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Kill Your Patriarchs: An Interview with Michael Muhammad Knight

…vative, in popular parlance) stance on religion. He associates mostly with South Asian immigrants, even going to Pakistan for a while, which, I believe, explains his ability to render the immigrant experience so well. He has a crisis of faith that happens as he learns about Shi’ism: I had been taught to revere that first generation. The Prophet had said that they would be the greatest Muslims of all time, seconded by the generation immediately aft…

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A Mennonite on American Obesity

…until you explode. As I contemplated the commonplace nature of obesity in South Central PA, and its prevalence among Christians and non-Christians alike, I remembered something about gluttony being one of the seven deadly sins. And then it hit me like a T-bone steak through my TV screen—that’s right up there with lust on the list of deadly sins. Here we were, slothfully chowing away in the richest nation in the world, in a mall a few doors down f…

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Social Cost of Christianity?

…e more likely to feel a sense of stigma, highest among those living in the south. For instance, 57 percent of U.S. respondents said they felt they would suffer at least minor social repercussions in the workplace if they came out as an atheist, compared to only 35 percent of respondents in Canada, 24 percent of Australians, 15 percent of residents of United Kingdom, and 12 percent of Western Europeans. The post sparked a great discussion in the co…

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Do Tea Partiers Use Religious Justification For Racial Rhetoric?

…and American Law. Botham counterposes the legal structure in the American South, based in Protestantism, with the legal structure of the West, based in Catholicism, by looking at two court cases challenging interracial marriage laws: the more familiar Loving v. Virginia and Perez v. Lippold. What I loved about this book is how Botham looks at the way biblical interpretation, legal history, and the institution of slavery interact to create ever-ev…

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The Conservative Christian Case for Separation of Church and State

…t political candidates, has chosen to endorse Gordon Howie for Governor of South Dakota from the pulpit. Howie has asked for pastoral support and in return has promised to assist those pastors in taking their inevitable IRS trials to the Supreme Court in an effort to end separation of church and state in America. Pastor, I recognize your frustration, and I see how things have come to this. For years America has only shrugged at religion, and recen…

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Everyone Should Know The Story Of Alyssa Peterson

…sionaries—two American, three Peruvian—were killed by leftist guerillas in South America in 1989, 1990, and 1991.)   The globalization of the Church brings new pressures to our concept of who we Mormons are and what constitutes moral and humane behavior in the contemporary world.   We are now a religious tradition that is home not only to Russell Pearce, the author of Arizona’s immigration law SB 1070, but also to Anglo and Latino Mormon activists…

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Rand Paul: We Wouldn’t Need Laws If Everyone Were Christian

…ary North abandoned black people to the terrible lawlessness of a vengeful South. Civil-rights movement leaders were fighting for the federal government to secure their rights against the arbitrary tyranny of the political powers in the Southern states, which maintained their hold on local government through coercion and violence. Paul seems to think that good Christians don’t need civil laws (or civil rights laws, for that matter) for them to do…

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Clarion Fund Claims Times Square Bombing Attempt Proof of “Coordinated Jihad Against Western Values”

…toon.” At the web site Jews On First, which follows the religious right, a number of analysts contributed to Rebutting Obsession, which as the name suggests, cuts through the film’s ahistorical, conspiratorial, and propagandistic claims. Writing around the same time in the London Review of Books, Adam Shatz described the Clarion Fund as: a front for neoconservative and Israeli pressure groups. It has an office, or at least an address, in Manhattan…

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Invoking God’s Name Like a Bludgeon

…icials who think everyone who goes to college is Christian. For years now, southern California’s Saddleback Community College, a public school part of the South Orange County Community College District, has been offering up Christian prayers at annual scholarship award presentations, graduations and other events despite ongoing requests by students, faculty and members of the public that the prayers offend their religious beliefs. Donald Wagner, p…

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First Draft Of History Today Could Be Fox News Promo Tomorrow

…rom history. Just as board members want students to learn the lie that the South seceded because of state’s rights and not slavery, they’ll probably want them to also believe that racism never had anything to do with their opposition to a health care program that is, as Investor’s Business Daily declared, “affirmative action on steroids, deciding everything from who becomes a doctor to who gets treatment on the basis of skin color.” If you have tr…

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