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Guns and Babies: What Newtown Does NOT Teach Us

…e was any moment where God must have been present, it would have been in a classroom of young children, some just five years old, who were probably praying and crying for their parents as a disturbed young man took aim at them with a gun. The time has come to confront, without reservation and unceasingly, the type of theological evil that emerges from figures like Mike Huckabee and Bryan Fischer—who after yesterday seem little different from the W…

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The “Majority Victimhood”

…shed as severely as rape),” Buchanan intoned. When we had called to make a reservation earlier in the day, the lady had asked if we wanted a room with twin beds or the queen size bed. “Queen will be fine,” I told her. As we sat side-by-side on her finely-crafted sofa we knew the jig was up. They knew, and we knew they knew. They never said a word, and their hospitality continued to be perfect – but we were suddenly tired, and needed to go to bed. I…

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Yankton Sioux Revive Isnati Coming of Age Ceremony

…young Navajo women in this generation—including young women who leave the reservation for education—can return home to be with their relatives. What kind of support do our religious traditions give our daughters as they mature? How do we prepare them for and honor their transition into adulthood? What kind of imbalances and problems in our communities result from failing to prepare and honor young women? As a mother of two daughters and a feminis…

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Should Christians Confess to Plants? A Cranky Meditation

…fied in feeling imposed upon. I’d also be aware others likely feel greater reservations than I. The classic liturgies have limitations, but they generally serve worshipers well. Often I worship in congregations that use contemporary confessions of sin, and they commonly seem so petty. As Christians, we ask God to forgive us for our bad attitudes, and we should. But the classic liturgies confront us with a bigger, albeit generic truth: we have sinn…

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40,000 Fundamentalists Can’t Be Wrong: Investigating Mormon Polygamy

…few things I find more entertaining than a cult leader going clear off the reservation. I’ve always been drawn to outsiders and fringe groups—people who stand apart from the mainstream. So the mere existence of a subculture of 40,000 fundamentalists living outside the law in America struck me as tremendously exciting. Not to mention the fact that their faith is American—it could scarcely be more so—and yet they live in hiding, worshipping at secre…

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Ihram: Dressing for the King

…e on the thighs to prevent chafing. The intention of removing all signs of class and cultural distinction while performing the hajj reiterates that each man is equal to the next man. Nice. But I hope you noticed I said man to men, and I don’t ever use the word unless explicitly male. I never use that word for human being, person, or humanity as whole. That gives people too much license whether to include women as persons or human beings, so I just…

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The Surprisingly Short History of Popular Yoga

…n, Chicago, which Feltus describes as a “yoga desert.” He also offers yoga classes to men at the Cook County Jail. His classes consist of postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and talk therapy, which he suggests offer students the much-needed opportunity to purge otherwise painful memories, feelings, and thoughts. A teacher with Yoga for Recovery, a Chicago nonprofit offering yoga classes to women in the Cook County Jail, and co-founder of Ch…

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Salvation, Purity, and Right Wing Activism: A Sampling of What Taxpayers Will Be Forced to Support as a Result of Carson v. Makin SCOTUS Ruling

…watch “documentaries” about young earth creationism and “flood geology” in class. For a class to qualify as part of the AP program requires use of a standard introductory college textbook, but he refused to teach us the evolution chapters, telling us to read them on our own and regurgitate them for the exam. Apparently lying for Jesus is okay when you’re on the elite culture warrior track. Lesson learned. Teachers beginning class with prayer and d…

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Back to School at The First Public School In the Country To Require a World Religions Course

…take a “course” designed by the district to prepare them for teaching the class. There is no credential for this class so we are all “social studies teachers.” I’d like to see religious studies become a separate credential for teachers but that’s unlikely. Most religion scholars are teaching in the university. Do you think this curriculum could be implemented in other school districts? I know it could and it should. I had hoped it would happen wi…

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Rep. Smith Suggests a New Protected Class: “Immaturity”

…n of dependency” added along with “age, race, religion, sex, disability” — classes that are protected under our civil rights laws. Smith is robbing the legacy of the civil rights movement, the women’s rights movement, the disability rights movement (but of course not the LGBT rights movement, whose rights Smith’s conservative cohorts have blocked) to claim that fetuses are merely “immature” or “dependent” people who deserve the protections of the…

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