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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…essing the controversy made real dialogue impossible. And the responses to his article have been no better. In the current polarized American political atmosphere one wonders if there is any way—polite or impolite—to conduct a serious public conversation about the Middle East in general, and about Israel in particular The clash between Arun Gandhi and the American Jewish leadership, Israeli intellectuals, and American Christian supporters of Zioni…

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The Mystic in the Rye: JD Salinger’s Religious Fiction

…ur Glass clearly felt that you could be “too happy” (perhaps ‘serene’ is a better word for the state he wished to cultivate). Buddy swerved from that path. Perhaps. Oh this happiness is strong stuff. It’s marvelously liberating. I’m free, I feel, to tell you exactly what you must be longing to hear now. That is, if as I know you do, you love best in this world those little beings of pure spirit with a natural temperature of 125, then it naturally…

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God TV: Televangelism 2.0

…radical prayer.” She predicted that such a huge revival was coming to the east coast of the United States and that in “less than a decade the East Coast will be called America’s Bible Belt.” She is not, in other words, deterred by pursuit of the impossible. In fact, it is the impossible that keeps the movement going—after all, one’s quest for purity, in realms spiritual and otherwise, is always an exercise in futility. So there’s always something…

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Post-Zionism or Post-Judaism?

…with its ridiculous gags and stereotypes about hummus, sex, and the Middle East, refuses to be taken seriously. Both films signal the need to cross the boundaries between Israeli Jews and Palestinians, but neither offers meaningful ideas on how to do so. The Zohan and Restless are significant as indicators of the current state of Zionism, but without engaging Jewish tradition and regional politics, they remain celluloid fantasies of sex and the ci…

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RDBook: Bernard Avishai’s The Hebrew Republic

…oach-that is, he hopes that Israel can become a member of a greater Middle East, modeled on the EU. A Middle Eastern EU has been proposed before: the French suggested something similar when they proposed a Mediterranean Union. However, all this thinking is premature. Avishai glosses over the fact that the EU itself did not spring into being overnight: Europe underwent two deeply traumatic world wars before the formation of the European Community a…

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RD News Round-Up—Nov. 4, 2008

…lity of peace has been sitting in a drawer ready to be implemented for at least 15 years, and most of us think Christian Zionism is an impediment toward peace in the Middle East.” The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has reported that about 20 to 40 million Americans are Christian Zionists. “I would say the whole flier seems to me to be describing a stereotype of a Christian Zionist,” Brog said. “There are some Christian Zionists who are oppo…

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The Tea Party are Sodomites

…n hospitality is entirely of a piece with what we know of the Ancient Near East where, like today, among Bedouin and Arabs, hospitality is a core value. The Ancient Near East had no Holiday Inns; hospitality is essential for survival and its presence or absence says much about the ethical character of people. Consider Exodus 22:21 and 23:9 and its injunction not to oppress strangers; Luke 7:44-46 (where Jesus rebukes Simon: “I entered your house,…

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Inauguration: An Evangelical And A Gay Bishop—What’s Missing?

…tinues. How about an inaugural symbol that points to healing in the Middle East? Is this a missed opportunity? What if the Obama transition team decided to use the invocation in inauguration as an opportunity for a shared prayer? What if the invocation to this inauguration was shared by a Jewish rabbi and a Muslim imam. Imagine how powerful it would have been had the very first prayer of this administration to be jointly offered by a rabbi and an…

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Palin Talks Israel in Anticipation of 2012

…proportions,” Harris-Perry concluded, adding that while “Much of the urban East Coast discourse about Palin and The Tea Party women is dismissive and mocking… this perspective ignores that visceral emotions are at least as important as sober rationality in making political choices.”  Visceral emotions frequently govern the debate over Israel as well. If Palin does run for president in 2012 we can be sure that unequivocal support for Israel will be…

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The Right is Deeply Divided Over Support for Israel — Though It’s Not About Justice for Palestinians

…, a Christian nationalist, echoed Walsh, tweeting that “US tax dollars are better spent at our own border or on combatting addiction than being sent to Israel.” On his show, former Fox host Tucker Carlson condemned Haley, Graham and others as “bloodthirsty” and “warmongers,” and interviewed presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy, who affirmed that “we need leaders here who will look after what advances American interests.” Steve Bannon insisted, on…

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