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Masculine Christianity, Praying Ballplayers, & Satanist Discrimination

…perity and human rights for the West. Beijing is claiming that the Chinese central government will approve the nomination of the next Dalai Lama. Though the current Dalai Lama doesn’t see himself going anywhere anytime soon: “Even at this age, I find time for my Buddhist studies that give me strength, peace, happiness and keep me in good health.” Two deaths of note: Nasr Abu Zayd, an Egpytian scholar known for his liberal and critical approach to…

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You Asked For It

…l conscience. The problems with women’s marginalization in some mosques is central in my mind and therefore often in this blog so I certainly agree with LW. We are making more women-friendly-mosques; even here in the west. I am happy about that and about those places with women-only mosques, including mu’adhan and imamahs, like China and India. Some countries have fewer restrictions, like Indonesia. It is so good to be in places like this because…

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Sex Miseducation: Prof Fired for Pushing Catholic ‘Natural Law’

…, and began to shift their language on the purpose of marriage from a unit promoting children to a unit promoting love, support, and fellowship. In 1927, Jewish professor of Talmud, Jacob Lauterbach, famously presented his “Talmudic–Rabbinic View on Birth Control,” which maintained that as long as a couple was able to have both a boy and girl over the course of their marriage, their responsibility to propagate the race was fulfilled and therefore…

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Creationist Master’s Degree… Denied

…seemed clear to me upon reading the various evaluation documents that the central issue of whether the proposed program met appropriate standards of science education had been insufficiently addressed.”   In 2008, ICR cried not fair and filed suit against the state, essentially saying on one hand it’s not right for a bunch of science educators to tell them what’s science. And on the other hand, the denial amounts to religious discrimination and a…

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Kanye West’s Critique of Prosperity Preaching

…. However, for hip hop posterity, it is important to note that the song so central to Kanye’s ascension to rap royalty was penned (at least in part) by another Chicago rapper, Rhymefest. In fact, one can find footage of Rhymefest performing his version, which includes a jab at Kanye (see video here), scattered across the Internet. Additionally, in terms of hip hop’s religious history, in Rhymefest one can also trace the development of Kanye’s paro…

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Glenn Beck Takes on Liberation Theology

…ir and that there were no “works” we could do to receive the grace of God. Central to his concern was that liberation theology promoted “collective salvation” and resulted in communism and redistribution of wealth. On his infamous chalkboard he drew lines from James Cone to the Black Panthers, then to Reverend Jeremiah Wright, then Marx, then, you guessed it, President Obama and immigrants. Chalk lines, however, are easily erased. But as the news…

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Glenn Beck’s Cheap Grace

…and Jesus made the call to repentance from both personal and social sin, a central part of their preaching. Without this repentance, there is no grace and no salvation. Beck then goes on to equate Cone’s black theology with Marxism. Here he is wildly off base and his unfortunate tendency to take everything he doesn’t like, slap it on to his chalkboard, draw lines, and call it a connection, gets the better of him. Unfortunately, he doesn’t always d…

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God and Prop. 8: New Poll Holds Surprises on Gay Marriage

…’s our tradition,” she told the Washington Post after the vote. “In Latino Central American culture, the gays aren’t accepted.” A new poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute reveals two years after Prop. 8 that attitude among some Hispanics in California may be changing; but the poll also reveals deep differences between Latino Protestants and Catholics. “The divide between Latino Protestants and Latino Catholics in California is a…

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Immigration and Anti-Immigration in the Book of Mormon-Belt

…he United States. There are now about as many Mormons living in Mexico and Central America as there are in Utah, and worldwide, about 4.5 million Church members are Spanish-speaking. The LDS Church’s strongest growth in the United States is in Latino communities. The old American saying that “Sunday is the most segregated time of the week” holds largely true for Mormonism too. Even though Mormon congregations are organized geographically, Spanish-…

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Schools Should Compete for Cash, Obama Says

…hildren because “lifting up quality education for all our children… is the central premise” of the program. Well, ah, yes: RTTT certainly does lift up the idea of quality schooling and will doubtless benefit some children. But does it also lift up the ideal of equality and equal access for all? And what of the vast majority of students who receive no benefit; and who will suffer as their school systems are branded as losers? On these all-important…

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