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The Night of the Farting Dog: An Atheist in Freefall

…t they’re conspicuously homogenous: white, male, and squarely professional class [there are exceptions, however —ed.]. Personalities like the natty Richard Dawkins cut a profile that’s not much of a departure from the iconic white Protestant pulpit master. If you’ve been following the rise of this movement, noted Monica Shores on the Ms. Magazine blog last November, “you may have noticed that it sure looks a lot like old religion.” Surely atheism,…

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Is Wisconsin Union-Busting Religiously Sanctioned?

…North. North’s earliest work (1973), widely used as a Christian school textbook, is entitled Introduction to Christian Economics and he was founder/owner of the publishing outfit Institute for Christian Economics (ICE). North has written on the Federal Reserve, inflation as intentional theft of the value of money, and in favor of privatization labeling other arrangements “socialism.” He also published David Chilton’s Productive Christians in an Ag…

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Apoplectic about Abortion: One Woman’s Emotional Roller Coaster

…, “more moral policing by big government.” Did these electeds never take a class in logic? Do they really “think with their d—-s?” Forgive the expression, but it fits. Political logic would attach family planning to a decrease of the deficit and increase the funding for it. One d-word appears to be in the way of another. More unwanted children require more schooling, polices and services. Duh. To even bring up the possibility (just raised, and tha…

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Which Side Are You On?

…It’s not going to work. We are in the midst of a full-on, honest-to-gosh, class war. Gov. Walker and governors like him all across the nation are trying to take a slice out of the ass of the poor, the working and middle classes, so that they can defend the privilege of the rich not to pay high taxes and corporations to, well, pretty much to do whatever the hell they want. Walker and his colleagues have no vision of community, no understanding of…

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Evangelicals and “Orphan Care”

…lievers in our Lord Jesus Christ, with equality across racial, gender, and class differences.” On the other hand, a statement of faith for an alliance to promote adoption? Even if it is meant to be a church-based movement, this strikes me as rather odd, as does the first article in that statement: “We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.” What that has to do with adoption is beyond me. Still, the bo…

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Wolves Repelled by Christian Rock, Bibles for Porn, Fox Rejects Super Bowl Ad

…proper context for John 3:16 at a football game. In Alabama, a meditation class is helping to lower prison violence. The National Prayer Breakfast was held on Thursday and a variety of speakers talked about their spiritual lives. President Obama spoke candidly about his personal Christian faith. Astronaut Mark Kelly, husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, spoke about what good might come out of the Arizona shooting tragedy. One of the rescued Chilea…

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Woe to You, Bryan Fischer

…% increased by 256%; the poorest households saw an increase of 11%; middle class homes, 21%, much of which was due to the arrival of two-job families. And yet, Fischer bemoans the fact that the government is willing to spend a little more to help those who are suffering, while not making one peep about how giving more money to those who need it the least will blow a hole in the deficit. The prophet Amos says don’t think that God doesn’t notice thi…

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LGBT Rights in the New Egypt

…Whether the movement will result in a fully liberal democratic state remains to be seen, but because it is being led by a younger generation who tend to be more open, we can remain hopeful. However, class continues to play a huge role in this movement, and there is no clear positivist political platform yet. The interview is fairly nuanced and really worth listening to….

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Will Women Priests Change the Church?

…ost obvious signs that institutional Catholicism relegates women to second-class citizenship. In the movie, many wonderful women describe their priestly vocations from childhood, their calls to ministry, and how they have struggled to fulfill them. Patricia Fresan, now a bishop with the RCWP group, speaks matter-of-factly about being a professor of homiletics in a seminary while being barred from preaching on account of her gender. She connects ap…

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Damn You Auto-Correct: Creationist Edition

…at permits “supplemental materials” in Texas is more flexible than for textbooks. Rather than meet all the new standards, the material only has to address some of them. Additionally, the materials aren’t purchased by the state, as with textbooks in Texas. Instead, materials approved by the board may be bought by local school districts. Former board member and young earth creationist Don McLeroy made clear the provision’s intent when he said that a…

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