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When I Have Fears The Middle East May Cease To Be

…fell; I prayed the uprisings would bring a new day to the region. For the problems of Arab and Muslim-majority countries are eerily similar, and seem to be waiting for similar (and similarly unknown) solutions. Algeria and Pakistan struggle with extremism amplified by the roles of a murky military. Iraq and Syria tremble over sect, ethnicity, and identity. Tunisia and Turkey test the boundaries of secularism and faith. Morocco and Jordan contend…

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Will Religion Solve the Obesity Crisis?

…cake at this all-you-can-eat buffet, and one of these has been causing me problems!”). The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) seems to manage self-control, by helping to regulate and evaluate choices. (“No to Chocolate Cake!”)  These findings are still new, and brain imaging can only make large-scale generalizations, but the initial results are interesting. It seems that during tests of self-control, our ACC keeps firing, but our DLPFC fires…

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Immortal Illusions: Should We Stop Trying to Live Forever?

…lity engineers, “in focusing on one narrow problem, fail to notice the new problems that their solution is causing.” Cave notes, especially, their ignorance of what our quest for immortality might do to the world around us. “There is real risk that an ever-expanding population of medical immortals would push the biosphere over the edge, causing a collapse in its ability to sustain life as we know it.” Amen. I’m skeptical, however, that Cave’s “cat…

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Richard Land, Under Investigation for Plagiarism, Wages Religious Freedom War With Bishops

…d just let the conservatives put God in charge, we wouldn’t have all these problems with health insurance coverage for ladyparts and gay people getting married and whatnot. Land, as you may recall, said some really racist, spiteful things on his radio show about the Trayvon Martin case. He apologized for those comments, but Baptist scholar and blogger Aaron Weaver called it a “non-apology apology” and questioned Land’s assertion that “I have been…

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Congress Reads the Constitution, Tea Party-Style

…the Tea Party-inspired constitutional recitation immediately ran into the problems any fundamentalism has with sacred scripture: what do you do with the parts that speak to the original intent of an entirely different era—stoning adulterers, casting down fire on one’s enemies, selling all one’s possessions and giving to the poor, requiring the return of runaway slaves, and counting slaves as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of taxation a…

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Profits Over Principles for Romney?

…eports that in 1992 “only 7 percent of Russian women smoked,” whereas that number “has more than tripled” (to 22%) since then. Further, according to Matthew Meyers of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, “Russia is facing a true public health crisis… [Big Tobacco’s impact on Russia] is directly correlated with skyrocketing smoking rates among young people…The impact is direct and potentially catastrophic.” According to the Global Adult Tobacco Surv…

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Gaza Reading [UPDATED]

…olitics and regional geopolitics. He concludes: “every time Israel prioritises military solutions over political solutions, views the Palestinians through the framework of occupation rather than human dignity, and strengthens an ethnocratic Israel over a democratic Israel, it is generating greater problems for its own future. By continuing to shut its eyes in the face of this reality the West is certainly doing neither Israelis nor Palestinians an…

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Cornel West, Using His Powers for Good

…. During the 1970s and 1980s, he made a name for himself writing about the problems of race in American philosophy, society, and morality. Now, he has moved to focus more on housing, banking, taxation plans, and material infrastructure. In this way, the “American Dream” of affluence created in the 1950s is not just to him a racialized dream where white people benefit from the labors of darker people; it is a “manipulative marketing tool” that dupe…

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What to Make of the Chechnya Connection? An Expert Weighs In

…re, better gun laws, and most importantly, we need to think about the vast numbers of unemployed people we have, whether in this country or elsewhere—people who have lost hope.  Relying on his vast experience in the global marketplace, Radon points out that you see increases in violence when there is no economic opportunity, and more importantly, no economic hope, no hope of having a better tomorrow. It’s not an argument about poverty, but an argu…

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State Department Finds Religion, But Whose?

…pment of US policy toward Sudan, which IRFA-associated groups named as the Number One violator of religious freedom for five years in a row, as US policy evolved to support the country’s division into Sudan and South Sudan in 2010. But the law plays virtually no role in US policy toward Saudi Arabia, given that, for 15 years, the president has waived sanctions on the basis of US national security interests.) More recently, people generally mean th…

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