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Fighting (Over) Words: What is an Evangelical Feminist?

…re for a book signing of The Flipside of Feminism, which focuses on social problems and women’s dissatisfaction they claim are caused by feminism. Attendees will be treated to a screening of Sarah Palin’s new “documentary,” The Undefeated, about her rise in politics, opening in theaters not near you this Friday.  Event sponsor Citizens United will screen its video Fire in the Heartland, which organizers describe as “a film staring Michele Bachmann…

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Devil’s Bookmark: How Not to Defend God

…s will turn into veritable emporiums. And just in case something should go wrong, lets say if the whole economy tanks, Bernie says he could work some miracle to bring your dead assets back to life. “Now, give me ALL your money!” Would you do it? Doubtlessly there will be some who take the bait, especially if the promises sound extravagant enough. Not surprisingly, Elie Wiesel called Bernie Madoff, who caused him to invest (and lose) 15 Million dol…

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Equally Blessed: Wear a Rainbow Ribbon to Mass

…and society. One of our goals is to raise awareness among Catholics of the problems that LGBT youth are facing. Sometimes in Catholic conversations, Catholics tend to forget the human realities that LGBT youth face. Catholics can focus too much on sex and forget that being an LGBT youth often means struggling with self-acceptance and self-esteem and feeling marginalized and ostracized. These are the much more important issues [than sex] and requir…

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Gingrich’s Anti-Secularism Greatest Hits

…he courts driving God out of public life shouldn’t be surprised at all the problems we have.” He was referring, of course, to the U.S. Supreme Court decisions holding officially sanctioned prayer and Bible reading in public schools unconstitutional. “We’ve in fact attempted to create a secular country,” said Gingrich, “which I think is frankly a nightmare.” His efforts, it should be noted, are getting a mixed reception among Iowa evangelicals. But…

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Would Gandhi Disband Occupy?

…o he dedicated his life to the belief that lasting solutions to humanity’s problems come from non-cooperation with injustice. And he called us to actively obstruct the workings of unjust systems—to clog the machine with our bodies, as his hero Thoreau put it. Far from cooperating with the Wall Street machine, then, Gandhi would have us occupy it quite literally, bringing thousands to make it physically impossible for the tycoons, hedge fund manage…

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Only 5 Million “Real” Catholics in the U.S.?

…of US Catholic sisters. The assessment accuses the LCWR of grave doctrinal problems, radical feminism, and spending too much time on justice and peace. As a result, for the next five years, a conservative archbishop will control whatever the group does. In the outpouring of protests that followed the Vatican statement, one message comes through clearly: for the vast majority of us, the sisters embody the Catholic faith. They taught it to us, they m…

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Santorum Spokesperson Confuses “Radical Environmentalism” with “Radical Islamic” Policies with “Theological Secularism”

…a Christian. But I am talking about his worldview or the way he approaches problems in this country and I think they’re different than how most people do in America.” Today, his national press secretary, Alice Stewart (whose previous job was press secretary for Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign), went on MSNBC and also claimed that Santorum wasn’t questioning Obama’s religion. Instead, she said, he was talking about “radical environmentalis…

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Rome vs. the Sisters

…ast week’s Vatican “assessment” charging a group that includes the largest number of US Catholic sisters, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) with “serious doctrinal problems” and “radical feminism.” One frequent explanation is that the report was issued in retaliation for support given the 2009 Affordable Care Act (ACA) by Network, a Catholic social justice lobby with close ties to the LCWR. For example, in a BBC News interview se…

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Better Dead Than ‘Fed’: Behind Palin’s Dig at ‘Unbiblical’ Fed

…a weaker version of the audit bill, after the version that passed the Senate did not require annual audits.) The Tea Partiers, who have come to see the Federal Reserve as the source of the nation’s economic problems, are now on board with this decades-old effort to abolish it. Sarah Palin has not gone all wonky with her fears about inflation; she’s just hoping to stay in front of the parade….

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Lynn Blasts White House Meetings with Bible Society President

…e basis of government. (Madison never said that.) Lynn points out that requests by civil liberties groups like Americans United and its allies in the Coalition Against Religious Discrimination to fix constitutional problems with the faith-based office have been met with “overwhelming silence.” Yesterday I sought comment from the White House on the nature of the ABS meetings. I’ll update when I get more information….

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