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Ex-Mormons Shouldn’t Proselytize Mormons… Really?

…ivity to truth and beauty or other things Mormons consider related to “the spirit”? The FM response acknowledges that believers might choose to “shun” their “‘spiritually dead’ loved ones” before complaining that Some new non-believers, on the other hand, sometimes wants to share their new-found “truth” with those they love in order to “get them out” of what they now mockingly refer to as “the cult”; in the process, they place unneeded stress and…

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The Creepy Surveillance of Elf on a Shelf

…agic plausible. Writing on Santa, Nathan Schneider argues that the holiday spirit is mostly based on the irrelevance of proof. Evidence does not matter because Santa. Adults all know that Santa does not exist, yet lying to children about him is cultural expectation. Try explaining to someone, anyone really, that you want to opt of St. Nick for your kids. To put it mildly, it does not go over well. (I might have been accused of child abuse.) There…

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Unauthorized Catholic Immigrants will Renew a Christian America, Archbishop Says

…e a special duty today to be the guardians of the truth about the American spirit and our national identity.” In fact, Archbishop Gomez argues, immigrant Catholics “without proper documentation,” who share the values of “faith, family, and community” are “the key to American renewal.” Yes, Archbishop Gomez is arguing that unauthorized immigrants not only deserve the chance to adjust their status to live legally in the United States, but also hold…

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Pigging Out: What ‘Radically Unkosher’ Jewish Foodies Like Michael Pollan Are Missing

…donism), and biodynamic farmers, whose movement grew out of the explicitly spiritual work of Rudolph Steiner, are quite comfortable with spiritual, cosmological language. Scholar Melissa Caldwell points out that in Russia, “‘natural foods’ philosophies represent the natural environment as a source of sociability and spirituality,” and Russians feel nature “not only produces but also nourishes and protects the Russian nation.” Personal gardening is…

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Ritual Killing v. Factory Farming, or, Are There Roosters in Heaven?

…en out of view. It asks that any connection that animals might have to the spirit world remain tamely leashed to our household pets. There is a growing movement of people who are not farmers but are trying to get more in touch with their food, a la Michael Pollan, moving toward experiencing the death throes of the creatures they consume. They raise chickens in their urban backyards before butchering them and inviting their friends over to share. T…

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On Whistleblowing, MLK, Jr., and the Politics of Resistance in the Digital Age

…exercises prudent judgment over what documents or images are disclosed in service of that dissent, and provides context for their meaning and interpretation. That is the charge of journalism. Indeed Glenn Greenwald points out that that if Snowden had wanted to harm the U.S., he could have easily passed on or sold his information to U.S. state enemies or terrorists. Instead he sought the editorial judgment of The Guardian. Yet commercial pressures…

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Who Are Michigan Catholic Bishops to Judge?

…that Catholics across the country have apparently paid closer attention to spirit of the Holy Father’s words than have church leaders. Polling released by the Pew Research Center last week showed a dramatic increase in Catholic support for marriage equality in the United States, with a jump from 34% in 2004, when the Michigan amendment was approved, to 59% today. For pity’s sake, even most young Republicans now favor marriage equality.  As Mary E….

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Will Righteous Mormons Still Get their Own Planets?

…—a much more euphemistic statement than the claim that “we are all literal spirit children of our Heavenly Father,” meaning that we were all conceived in the preexistence through some act of spiritual procreation. However guarded its wording, the essay does at least acknowledge LDS belief in a Heavenly Mother: “Latter-day Saints have also been moved by the knowledge that their divine parentage includes a Heavenly Mother as well as a Heavenly Fathe…

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“The Lord’s Standard of Morality” Promotes LDS Rape Culture

…re or narrative that feeds the carnal man within” and is “repulsive to the Spirit of the Lord;” and women must dress modestly because their clothes have “a powerful impact on the minds of men,” and because “in the end, most women get the type of man they dress for.” “Lust is motivated by disobedience, self-gratification, and lack of discipline,” Callister states after discussing all the sexual behavior righteous human beings must avoid. Really? Wh…

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Promise Keepers Launches Effort to Support Messianic Jews in Israel

…Himself, prayed that these Jewish believers would be unified with the vast numbers of Gentile believers, resulting in the world recognizing that He was truly sent by God.” The September 17 event, which will be held at an outdoor amphitheater outside the Old City walls, is called “Jesus Reigns,” and is part of Promise Keepers’ new “sister” ministry, “One Message,” which is not exclusively for men, spokesman David Jesse told me. The event, he said,…

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