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Vatican Reverses Anti-Liberation Policies in Mexico

…losing seminaries and replacing bishops was repeated throughout Latin America, as the Vatican dismantled the infrastructure of the theology of liberation. In his previous capacity as Jesuit provincial in Argentina, Pope Francis himself had labored to contain the liberation movement. As head of the Argentine bishops conference, then-Cardinal Bergoglio, expressly criticized application of Marxist interpretations of the bible and the theology they in…

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Clergy May Soon Find Taxes Soaring As Result of an Under-the-Radar Ruling

…than the space itself, is the one that Crabb found unconstitutional. For decades, both Catholic and Protestant clergy in the U.S. tended to fall into the former of these categories, and indeed, many religious workers still do. Catholic priests typically live in rectories provided by the church; monks and nuns, Christian and otherwise, live in monasteries and convents; and a number of historic Protestant churches, especially those best endowed fina…

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Kirk Cameron Joins the Anti-Mormon Chorus
(Sort Of)

…tters’ host Brannon Howse continued his attack in a conversation with Kirk Cameron about why Cameron did not participate in Glenn Beck’s Divine Destiny. Howse marveled at the “thick irony” wherein Cameron (the actor who played Buck, the converted journalist warning about the “demonic spirituality of a one world religion” in the Left Behind movies) was stepping up to critique the pluralistic spirituality promoted by Beck. In Howse’s view, the not-s…

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I Volunteer to Root Out Christian Extremism

…My mention of high schoolers supposes that American high schoolers with a “cause” can get their hands on major weaponry. Yes, they can! And please understand that the LAST thing I want to do is interfere with their Second Amendment rights. So-called “privacy” is negotiable; the Right to Bear Arms is not. As you and I know full well, access to guns is not the issue here. Bad intent is the issue. Let’s get this project moving without delay, shall we…

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Reparative Therapy is Quackery, Rabbis Agree—But that Doesn’t Mean it’s Okay to Be Gay

…very different statements on Judaism and homosexuality. First, the Rabbinical Council of America (the umbrella organization of Orthodox rabbis) fully withdrew their support of JONAH, claiming, in fact, that they’d never supported it to begin with. This step strongly suggests that the organization has lost credibility in the modern Orthodox world. Second, and from the somewhat-moderate wing of the ultra-Orthodox community, last week saw yet anothe…

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Satan May Provide a Comforting Story in Times of Crisis, But it Comes With a Price

…Devil takes the stage, and our moment is no exception. Since the drastic escalation of Covid-19 cases worldwide in the past three months, the media has been invaded by invocations of Satan. Recent interpretations of religious, medical, and environmental developments through the lens of the cosmic archenemy remind us of the hidden costs of spiritual warfare. Jesus vs. Satan: The Origins of Coronavirus, by an anonymous author, was sold out by early…

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Running Against the Devil: Trump’s Conspiracy-Laden Fight Against Powers of Darkness

…s leaders also link the Illuminati with the demise of Christianity in America and call to their followers to stop this movement by voting for conservatives who support Christianity and their stance on culture war issues. Just as the demise of Christianity within America is linked to government policy, so too are conspiratorial controls over the democratic system in the country. Government policy in support of culture war issues are signs of the pr…

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The Elite Movement Laying the Foundation for a MAGA That Will Outlast Trump and Remake America: Inside NatCon Part I

…nt, launched by Israeli academic Yoram Hazony in 2019 to build the ideological scaffolding for a robust illiberal nationalist movement in America, one strong enough to outlast the Trump presidency and reshape the American political landscape. Since its inaugural conference, NatCon has served as a platform to draw together a heterogeneous assortment of academics, journalists, political operatives, elected officials, and other thought leaders and mo…

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‘Late Night With The Devil’ Reflects the Role of Talk Shows in Sensationalizing the Satanic Panic of the 1980s

…on ABC’s The Dick Cavett Show. In what may have been demonic intervention, Cavett’s other guests canceled and Blatty was allowed to spend 45 minutes hawking his book. Suddenly The Exorcist was a best-seller. After Exorcist mania swept the country, the networks again began looking for a live-exorcism—but they wanted a Catholic priest rather than a Spiritualist. They began courting Father Karl Patzelt, an Austrian-born Jesuit who, in 1973, performed…

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Protests Force Torch Detour in San Francisco

…by restaurants and benches. “The Olympics is a world event. It’s not political,” said Chinese-American Ging Wang. “The people supporting Tibet were mostly Westerners,” said Carrie Zheng, a college student in her first year away from China. “The first thing is, Tibet is, was and always will be a part of China. We don’t have restrictions on religion in Tibet. We will never, ever deny their religion.” For Tibetan Buddhist Tseten Dorjee, who flew from…

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