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“Pregnancy is Not a Disease”: Birth of an Anti-Contraception Rallying Cry

…s remarks came in response to HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ recent announcement that insurance plans will be required to offer contraception without copay, unless they meet the conditions allowing for a religious exemption. The HHS guidelines follow recent recommendations issued by the Institute of Medicine. Included are contraceptive methods like IUDs and tubal ligations which have a high upfront cost but, when offered for free, may be especia…

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There’s Something Rotten in Ireland

…te provocations seem to have emerged from the embassy’s public relations strategy, which includes wondering if pro-Palestinian Israeli activists are motivated less by ideology and more by “sexual identity problems.” Seriously. Setting that kind of tone will probably only encourage more and more absurd statements. The recent post on Jesus seems especially insensitive, considering who it is being directed to and where it is apparently originating. A…

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Too Late for Apologies: Three Steps the U.S. Bishops Should Take to Prevent Another Sexual Abuse Scandal

…st seven credible allegations of abuse in 2010. In 1975, according to the John Jay report, there were more than 300 incidents of abuse.  Still, over the past several months, dangerous weaknesses in the Charter have become painfully clear. In February, a Philadelphia grand jury found “substantial evidence” of abuse committed by thirty-seven priests in active ministry. Cardinal Justin Rigali, after initially claiming that there were no “admitted” or…

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Do iPads Cause Religious Experiences?

…s experience; stack two is for those seeking to demystify religious experiences with science. Whether you prefer neurotheology or CSR, any attempt to pin down religious parts of the brain faces the same obstacle: the human brain is inordinately complex, and deceptively complicated. This is, in part, because it was not designed by an engineer with a master plan, but rather by hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary tinkering.  Over the last…

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Size Matters According to New Study

…and “born again” religious are pinheads. Small brain means little intelligence. Which is about as pinheaded a conclusion as one can imagine.  The study concluding that born-again Christians have, on average, smaller brains than the norm might be helpfully juxtaposed with cognate studies at the University of Wisconsin indicating that Buddhist monks and others who meditate regularly actually activate entire regions of the brain that remain unactivat…

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Church=State in Putin’s Orthodox Empire?; Evangelical-Orthodox Anti-Gay Alliance; Malaysian Court Protects Transwomen; Catholicism (Still) Declining in Latin America; Global LGBT Recap

…in other Malaysian states remain intact, Mr. Fahri said. The lead judge, Mohamed Hishamudin Mohamed Yunus, made it clear that the court was not ruling on homosexuality, which is illegal in Malaysia, and that transgender people had a disorder. “The present case has nothing to do with homosexuality,” he was quoted as saying in the Malaysian news media. Fuller writes that decades of conservative Islamic politics have left transgender people ostraciz…

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Change v. Change at NPR

…tation, identity and priority. A story that helps us understand the differences might uncover that in the public debate, many of us are talking past each other. I am curious, for example, to know what really it is that Bachman’s husband practices, or what kind of therapy Wyler underwent. Schumacher-Matos is right; many of us are talking past each other because the media, in this case Alix Spiegel’s report, does not make these distinctions. Spiegel…

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Ex-Gay Conversion Therapy: Choosing Religion Over Sex

…rmed to believe otherwise and reporters should not accept appeals to tolerance uncritically. Turning Up the Heat I thought of Leonard when I first heard this story. He’s someone who had a real clash between religion and sexuality and chose in favor of the first. And I believe that his experience in his ex-gay ministry, like some other ex-gays I interviewed, was a positive one for him. But the difference between Leonard and Wyler is that Leonard wa…

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Picasso’s Sacred Monster Eats Chicago: A Mystery Solved?

…tempts at definitive interpretation. Multiply ambiguous, it is a strange concoction of any number of animal and human forms, as well as a sphinx; itself a hybrid monster. Moreover, the Chicago Picasso intimates both the Egyptian and Greek sphinxes—an amalgam of cultural styles. An ambiguous, almost inscrutable object, it is an enigmatic icon and the icon of an enigma; its very presence confronts the populace with a riddle. The riddle is not simply…

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The 17th Century Roots of Roy Moore’s Refusal to Concede the Election

…narrow victory, and Judge Roy Moore lost fair and square. But he didn’t concede. Moore’s short non-concession speech late Tuesday night was comprised almost entirely of a paraphase of Psalm 40. He attempted to prop up the sad and subdued crowd by saying: But we also know that God is always in control. You know, part of the thing—part of the problem with this campaign is we’ve been painted in an unfavorable and unfaithful light. We’ve been put in…

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