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Why SBC’s Russell Moore Wants Conservative Evangelicals to Be Nicer

…lways gentle with those who disagreed. One observer and frequent blogger, Bart Barber pastor of First Baptist Church in Farmersville, Texas, told me that the change isn’t as stark as it seems: “From what I’ve been able to see, Richard Land and Russell Moore are in exactly the same place on issues.” Perhaps. But some things do look different. When Farmersville was recently embroiled in a bitter controversy over whether a Muslim cemetery could open…

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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…men, and Jews and Gentiles—the necessary prerequisites for the “spiritual warfare” on the road ahead. Theocratic Crypto-Fascists? Back in the mid-1990s, Promise Keepers appeared to be mobilizing the men of evangelical America, pleasing some people and scaring the hell out of others: the stadium rally was its stock-in-trade—the praise band, the testimonies, the marriage advice, the Jumbotron video collage, the tearful reconciliations between father…

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Texas Board of Education Wants to Change History

…val.” He also believes that Hurricane Katrina, Watergate, and the Vietnam War are the result of divine wrath. As part of his curriculum review for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills process, Marshall issued an assessment of a Grade 5 history section in which students are asked to “describe the accomplishments of significant colonial leaders such as Anne Hutchinson, William Penn, John Smith, and Roger Williams.” Marshall, along with his fello…

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False Saviors: Trump, Cruz, and the Gospel of the Quick Fix

…e finds parallels in the appeal of fascism in Weimar Germany, crippled by war reparations, sky-rocketing inflation, and an economy in free-fall. Or in the appeal of ISIS: people suffering economic free-fall and dictatorial suppression or, in the developed world, inadequate education and prejudice. Alienation is the equal opportunity killer, reaching even those who have productive futures, especially when they see prejudice or corruption run free….

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To Get Through This Time We’ll Have to Shred the ‘Racial Contract’ and Choose Solidarity Over Sacrifice

…esources or expertise. The “Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience,” published by Harvard University’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, is a solid plan for recovering the economy in phases while flattening the curve and protecting civil liberties. However, even the best laid plans require political will. Such political will requires a profound social solidarity with the most vulnerable populations. Even as the crisis in our nursing homes continues, crim…

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Size Matters According to New Study

…create something else, something in addition to and separate from God. In particular, why create human beings? The traditional answer is that God created human beings in order to create the possibility of being in relation. One needs another person if one wishes to be in relation. And such relations involve being seen: the altogether singular experience of looking at another being who is looking at you simultaneously.   Seeing and being seen is th…

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Do iPads Cause Religious Experiences?

…is confused with an intentional action. CSR is quite popular today due in large part to its promise to explain certain “universals” of religion (e.g. supernatural agents, burial practices) by describing brain features that all humans share. These two approaches represent different responses to a recent explosion of information that we have about the brain. Generally speaking, stack one is a place to go if you are interested in finding the neurolog…

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Too Late for Apologies: Three Steps the U.S. Bishops Should Take to Prevent Another Sexual Abuse Scandal

…when they meet this week?  First, improve communication. Diocesan review boards are sometimes in touch with the National Review Board, which oversees the implementation of the Charter. But there is very little information sharing between local review boards. Why not hold an annual meeting of diocesan review board chairs, conducted by the National Review Board, where participants could share best practices? In addition, bishops need to meet with th…

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There’s Something Rotten in Ireland

…ly insensitive, considering who it is being directed to and where it is apparently originating. A number of Palestinians are Christians, and that Christianity is of course traced back to the time of Jesus himself. The Palestinian weekend is Friday and Sunday. In addition to being the world’s most annoying and dissatisfying weekend schedule (there should be an award for that, or maybe financial compensation), the days reflect the primary religious…

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And What of the Non-Jewish Jews?

…m.” In contrast, “People with a Jewish affinity” are those with no Jewish parent and who aren’t Jewish by religion, yet consider themselves Jewish. Reasons for this include the fact that Jesus was Jewish, because of Jewish ancestry generations ago, a Jewish spouse, Jewish friends etc. In terms of numbers, Jews by religion or no religion make up 2.2% of the U.S. population, but if you add “People with a Jewish affinity” it rises to 2.7%, so that th…

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