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Religion vs. Science: America’s Perilous Fight

…of these offspring survive to propagate their variations. In this manner, new species gradually evolved from preexisting ones, each delicately fitted for their environment without the intervening hand of God. In the face of Darwin’s work, by 1870, the legendary English theologian John Henry Newman acknowledged, “I believe in design because I believe in God; not in a God because I see design.” Scientists, in contrast, had come to define their disc…

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Review: Is the Religious Right Dying?

…hurchgoing nation.) The 2006 midterm Elections featured several successful new Democratic candidates, including Ted Strickland (who won the Ohio gubernatorial race) and Sherrod Brown (who won a US Senate seat from Ohio) who made no bones about their personal religiosity. Both candidates retained the services of a new political consulting firm, Common Good Strategies, which was founded in 2005 with the express aim of “helping Democrats reclaim the…

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Trump the Totem: Like Other Fascist Leaders, Trump has Turned from Man to Symbol — And That’s the Danger

…being indicted for you…. And never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. And I’m never gonna let it happen. They wanna silence me because I will never let them silence you. And in the end, they’re not after me. They’re after you. I just happen to be standing in the way. When the leader becomes the totem, no transgression is capable of separating him from his acolytes. A totem can’t li…

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The Story Behind the Catholic Church’s Stunning Contraception Reversal

…limited to procreation; that it was acceptable to limit family size for a number of reasons; and that it was licit to use the naturally occurring sterile period to do so. Enter Catholic physician John Rock. By designing a contraceptive that used hormones already present in a woman’s body to mimic the natural infertility of a pregnant woman, he hoped the Vatican would find a theological basis to approve the method. In 1958, when the Pill was alrea…

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Condemnation, Condolences in Wake of Orlando Massacre and More

…r an Islamic center, but had his visa cancelled and left the country after news reports that he had suggested in a 2013 lectures that death was a “compassionate” sentence for homosexuals. Sekaleshfar had lectured near Orlando, Florida in April. Canada: Toronto Unity Mosque celebrates 14th all-inclusive iftar The night before the killing in Orlando, nearly 200 people attended Toronto Unity Mosque’s 14th annual all-inclusive iftar – a meal to break…

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Dispatches From the Rhodian Shore: A (Tough) Love Letter to Religious Studies

…of future dispatches about religion written from inundated shores, hopefully they will reflect that religious studies joined with the rest of the academy in rising to the colossal challenges of our time. Hopefully they will reflect new hiring patterns, new patterns of engagement with colleagues across the academy and, in our teaching and research, a foregrounding of the natural world upon which our survival, let alone our intersectional flourishi…

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RD10Q: The Fight Against Feminism

…ind it hard to believe that this movement exists, and there’s certainly a “news of the weird” part of any story about an 18-child family. But whether people approach such news as something freakish or something beautiful, there’s so much more to the conviction than the novelty of such large families. I think most readers would be shocked and surprised, as I was, to read what a dramatic reversal of women’s rights the Quiverfull and patriarchy movem…

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Global Anti-Gay Forces Plot Against ‘Satanic’ Equality Movement

….” The spokesperson’s comments reportedly were in response to a story from New Zealand about a Maldivian asylum seeker in New Zealand who had become an award-winning drag queen in Wellington. Abraham Naim told the Dominio Post that he had been granted asylum in 2013 after facing persecution in the Maldives. The article quotes New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment as stating that Naim was “at risk of serious harm from state…

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Is Obama the Antichrist? Why Armageddon Stands Between the President and the Evangelical Vote

…ts, a hidden “plan of the ages” emerges. According to their decryptions, a number of events will transpire just before the apocalypse. These include a return of the Jews to Palestine, a decline in morals, religious apostasy, and the consolidation of independent nations into one super-state led by a seemingly benevolent leader who is actually the Antichrist. During the last 100 years, evangelicals have witnessed more and more evidence of these prop…

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Feeding on the Faithful: How Supernatural Thinking Empowered the Third Reich

…rst “supernatural” history of the Third Reich, encouraging scholars to ask new questions and pursue new lines of research, whether they agree with my conclusions or not. What alternative title would you give the book? Early on the working title was Consuming Terror: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich. It was based on my hypothesis that the Nazis used “horror,” “terror,” the fear of a “monstrous” other to attract popular support and pursue t…

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