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Pox Americana: Franzen’s Tragic Vision

…der how a reviewer might claim that there’s no religion, nothing about the business world, no ethnicity, and no military service. These subjects ripple right through Freedom, though not in un-ironic ways. If anything, for example, Walter is too Swedish and has too much technical and scientific expertise. Freedom is ostensibly about the Berglunds: Walter and Patty and their children Jessica and Joey. As in The Corrections, Franzen gives us a kind o…

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The Bush Obama Faith-Based Office

…tently downplayed the financial component, saying his office wasn’t in the business of doling out money (even though the agency faith-based offices are) but emphasized partnerships that would bring the benefits of economic recovery to people through faith-based social services. But now that the economic recovery is, well, not happening, $140 million to do stuff like replace a church HVAC system looks mighty odd. Or $50 million to Catholic Charitie…

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Little ‘Value’ in New Harris Book

…stinguish an artery from a drainpipe, forget it. But what about the actual business of well-being itself? Perhaps brain science can tell us why one person likes to go to a baseball game and another to the opera, but can it tell us whether we should go to the baseball game or the opera? Leave aside the convoluted, pretend issues that philosophers so love—the opera singers all have starving children at home who will suffer if you don’t go to listen…

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Tea Partiers Fall Back on Religion to Deny Reality of Climate Change

…plain themselves with facts, they fall back on faith: Lisa Deaton, a small-business owner in Columbus, Ind., who started We the People Indiana, a Tea Party affiliate, is supporting Mr. Young in part because of his stand against climate change legislation. “They’re trying to use global warming against the people,” Ms. Deaton said. “It takes away our liberty.” “Being a strong Christian,” she added, “I cannot help but believe the Lord placed a lot of…

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Reading the Qur’an: Wherefore Art Thou?

…art of tajwid that deals with breathing, and holding a vowel for a certain number of counts. Sometimes you just need to catch your breath and complete the sentence the ayat, the passage. When he stops, and then repeats a portion it is always logical relative to the meaning as well. It would not do, (no, it) would not do, to just repeat, repeat, repeat. It matters how and when a certain phrase is repeated even if only technically in order to catch…

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“Far Too Extreme For America To Accept,” Hamas “Endorsed Obama,” “Forced Abortions,” and More

…starting last Friday. Using clips from, World Net Daily, Fox Business,, and Glenn Beck, narrator E. W. Jackson invokes the boogeymen of ACORN, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the New Black Panther Party, Hamas, and Mao Tse-Tung to paint President Obama and the Democratic Party as “extreme,” “treacherous,” “socialist,” and “with hostility” towards America. As I wrote two years ago during the presidential campaign, the National Repub…

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Inside Outsourced: Come See Where Your Jobs Went

…lf helps keep you from compromising ethics and navigating the show of show business. Even wearing the hijab has been an advantage in that people remember you. It’s different and noticeable. That isn’t to say it’s been a pleasure cruise. Film is all-consuming and standard shoots are twelve-hour days, at least, and the work is fast paced. You really have to be conscious of the shooting schedule and rhythm of workflow to determine how best to meet th…

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Stop Policing the Borders of Christianity

…ch this from the inside, turning to Christian theology, consider the whole business that happens in the Book of Acts—the pouring out of the Spirit onto the Gentiles. Theologian Eugene Rogers points to this scriptural instance of inclusion as an argument for the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the church. Might it be, he asks, that the fruits of the spirit evidenced in queer people and relationships are analogous to the pouring out of the Spirit…

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Indonesia: As Volcano Erupts, a Spiritual Loss

…orruption, and single-minded dedication to self-promotion of political and business elites. Even Islamist groups who normally denounce beliefs like Mbah Marijan’s as “unbelief” rushed to embrace his memory. This is a face of Islam that people in the United States and other Western countries too rarely see. News of Islam too often repeats stereotypes of violence and extremism, projecting the views and acts of a tiny minority onto approximately twen…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…e later that he had added a few thoughts to the 2010 reissue of Schwarz’s “classic.” In response to my question about how he could assert that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are secret socialists, he pointed me to chapter 15, in which he claims that House Democrats (who all admire Fidel Castro, he maintains) are affiliated with socialist organizations that “quite literally comprise a Socialist Red Army within the very contours of the House of Repre…

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