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‘Let It Be Unto Me’: Akin, Rape, and the Early Church

…on who is the perfect image of that Father. (The ambiguously-gendered Holy Spirit hovers in the wings.) The Virgin Mary brings the maternal back into the theological picture, one might say, especially in so-called Alexandrian traditions that emphasize the union of human and divine natures in Christ in such a way that Mary may be seen not only as the mother of the human but also the “God-bearer” or “Theotokos.” However, Calvinist and other Reformat…

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NYPD Lied About Islamophobic Third Jihad

…the deep, structural racism and the collusion with the CIA to violate the spirit, if not the letter, of federal and local laws, they relish in lying to the public. In the face of months of AP reports that the NYPD has been engaged in spying, they deny it, simply stating that AP is wrong, offering no proof of their innocence or rebuttals. Then their claim was that Third Jihad was only shown a couple of times and that Police Commissioner Raymond Ke…

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Sacrifice, Suffering, and Rick Santorum

…and sacrifice of Rick Santorum more than a little self-centered—a kind of spiritual egoism. I feel that this should not be about him; it should be about Isabella. But, who has asked of her in the media? Does anyone care about how she “sacrifices” so mutely, so uncomprehendingly—when not even capable of considering the choice? While high-minded theological rationales enrich Rick Santorum’s life story, what have Catholic theologians to say about ho…

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New Poll: ‘Faithful Catholics’ an Endangered Species

…hat a change of mind would undermine authority, and make it look as if the Spirit had been blowing through the Anglican rather than the Catholic Church. Paul VI agreed, and the result was a reaffirmation of the Church’s sexual teaching in Humanae Vitae (1968). The door to change slammed shut. Since then the Church has insisted that its sexual teachings are “irreformable.” But surveys are dangerous things. They raise expectations. And they play to…

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Paul Crouch, Architect of Prosperity Gospel Televangelism, Dead at 79

…mpany-paid luxuries that she said appeared to violate the Internal Revenue Service’s ban on ‘excess compensation’ by nonprofit organizations as well as possibly state and federal laws on false bookkeeping and self-dealing.” The luxuries included a “former Conway Twitty estate in Tennessee, corporate jets valued at $8 million and $49 million each and thousand-dollar dinners with fine wines, paid with tax-exempt money.” The network has repeatedly de…

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Four Reasons for Optimism in the Wake of Tragedy—Insights from a Sikh and a Unitarian Minister

…tside the language of the Sikh Gurus, since the Sikh journey is one toward spiritual victory. In the wake of our initial grief and injury, we were inspired by the acts of heroism: the valiant policeman Lte. Brian Murphy, the brave temple president Satwant Kaleka, the precocious young children of 9 and 11 years, Amanat and Abhay, who ran inside the temple warning of the arrival of the armed killer. This appears over and over again in Sikh thought a…

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Quantum Theology: Our Spooky Interconnectedness

…interest in transdisciplinary conversations. Perhaps theologians, pastors, spiritual leaders, people who are spiritually attuned to irreligious forms of creativity, will find some new ways to communicate about these things. But if science is left out of the mix, we will always be off in lala land. We need the incarnational practice of taking into account the most precise knowledge we can find, in the face of the mystery of our embodied existence….

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Lou Engle Attempts To Backpedal On Uganda Anti-Gay Bill

…Antichrist legislation” (anything supportive of LGBT rights), against the “spirit of Herod” (health care reform) and in mobilizing younger and minority evangelicals in support of the movement’s agenda. One of Engle’s patrons, the Family Research Council, lobbied against a House resolution condemning the Uganda measure. After that was reported, the organization claimed it did not support the Uganda bill, and only was attempting to make the portraya…

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Religion without God: “Cults,” Pious Atheists, and Our Own Human Bodies

…fficial definition of religion: “I would describe religion in summary as a spiritual or non-secular belief system, held by a group of adherents, which claims to explain mankind’s place in the universe and relationship with the infinite.” His philosophical orientation misses much, and reveals that there is a long way to go for rethinking religion on pluralistic grounds. Toulson is still assuming that religion is a disembodied “belief system,” a set…

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Turkey and Egypt: Islam’s Future?

…practices. Muslim reformers of all stripes seek to take Islam back to the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad, the embodiment of moral truth and good character—however differently they interpret him.  This historical tendency is often picked up by Muslim-majority nations, who pursue similar ends through modern means. These nations try to take the lead in shaping the return of Muslims to more ‘authentic’ expressions of their faith. Often this meant Ira…

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