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Sterilization Denial for Woman with Brain Tumor Highlights Religious Liberty Conflict

…of … reproductive health care that have increasingly taken hold across the country. According to Deutsch, Section 1557 of the ACA bans health programs receiving federal funds, including hospitals, from discriminating on the basis of sex: “When providers seek out a medical service specially affecting women’s reproductive capacity for exclusion, they target pregnant women or women of childbearing age for unequal treatment.” She says Section 1557 sho…

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The Question is: What Kind of Football Does God Fancy?

…team and its fans being the punchline of a cruel joke. But after this past Sunday night’s game, apparently God is once again a football fan, and a partisan one at that. Even if we agree with Zirin that Rodgers’ comments were tongue-in-cheek, he didn’t have to make this comment at all. What likely encouraged it, aside from good old retribution, was the type of game that these two teams played. It lacked late-stage drama (though the Packers did come…

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Is the Pope’s Concern for Immigration Just a “Numbers Game”?

…f working with refugees when he visited Centro Astalli, the Jesuit Refugee Service’s Center in Rome two years ago. Before mentioning migrants from Latin America traveling north to the United States in his speech to the U.S. Congress, Pope Francis spoke of Europe’s immigration crisis. “Our world is facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War,” he said. He will likely spend more time on this topic at the United Nations…

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Why We Should Stop Trying to Pigeonhole This Pope

…es that it should regard “the creation of jobs as an essential part of its service to the common good.” In the encyclical itself, Francis is more forthright in his criticism of capitalism, castigating “a magical conception of the market, which would suggest that problems can be solved simply by an increase in the profits of companies or individuals.” All this is political, certainly, or at least has political implications. But Francis’ approach do…

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If Modesto’s Public Schools Can Teach World Religions, It Can Happen Anywhere

…lism. Modesto is the city where, as a teen, I was invited by a friend to a service at his church. It turned out to be a performance of “Heaven’s Gates, Hell’s Flames,” a dramatization of the final moments of peoples’ deaths. The play vividly promised eternal hellfire for those who had not given their heart to Christ. My fourteen-year-old self wanted to know: what about the Dalai Lama? Was he destined for Satan’s eternal presence? Modesto is also t…

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The Martyrdom of Cecil the Lion

…human creatures, we are alone, hanging out occasionally with Kenyan Forest Service. There are false perceptions that ebola is in East Africa and that terrorism abounds, and the parks have emptied of the usual tourists and missionaries (tourists themselves, in the neocolonial sense). William and I pack up the tent for the night and we get up early, go for a morning drive, as is our usual custom (he grew up here). The morning breeze whipping by the…

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Will the Pope’s Woman Problem Alienate Young Catholics?

…oted that many of the 19 percent of Vatican employees who are women are in service jobs, and that there are only two women undersecretaries. In addition, Francis recently said he had no plans to appoint women to head dicasteries, which are the governing bodies of the Vatican (although four women were appointed to the commission on sex abuse that Francis created). “What governs all of this are the canons that say only the ordained can be appointed,…

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Cruz and the Evangelical Illusion

…merged as the eventual nominee, although both eventual nominees played lip service to evangelical concerns. This cycle, as I wrote on several occasions last year, Donald Trump has scrambled the formula for winning over evangelical voters. Rather than pandering to evangelical voters with talk of “biblical values,” opposition to abortion, or promises to fight for “religious liberty,” Trump has played his own game. While evangelical “leaders” demand…

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White People Dying Younger Because of…Moral Turpitude? Give Us a Break

…work now make less than $30,000 per year for their trouble; it’s not that service sector employers have created a wretched temp economy in which wage workers can’t plan and can’t enjoy a normal personal life because their work schedules are constantly shifting; it’s not that involuntary part-time work is at an all-time high; it’s not that the earning prospects for many jobs are so pitiful that unprecedented numbers of workers have simply stopped…

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How Ben Carson Uses “Secular Progressives” as a Shield

…ce him and maybe even harm him. Last month, Carson claimed he needs Secret Service protection because “I’m in great danger because I challenge the secular progressive movement to the very core.” Carson also appears to see himself as a prophet warning of the subterfuge used by “secular progressives.” As is evident if you watch the exchange with Camerota, or Carson’s hectoring news conference yesterday, questioning him is trying to “change the subje…

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