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LDS Church Response to Prop. 8 Begs Question of Polygamy

…the world that they care for each other in sickness and in health. And we look forward to the day when LGBT teens and young adults can speak freely about the qualities they want in a spouse without fear of reprisal from society, because, as we so often proclaim, ALL families matter. In his dissent, Judge Smith cited two factors that he believed could legitimate a state interest in a heterosexuals-only definition of marriage: (1) a responsible pro…

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Spiritualism and Sex Meet Evangelical Censorship, 19th-Century-Style

…ence mirrored in Bouguereau’s work. Sure, the jacket design makes the book look sexy, but it is much more than that, which becomes clear as the story unfolds.  Also, the other great thing about the jacket is how much effort—and luck—it took for me to locate the private collection in which the painting is now housed. This was one of those research fixations that panned out in surprisingly wonderful ways. I was extremely fortunate to locate this art…

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Palin’s Persecution Complex Culminates with “Blood Libel” Accusation

…inflated egos, including the Arizona massacre. Even in tragedy, they both look for the camera and the press to focus on themselves, rather than their conscience or the victims. While it is clear that both Beck and Palin suffer from martyr complexes, Palin’s disease is far worse. The “mean girl of Wassila” can dish it out, but she can’t take it. She is a cheerleader inciting strife, not a leader. Rather than take criticism like a leader would, her…

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Updated: Dr. Oz Thinks Anti-Muslim’s Sugar-Daddy Sheldon Adelson is “Not So Bad”

…wants to invest in kids because they are our future and always will be. I look forward to visiting her addiction clinic in Tel Aviv where she helps people who have fallen prey to addictive behavior as they try and cope with the challenges of life. I applaud Mr. Adelson for being wise enough to marry such a wise woman and brilliant physician. And by the way, Sheldon’s not so bad himself. This is the same Sheldon Adelson who not only poured million…

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October “Baby” is a Grown Woman

…n a date, and then eavesdrops as Jason does so. Attention Hannah’s father: look into boundaries) So that’s that. October Baby strains and strives to have a universal message about abortion, sometimes to unintentionally humorous effect. The unnamed university, for example, is only referred to as “the university,” by students, parents, and even a university official giving a speech. The unnamed hospital has a sign that says “Hospital.” But it isn’t…

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Resurrecting Marley at 70: Rastafari History in 5 Songs

…tafari founders as the fulfilment of Marcus Garvey’s late 1920s prophecy (“Look to Africa for the crowning of a King, for the day of deliverance is near”), Ras Tafari was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia on November 2, 1930. He took the name Haile Selassie, which means “power of the Trinity.” Garveyites in Jamaica, such as Archibald Dunkley and Leonard Howell, grew animated when they heard that “the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah” (Rev 5:5) was…

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New Challenges to Gay Marriage Bans From Within States & Denominations

Don’t look now but the marriage equality snowball is gaining momentum. Since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down part of the Defense of Marriage Act allowing legally wed gay and lesbian couples access to the federal rights and responsibilities of marriage, LGBT rights groups have wasted no time using the momentum to push for more changes. Couples in states like Kentucky, Virginia, Arkansas and Pennsylvania have filed lawsuits challenging those sta…

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40,000 Fundamentalists Can’t Be Wrong: Investigating Mormon Polygamy

…there but we can’t see her, her identity is concealed, she’s a secret. And look at those dramatic skies ahead of her. That’s polygamy: a gathering storm in the desert. Is there a book out there you wish you had written? Which one? Why? Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, for obvious reasons. But also Jeff Sharlet’s The Family—impeccably researched, expertly constructed and of lasting importance. Simply the best and most frightening expose of…

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Better Living Through Bad Physics?

…f a discussion in one of C.S. Lewis’ books. He talks about seeing a table. Look at it; it’s just a table, right? Well, not really. Because once you start getting into the details of what it means to “look at a table,” you wind up face-to-face with mysteries and complications you could never have imagined. Among other things, you get involved with quantum mechanics, and as Richard Feynman famously remarked in a 1964 Cornell lecture, “I think I can…

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Christian Pollsters Find “Homosexual Behavior” Gaining Moral Ground

…since it really is a Republican value. As the National Journal reports, one such insider offered: “We can’t be a party that supports a zone of personal freedom and then try to use federal power to curtail it. Plus, we increasingly look prejudiced, and not a little stupid, on this issue.” It would be nice if the GOP would support marriage equality because they truly are not prejudiced instead of fearing that they might “look prejudiced,” but it’s…

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