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After Westboro: The Trouble With “Tolerance”

…t more subtly expressed ones. Unfortunately, it is the power that does not look like power that is most effective in maintaining circumstances of oppression. Likewise, physical violence gets the most visibility in the press while violence to the psyche and the soul is easily overlooked. And speech has everything to do with how this oppressive power and violence is enacted. Why “Free Speech” is Not Always Free In his opinion for the court, Chief Ju…

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Already Beatified by the Right for Surviving an Assassination Attempt, Must We All Pray for Donald Trump?

…r intonation suffices to set somebody off. Is it any wonder clerical types look a little extra nervous these days? In the end, I came up with what seemed like an artful dodge. I told the congregation that a prayer for Trump—or the situation—wouldn’t fit into the already-prepared litany. (Actually true, I swear.) But what if it had? What if I were forced to consider the question of whether or not to pray for Donald J. Trump? I would say this: To pr…

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Will ABC ‘Whitewash’ Radical Rand Paul Tonight?

…tom of post). It’s striking how incredibly mainstream Nightline makes Paul look. Sure he holds some views that some people might not agree with, but he’s made to look downright Senatorial. He’s shown hanging out with his jovial dad, Congressman Ron Paul; the two of them talking about being roommates in DC. The campaign controversy over his opposition to the Civil Rights Act is, pardon the pun, whitewashed as little more than support for private pr…

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Is Wisconsin Union-Busting Religiously Sanctioned?

…arty rallies and see all those white middle class fifty-somethings you are looking at many of them. Sarah has also made the case for this at RD. We’re not arguing that this in the only influence… just that it is an important one. Economics is seen as so central to a “biblical worldview” that it is the focus of much of the work of leading Reconstructionist Gary North. North’s earliest work (1973), widely used as a Christian school textbook, is enti…

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Dear Amazon Prime, I’m Not a Racist, But Why Are You Destroying My Precious Middle-Earth With Black Hobbits?

…white.” Nice try, lefties. Don’t tell me my default is whiteness. My son’s best friend has a Black maid—sorry, “housekeeper.” This Black and Brown-washing must end. I’m all for diversity. The elvish Queen Galadriel is a great example of diversity. She’s a woman! But Elon Musk was right, “Almost every male character so far is a coward, a jerk or both.” (With the exception, that is, of Finrod, Thondir, Elrond, Gil-galad, Arondir, Médhor, Revion, Hal…

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The Shari’ah Spring: Media Gets It Backwards

…s, we’re going to miss what’s happening; if we imagine Arab democracy will look like secular Western democracy, we will likely be disappointed. And if we assume reference to Islam and democracy reveals only hypocrisy, insincerity, or ideological confusion, we’re likely to be surprised. The Arab world has to figure out what its democracies will look like, but in the meanwhile, we can find a clue a bit closer to our American home. Most Americans wou…

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Why Cliven Bundy Wasn’t A Religious Right Hero

…is proclamations of the supremacy of Christianity. (“All you have to do is look at any society where there is no Jesus. I’ll give you four: Nazis, no Jesus. Look at their record. Uh, Shintos? They started this thing in Pearl Harbor. Any Jesus among them? None. Communists? None. Islamists? Zero.”) Those comments got buried as well, and they probably served more to bolster his religious right cred than to cause conservatives to run out of fear of be…

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“Freedom” vs. “Liberty”: Why Religious Conservatives Have Begun to Favor One Over the Other

…ding document,” Smith wrote, while “Freedom Conservatives are as likely to look to Lincoln as to the founders, and they may admit to having ancestors who voted for Franklin Roosevelt and marched for civil rights.” Part of the reason liberty has so much appeal is it hasn’t been tainted by the political battles of the 20th century. “Liberty is so rarely used in contemporary political discourse that it’s a word one side can step in and claim for them…

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Colin McGinn: Not the Only Masturbating Philosopher

…sophers—but familiar to anyone who has dealt with it in real life. “If you look at my new book, and you look at any book of a male who is in my generation, you’re not going to have any difficulty figuring out that there’s a gender difference here,” she told me. “I’m not unconscious of that, and that’s not an accident.” Anybody who sets out to pin down what, exactly, is different between how men and women do philosophy “has a death wish,” Stump sai…

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Science of Little Help with Personhood Issues

…o science to provide us with a serious moral system. Presidential hopefuls look to “the science of intelligent design” (a.k.a. Creationism 2.0) to draw votes. Personhood USA quotes a scientist who says personhood “is no longer a matter of taste or opinion… it is plain experimental evidence.” And those who argue against Personhood USA also feel the need to employ scientific language to justify their position. We cloak meaning in the language of mea…

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