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Huckabee in the Holy Land: A Christian Zionist Campaign

…r, among other things, putting undue pressure on the Israeli government to freeze building activity in the Territories. As the American Jewish leadership moves to the political right—in sync with the Likud government of Benjamin Netanyahu—Huckabee may find his approval level rising. The United States’ relationship with Israel will again be a factor in the presidential election, perhaps even more so than in 2008; or as Time put it recently, this ma…

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History Matters: On the 400th Anniversary of Plymouth We’re Still Clinging to Destructive National Myths

…ans, “especially in a religious context, had little to do with the idea of freedom that many people have since embraced.” The concerns of that first generation have far more to do with social control and church governance than they do with social libertarianism or some kind of all-American mantra of uncomplicated freedom. Get RD in Your Inbox And while the “first Thanksgiving” held a year after the Mayflower’s arrival is, in its own way, a powerfu…

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Christian Nationalists Aim to Dismantle this Core Freedom

…have been writing about Trump. Without the secular government our founders established, religious freedom, the foundational American value that we celebrate every January 16, cannot exist. There is no freedom of religion without a government that is free from religion. The United States realized the dream of genuine religious freedom because it embarked “upon a great and noble experiment . . . hazarded in the absence of all previous precedent—tha…

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New Report Shows Dems are Far More Religiously Diverse Than GOP — Though One (A)religious Group Remains Woefully Underrepresented

…argely untouched by two trends that have long marked religious life in the United States: a decades-long decline in the share of Americans who identify as Christian, and a corresponding increase in the percentage who say they have no religious affiliation.” Specifically, the new Congress’s membership is over 87% Christian, while Christians currently make up only 63% of the population. Not only are Protestants overrepresented at 56.7% of the Congre…

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Global Precap: 5 Religion and LGBT Stories to Look For in 2015

…ociologist and author of “The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom on the Name of Freedom,” is one of the campaign’s prime movers. Kuby, a Catholic convert, says “gender theory” will lead to tyranny. She says communism protect Eastern European countries from the sexual revolution and hopes they will now “become a stronghold of resistance in the European Union.” Kuby’s daughter Sophia runs the socialconservative group European Digni…

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The Faith-Based Militia: When is Terrorism ‘Christian’?

…f the knottiest issues we face as a culture to which religious freedom and free speech are so central: How do we think about and describe religiously-motivated violence? The Hutaree’s plans to murder a police officer and use IEDs to attack the funeral procession in order to catalyze an uprising against the federal government was shocking and made headlines around the world. Their action plan, while preposterous on its face, is not terribly surpris…

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Did the Church Create or Co-Opt Human Rights?

…torian, I am not qualified to go beyond the obvious): the President of the United States. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s address to Congress on January 6, 1941—the celebrated “Four Freedoms” speech—called for a foreign policy founded on “a decent respect for the rights and the dignity” of all and defined freedom as “the supremacy of human rights everywhere.” Once again, it’s a similar trope, but it’s not obviously a conservative Catholic concept. All of…

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Why ‘Do You Believe in God?’ Is at the Heart of Our Religious Problem

…question about whether or not we believe in God. Throughout my life in the United States, the first question I’m asked about religion is: “Do you believe in God?” I use the word god in the singular, as this is the default manner in which I’m asked the question. My answer often confuses people: “You are skipping an important question before asking this. I do not care if there are gods or not.” Whether unconsciously or not, we use the term “religion…

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Islam in Conflict with Democracy? A Response to Stanley Fish

…God with a special dignity worthy of respect. Such convictions should find free expression in the United States. On the particular question of Shari’ah, we have good reason to expect the overwhelming majority of American Muslims (as with other Americans) to respect individual rights. Moreover, they will do so, not in opposition to their faith, but as part of their striving to be good Muslims. This is not to suggest that every Muslim or even every…

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Are We Entering the End Times for Mainline Seminaries?

…pus alone was assessed at $43 million, but trustees deemed its future as a free-standing institution unsustainable. Rich endowments can stave off the inevitable so long that, when closure comes, it feels sudden rather than inevitable. At the board meeting that determined Episcopal Divinity School’s fate, the (non-voting) student and faculty representatives entreated trustees for more time. This impulse is understandable, but the representatives we…

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