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Dalai Lama: “I Am a Marxist, But Not a Leninist”

…nstitutions that were allied, during Marx’s time, with the European ruling class. He also provided an interesting anecdote about his experience with Mao. He said that Mao had felt that the Dalai Lama’s mind was very logical, implying that Buddhist education and training help sharpens the mind. He said he met with Mao several times, and that once, during a meeting in Beijing, the Chinese leader called him in and announced: “Your mind is scientific!…

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…her, the book is an exercise in public philosophy. It is meant to resemble classic works of traveling theory like Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and Martineau’s Society in America. I wanted to bring the philosophy of democratic citizenship down to earth. How has your thinking evolved about your early experience with activism in the 1960s? How are conditions different now, do you think? The labor unions are obviously much weaker. The civil righ…

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Mark O. Hatfield and the Politics of an Earlier Era

…end the war,” he was greeted enthusiastically. One-third of the graduating class, which cheered as the senator walked into the room, wore black bands to signify opposition to the war. Students in a balcony unfurled a banner that read, “Blessed are the peacemakers. We’re with you, Mark.” Hatfield’s speech, entitled “American Democracy and American Evangelicalism—New Perspectives,” returned the favor. Fuller’s mandate, Hatfield said, was to offer a…

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Devil’s Bookmark: Doubting God’s Existence, but Angry Nevertheless

…ts’ eyes regularly light up and a ripple of understanding goes through the class when I pour a drop or two of biographical info into the test tube filled with literary matter. That’s when reactions often start to happen. And how could it be otherwise? “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” is strongly, if inversely, related to Leo Tolstoy’s own life and beliefs. Although Ivan Ilyich’s values (chasing after possessions, craving social reputation, seeking caree…

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Anti-Gay Marriage Arguments for Prop. 8 Fall Short

…e group of citizens and denied them a basic right. “California has taken a class of citizens and put them in a separate category; that is an act of discrimination and there is no doubt that it is discrimination and there is no doubt that it does great harm. Can it be justified under any standard of constitutional analysis? I argue it cannot be justified at the lowest standard of constitutional analysis,” he said. In short, Olson argued, Prop 8 doe…

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Gay Republicans Ask for Social Issue Cease-Fire

…ld have been informing its constituents about the true nature of these candidates. Sure, they may give gay people a tax cut, but they’ll work to ensure that they remain second-class citizens in every other aspect of life. That should give any gay person who voted Republican in the past election pause….

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Ending DADT = Draft?

…us from the military: ”I would tell them to serve anyway,” [Sergeant First Class Benjamin] Ratcliff replied. “If all men of courage and men that had a moral compass were to leave the military, then we wouldn’t have a military. There would be nobody left to serve and protect. So I don’t really—I would serve regardless of what comes out of Washington.” But, not letting facts get in the way of a good scare, Perkins – faced with a Democratic commitmen…

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Glenn Beck Hijacks It’s a Wonderful Life

…njoy together. Yes, Beck is now trying to steal the great 1946 Frank Capra classic It’s a Wonderful Life and turn it into a rallying cry for the conservative anti-government Christian right. This week on his radio show, he announced he was going to do his show from the town of Wilmington, Ohio on December 15. Of the countless towns across the country hard hit by the recession, Wilmington, which has only about 12,000 people, may be one of the worst…

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Teacher Who Burned Cross into Student’s Arm Finally Settles Suit

…independent investigator’s report that said that Freshwater had been using class time to witness to students, teaching intelligent design and displaying numerous Christian materials around the classroom for more than a decade. The district settled with the family in July 2009, but the settlement with Freshwater had dragged on, due to Freshwater and his attorney’s obfuscation and refusal to produce evidence. I’ve written about this case numerous ti…

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Hajj Journal: Makkah as the Most Romantic City

…! And nowhere and no how can they be separated from this act into ranks of class, race, and gender. Well, then again, there are some gendered ascriptions: Lines are ad hoc gendered, plus or minus. Priority seating on the first floor of the Haram is given to the men, with male and female security guards shuffling women out of their spots to give way to men, creating men’s sections in a way that is more intrusive or abrasive than what I’ve observed…

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