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Persecution, Betrayal, and the Zero Sum Fight for Global Domination — Day 1 of NatCon 2024

…the capitalist Right.” American Moment, a right-wing think tank founded in 2021 with the backing of J.D. Vance, is, according to Politico, “on a mission to recruit and train the next generation of Republican elites by beginning at the lowest levels of the Washington hierarchy—the legislative assistants, press aides and junior staffers who will serve as the foot soldiers in the GOP’s war on the federal bureaucracy.” Now, however, as executive dire…

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Rising Influence of New Apostolic Reformation Teachings is Ominous Sign For the US — Especially For LGBTQ Students

…shoulders with Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, and made national news in 2021 when he urged his congregation to “stock supplies” and “keep guns loaded” in the lead up to Biden’s inauguration. During a recent interview on the mass conversion of people away from the “LGBTQ lifestyle” with controversial NAR leader Lou Engle (himself a supporter of vicious anti-gay legislation), Burden and Engle talk about spiritual “ground strikes” that “close por…

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Why the Roman Catholic Church Should Not Ordain Women as Deacons

…ough the Synod on Synodality, which was launched by Pope Francis in October 2021. While the document Enlarge the Space of Your Tent notes that the synodal process unearthed a near universal call from around the world for women deacons, it also notes that some parts of the world are also calling for women priests. If both priesthood and the diaconate are officially open for discernment, then why is the discussion about female deacons getting far mo…

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Russell Moore Claims There’s a Crisis in Evangelical America — But White Evangelicalism is Exactly Where it Wants to Be

…n the country, the Southern Baptist Convention, before he was pushed out in 2021 for criticizing Donald Trump. Since then, Moore has rebranded himself as defender of the soul of evangelical Protestantism. But his gambit depends on something important: that the broad public doesn’t know much about conservative religion. Moore wants us to believe that “Christianity is in crisis.” But it’s not in crisis—not for the reasons that he claims it is. Nor i…

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It’s the Theology, Stupid: Why the Shocking SBC Report is Anything But Surprising

…resolutions” about so-called “secular” issues (as I noted above), the SBC’s 2021 resolution “On Abuse and Pastoral Qualifications” is remarkably short. Thanks for looping in white men of “good character,” those who can separate themselves from “evil” one way or another, through their own testimony or that of others speaking on their behalf. When I was reading Russell Moore’s response to the Guidepost report in CT, I was struck by the headline, “Th…

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Why Don’t White People Show Up For Juneteenth The Way They Showed Up For George Floyd?

…have come to call the ‘Juneteenth conundrum’ is who is greeted by whom? In 2021, while at a summer solstice festival that happened to coincide with Juneteenth I recall with sheer amusement as two well-meaning, culturally sensitive White women approached tepidly to ask if they could wish me and my companions (all Black) a “Happy Juneteenth.” Our collective response, “sure,” and to their surprise I uttered with a straight face, “Thank you. You too….

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Evangelical Fiction Helped Shape a Culture of Faith — Along with Suspicion, Fear, and Resentment

…istian Fiction Shaped a Culture and a Faith Daniel Silliman Eerdmans Oct 5, 2021 Silliman explains that the evangelical publishing and marketing industry grew out of an earlier dissolution of denominational publishers and bookstores. Denominations had been the organizing structure of Protestantism until after the Second World War, he notes, and denominational publishing thrived because “a denomination could double as a distribution network.” Silli…

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James Dobson’s Family Values Were Influenced by a Eugenicist [Audio]

This exclusive three-minute clip, featuring historian Audrey Clare Farley, is from the May 17 episode of Straight White American Jesus, a podcast hosted by Bradley Onishi and Daniel Miller. RD will be collaborating with SWAJ to regularly bring you audio and transcripts on Christian nationalism, “conversion therapy,” purity culture, and more. — eds   Bradley…

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What We Need to Understand is that Fascism is Intersectional and Erotic—’Thy Rod is Thy Gun,’ With a Hip-Thrust

…comes down that golden escalator in 2015, he is a figure that I recognize instantly as the “Strongman” of the sort that American fundamentalism has exported: The dictators that we’ve propped up in the Philippines and Somalia and Indonesia. And here it was. We’ve had extreme right-wing politicians. But not that kind of figure who combines buffoonery and menace. That’s an alert that now we’re moving into what I understand as fascist aesthetics. So…

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Where Did White Evangelicalism’s Hatred of Critical Race Theory Really Begin?

…gelicals had already been laying the groundwork for the attack on CRT. For instance, the libertarian evangelical blog Truth and Liberty warned fellow evangelicals about CRT in Don’t Let Critical Race Theory Infiltrate the Church. The writer argued that CRT is not conducive to the gospel because of its “Marxist” orientation and its “flawed” definition of racism. In his essay The Rise of Woker-Than-Thou Evangelicalism, conservative pastor and John M…

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