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부산달리기트위터㉯〘〉〒부산업소 부산비비기♬부달오피 부달홈페이지❁부산비비기

Martin Luther King in the Era of Occupy

…134,280 in 2004 to $97,860 in 2009, a 24% decline. By contrast, the median net worth of black households declined 83%, from $13,450 in 2004 to $2,170 in 2009. The black unemployment rate, meanwhile, has risen from 14.7 % to 16.2%, and the overall percentage of black men working is at its lowest level since 1972, just over 56% (compared to a figure of over 68% for white men, itself a figure much lower than in previous years). The prophetic traditio…

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The Religious Duty to Come Out

…loset” is that it’s not just a set of walls around sexual behavior. It’s a net of lies that affects absolutely everything in one’s life: how you dress, who you befriend, how you walk, how you talk. And, more importantly, how you love. How can you build authentic relationships with anyone—friends, family—under such conditions? And if you’re religious, how can you be honest with yourself and your God if you maintain so many lies, so many walls runni…

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Case Against Church-State Separation From Unlikely Source

…of any mention of noted Reformed pastor/theologian (and early 20th-century Netherlands prime minister) Abraham Kuyper, whose ideas and policies regarding “sphere sovereignty” or “pillarization” (verzuiling) exerted a large if little-known influence on certain architects of Bush’s faith-based program. Maybe it’s just my own alertness to all things Netherlandish, but I thought it was passing strange for Daly to overlook such a towering figure as Kuy…

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Ponzi Schemes and Prophecy

…believes Social Security needs to be saved, that it’s an important safety net for Americans who have paid into it all their lives.” Perry did not invent the Ponzi scheme analogy for Social Security; back in 1995, economist James Glassman (he who wrongly predicted that the Dow would hit 36,000) opined that Social Security was like a “Ponzi scheme” in the service of his argument that it should be privatized. (His failed prognostications on the robu…

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Americans Lose Faith, Sinning with Transfats, the Elusive God Particle

…department’s actions. Does the religious right have a role to play in the net neutrality debate?  Another Baptist preacher is preaching against the sins of transfats. Rev. Michael O. Minor is fighting fat from his pulpit in the Mississippi Delta. He may want to mix in a few sermons on marriage. The Bible Belt has a higher divorce rate than the Northeast, researchers say. Some rabbis are getting help from comedy writers for their High Holy Day ser…

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New for Democrats: Non-Personhood for the Non-Rich

…of the deal they are about to vote through: the complete exemption of high-net-worth individuals from any kind of sacrifice, now or in the future, while the sick, the poor, the elderly, and school kids will pay the whole tab for America’s return to fiscal discipline. I am someone who has resisted the Roger Hodge “mendacity of hope” line on Obama, thinking it too harsh. Until now, that is. My stomach churns to think how this president and the leadi…

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Killing For Religion, Not God

…he prospect of watching one’s standard of living decline and social safety net fray, for the sake of visa-free travel conveniences and the privilege of more centralized banking. Don’t Trust Immigration (Islam), and Don’t Trust Marxism (Judaism) While in Bosnia, I was driven past Sarajevo’s historic National Library, which was deliberately torched during the 1990s war. Centuries of history were erased, part of a larger campaign to deny the historic…

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Note to the Tax-Slashers:
We Are Already Serfs

…oice between us spending our dotage in helplessness and filth and our high-net-worth friends having to forgo next year’s Learjet, Americans will chose the personal sacrifice every time. Bitter words, but all too true. I will inject very own note of bitterness by observing that the conservatives who never tire of warning us about the road to serfdom seem to have missed the fact that we are already serfs. Not serfs of a totalizing government, as the…

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David Barton: Creationist Founding Fathers Settled Debate Over Evolution

…hat Jesus opposed the minimum wage or that the bible takes a stand against net neutrality. One of Barton’s chief tricks is to conflate two concepts and treat them as the same thing. In this case, he references the 1968 Supreme Court decision of Epperson v Arkansas in which the court ruled that laws prohibiting the teaching of evolution were based on religious objections and therefore violated the First Amendment. On his WallBuilder website, he say…

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Paul Ryan’s Bible, Jim Wallis’, Or None of the Above?

…y the Heritage Foundation) is the Reagan-esque idea that government safety nets promote “dependency,” while evangelizing the poor will bring them to Jesus and—voila!—out of poverty. As I argued last year, writing about liberal-leaning religious groups countering Glenn Beck’s attack on social justice, the debate about the role of government should rooted in policy, not theology. As Peter Laarman has noted in these pages, in support of a robust defe…

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