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Forget History Channel’s The Bible, Meet Omar

…st Muslim polity expanded into Jerusalem, Damascus, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and Central Asia. (Muhammad died in 632; Omar was Caliph from 634-644.) That’s some good television.  It’s also surprisingly nuanced, considering what I grew up learning in Sunday School. Omar is one of the so-called “musalsilat,” series that are produced specifically for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Every night, after a) drinking, like Bosnians allegedly do (ask Michael B…

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Note to the New Pope: Half of the World’s Poor are Women

…Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, stepped out on the Vatican loggia at 8:22 Central European Time today to be introduced to the world. In some respects, the election of Cardinal Bergoglio is a very promising sign. As an archbishop from the most populous Catholic continent on Earth, Latin America, the new Pope Francis I symbolizes a shift that has been a very long time coming, from Eurocentrism to the Church of the Global South. Not to mention his r…

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New Pope Accused of Conspiring in Kidnapping

…torship—and outrage over the crimes committed during that period—remains a central part of the activist narrative in Argentina, heard widely at demonstrations in support of LGBT and reproductive rights. A common protest chant—“Iglesia. Basura. Vos sos la dicatura!” (Church. Garbage. You are the dictatorship!)—today became—“Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”  Habemus Papam Franciscum! Check back (or sign up for the newsletter) for a more det…

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Pseudo-Historian David Barton in the Times and on The Daily Show

…there yet).”   Barton insists that the definition of “Christian Nation” he promotes is merely one that recognizes that the “nation’s institutions and cultures have been shaped by Christianity”   He says there “is no exclusivity at all;” that the reason the phrase “under God” is permissible in the Pledge of Allegiance is because “there’s no coercion involved.” He says, we “have the right to worship according to the dictates of conscience regardless…

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Marriage Equality: A Civil Religious Moment

…l essentially religious roles. Not coincidentally, civil religion played a central role in the 1960s civil rights movement; then, too, secular rights were at issue, but the values in play were obviously trans-secular. Civil religion venerates its sacred texts (the Constitution chief among them), while disagreeing as to how they are to be interpreted. And it has its sacred tenets about the American nation, even if their meanings, too, are hotly con…

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Demonized and Demonizing No More.

…e to write in a very different genre: memoir. Why? Interfaith work gives a central place to the idea of exchanging stories to create more understanding and enrich the quality of the conversations that take place between people in various communities. As I began to speak about and do work related to the intersection of atheist identity and interfaith dialogue, I drew a lot on my personal stories and began to recognize how my experiences shaped my c…

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Are the Culture Wars Over? Look at the States

…be a nation that prays and trusts in God.” In North Carolina, state House Republicans have filed a bill that would (if it were even conceivably constitutional) trump the Establishment Clause, nullify federal court rulings upholding the Establishment Clause, and allow North Carolina to establish a state religion (a Christian kind, that is). The bill’s sponsors are reacting to a lawsuit by the ACLU, seeking to have explicitly Christian prayers at g…

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Preachers’ Daughters Episode 4: Victoria Apologizes, Olivia is Embarrassed, and Taylor Dances Around in Silly Underpants

…y, but evidently a lot of other people on Twitter) tune in at 10 Eastern/9 Central to watch episode 4 of Preachers’ Daughters on Lifetime. Didn’t catch it? Here’s what you missed.  Last week, 16-year-old Kolby Koloff had broken off her relationship with Micah, amid her confusion over whether she was ready to date. This week’s episode begins with Kolby, immediately post-breakup, going to talk to her mother. It’s here that we start to see a more com…

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Talmud on Trial: Interfaith Dialogue in the 13th Century

…n leaders to take action against the big book of law and lore that is both central to rabbinic Judaism and, according to Gregory, potentially offensive to all of Christendom. A group of French rabbis appeared in the book’s defense. The prosecutor, Nicholas Donin, who’d converted from Judaism to Christianity, had traveled to Rome in order to convince the Pope of the Talmud’s danger, with motives that remain unclear. Christian university scholars ma…

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‘Reasons My Son is Crying’ and the Suffering of Children

…ican stories of sacrificial citizenship. Suffering is seen, suffering is a central part of American history, and horrific moments of agony pierce other people, bringing communities together in powerful yet troubling ways. No wonder a list of even a child’s minor pains—along with the frustrated pain of the parent behind the lens—has caught the eye of so many people. In an interview with the Christian Science Monitor, Greg Pembroke, the father behin…

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