justice, save for oppression. The Qur’an is pretty emphatic about that: oppression is human-made and must be human-eradicated. I reject anything and anyone who interferes with my choice and my right to live free and equal. I do so as an integral part of m…

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The Religious “Right” to Denounce Homosexuality

…long line which have gradually morphed church-state separation cases into free speech cases — for Christians, that is. In other words, whereas courts used to determine whether religious action (such as use of public school resources for a Bible club) would constitute government endorsement of religion, religious right legal advocacy has altered the jurisprudence to evaluate such questions based on whether the school’s exclusion of the Bible club…

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Capitalism and Christianity

…report on the survey, noted that this finding demonstrates the bind facing Republicans who want to broaden the party’s electoral coalition. De-emphasizing social issues and pushing conservative economic policies would bring with it some danger to Republicans’ electoral coalition. As one questioner noted, that puts Dionne in rare agreement with conservative religious leaders like Tony Perkins who are always warning GOP leaders not to abandon social…

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Trump’s SOTU Address Was a Christian Nationalist Dog Whistle

…ludes the following line (emphases mine): In reaffirming our heritage as a free nation, we must remember that America has always been a Christian nation. Time magazine’s transcript, meanwhile, reflects what the president actually said: In reaffirming our heritage as a free Nation, we must remember that America has always been a frontier nation. It’s entirely possible that the speech wasn’t deliberately edited; that Trump, who’s famous for ad-libbi…

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‘Do You Want Columbia to be Cursed by God?’ — Alarming Exchanges in Congress and Beyond Highlight the Desperate Need for Religious Literacy

…istories, ambiguities, multiplicities, and weaponization of terms that are central to religious studies scholarship will, at the very least, expose how carefully those in the public sphere ought to choose and define their words. However, doing this type of work doesn’t come without risk. I’ve experienced critique and harassment in my role in undergraduate residential life at Harvard University for organizing an academic panel to discuss Islamophob…

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