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Why Did Facebook and Instagram Ban #Sikh on the Anniversary of an Infamous Massacre?

…an entire hashtag—not just individuals—was banned. On their Facebook page, United Sikhs wrote that they were: “distressed and appalled that the hashtag #Sikh was blocked on Instagram and Facebook. The timing of this censoring by Facebook is suspicious as the hashtag in question has been taken down when the world is expressing solidarity on the 36th anniversary of the June 1984 Sikh Genocide.” Although both social media platforms have a history of…

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Robert George’s Bogus Comparison of Herman Cain to Martha Coakley

…only “if they can prove to me that they’re putting the Constitution of the United States first.” Beck followed up by asking if he was calling for “some loyalty proof” for Muslims. Cain said, “Yes, to the Constitution of the United States of America.” When Beck then asked “Would you do that to a Catholic or would you do that to a Mormon?” Cain told the host, “Nope, I wouldn’t.” Yesterday, Robert P. George, the Princeton University professor, author…

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All Americans are Fat!

…ize, because I think it is wrong to do so. Someone who is aiming for the highest office in the United States, as Santorum is, should be held to a high moral standard, as the strong historical and current socioeconomic ties between The Netherlands and the United States should be held in high standing. All this leads me to the following conclusion: a man who uses such blatant false claims in order to promote his own agenda is either very devious or…

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SCOTUS Decision Changes the Meaning of Civil Religion in America

…Trump, however, civil religion has been broadly redefined to mean that the United States is exclusively shaped by and for white Christians (primarily evangelicals). Its rituals are now a deification of intolerance and mass rituals of white grievance and self pity. What the Court’s decision means is that people from Muslim-majority countries could just become the guinea pigs for Trump’s efforts to more narrowly define citizenship. The Court has ess…

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Like Azusa Street Baptized into Bureaucracy: Mexico’s Flourishing LLDM Church Loses its Apostle

…Central America, as well as in Chile, Colombia, Spain, and, of course, the United States. California alone has around 40 churches, and there are major congregations in Houston, Atlanta, and New York City as well. Along the way, LLDM has been able to take advantage of a broader growth in Latin American Protestantism—a trend that has tended to favor pentecostal movements. According to Pew Research Data, one in five people in Latin America now identi…

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What Religion Looks Like, Wisconsin Edition

…or wages and benefits. Bishop Linda Lee of the Wisconsin Conference of the United Methodist Church wrote to Governor Walker: United Methodists state in our 2008 Book of Discipline the following: “We support the right of all public and private employees and employers to organize for collective bargaining into unions and other groups of their own choosing. Further, we support the right of both parties to protection in so doing and their responsibili…

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What the Ferguson Protests Mean for Religious Progressive Activism

…as one among many who participated in protests in 170 locations around the United States. As the police gathered in numbers, as they ran towards us in the street, I felt an odd sense of hope. The ridiculously extreme response of authorities in Ferguson is an inverse measure of the potential of this movement. For people invested in white rule and racial disparity, the current protests are, indeed, a threat to the American way of life. But for many…

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Why I Will Not See The Help: A Rant

…t Emory University’s Candler School of Theology, I once heard now-deceased United Methodist Bishop Nolan Harmon justify enslavement to his Methodist Polity class by saying that “somebody had to do the work.” (The economic structure of the South depended on farming and 19th-century farming required vast human labor.) Nolan Harmon was a signatory of the infamous letter from eight Southern white clergy saying Birmingham demonstrations were “unwise an…

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Excommunicated For ‘Grave Scandal’ of Ordaining Women

…less others, had been trained at the SOA, and when major newspapers in the United States reported on the torture manuals they used, thousands joined our movement to close the School. It was in giving hundreds of talks about the SOA at churches and colleges that I met many devout women in the Catholic Church who told me about their call by God to the priesthood. These women had been rejected because the Catholic Church teaches that only baptized me…

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2018: Wave Goodbye to Another Year in Religion

…een ready to bravely blame somebody else for the problems of life in these United States. Given conservative evangelical support for—and by “support for” we mean “control over”—the Trump administration, it should come as no surprise that on the subject of religious liberties, the story has been one step forward, two steps back … then another two, and give me three more just for good measure. First, the good news: A poll this December shows that no…

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