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Updated: Netflix’s Gay Jesus Upsetting Brazilian Christians Has a Centuries-Old History

…t in Brazil. According to AP‘s Diane Jeantet, the Court’s president wrote that “It is not to be assumed that a humorous satire has the magic power to undermine the values ​​of the Christian faith, whose existence goes back more than two thousand years.” Amen. There is a strong déjà-vu quality to the protests that have recently erupted around the Brazilian comedy troupe Porta dos Fundos’s presentation of Christ as a gay man. In Netflix’s Christmas…

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The Bible Says… and Other Myths About Scripture

…more than a generation (somewhere between 70 and 110 CE). All this to say that figuring out “what the Bible says” on any given topic is difficult and sometimes well-nigh impossible. Taking the Bible seriously means first taking its own history seriously, and then taking what it says seriously enough to admit the density and opacity of some of its pronouncements. “Mystery” is a word that appears with some regularity in many biblical books. In addit…

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Capricology: Week 2: The Soul of a Robot

…ofessional life as someone who has government contracts, and I’m not sure that what we saw in the episode fully prepared us for such an abrupt shift in her perceptions and actions. The episode’s opening shots already hint at the relationship between media, memory, and self-perception as we get flickering glimpses of multiple consciousnesses being reborn in the new mechanical body, as we burst from static into images which are memories of Zoe’s lif…

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Global Warming Denialists the New Creationists?

…an effect world weather”! Astrology, of course, is a superstitious belief that the movements of stars and planets can affect our daily lives here on Earth, a belief that has no basis in science. Some people—including, apparently, the South Dakota legislature—still take it seriously, although most view astrological forecasts as light entertainment… And we mustn’t ignore “thermological” causes. Do the wise SD legislators realize that thermology is t…

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Will Sisters Save the Catholic Church?

…d it. I detect a kind of creeping clericalism in the friendly suggestions that a woman be Pope or that sisters and priests who labor in the vineyard are the real McCoy even if they have no decision-making power. Of course a woman ought to be considered for the highest position in any religious group, and of course the good people who do the daily work of feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and standing up to unjust powers are spiritual stars….

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Can Atheists Simply Ignore Theology?

…ent with experience—remains viable regardless of what science teaches us. What this means is that in a broad sense a theistic worldview is empirically unfalsifiable… just like a naturalistic one. Simply put, we don’t test our holistic worldviews the way we test whether the emperor is naked or clothed. We test them by trying them on, trying to live them out, and then reflecting on how well they work as organizing principles for individual and commu…

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Kagan: Establishment Clause Is “Hard”

…to this issue – and there seems to me great virtue in this approach – is that in order to prevent that from happening, or to prevent it the other way – where the state does something in order to advance Establishment Clause values and then somebody comes in and makes a Free Exercise claim. Either way, what the court has stated is that there needs to be some “play in the joints.” There needs to be some freedom for government to act in this area wi…

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Rebooting the Universe: Doctor Who part X, Season Finale

…same time, we put our past together. And it is precisely because of this that what we recall cannot always be relied on for accuracy. This is relevant to religion in numerous ways. One of the subjects I study is the historical figure of Jesus. I have encountered with surprising frequency the fringe viewpoint which claims that Jesus is unlikely to have really existed, having been concocted from earlier myths and stories (although why anyone would…

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Mel Gibson’s ‘To-Do’ List

…get a hold of some of their to-do lists which should give you an idea of what they’re up to these days. Jim Wallis 1. Keep digging until hit common ground 2. Give Glenn Beck a noogie 3. Clean up donkey dung in Senate chambers 4. Register God to vote 5. Email Bono that just joined R(ED) Glenn Beck 1. Give Jim Wallis a wedgie 2. Order assclown costume 3. Bring cotton candy to the media circus 4. Conduct taste test to find best chalk 5. Buy extra-st…

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Forget the “God Gap,” the “Union Gap” is Bad News for Republicans

…ut 11% of working Americans, compared to roughly 20-25% of the population that is evangelical—but as we know, religious practice is on the decline in the US*, and boy, it sure looks like organized labor has been mightily energized by the events of the past couple of weeks. What’s more, the strongest correlation with voting is racial, not religious. Not only do blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic, but Hispanics—the fastest growing demographic in…

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