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Anti-Immigrant Fervor Is a Part of America’s Story

…tute, the odds of being murdered by a refugee in a terrorist attack in the United States are an astronomical three-and-a-half billion to one. This Islamic scare is driven by fear, not facts. These examples of religious intolerance are testaments to the human propensity to create, believe, and spread salacious stories driven by longstanding stereotypes, rumors, and fear. When we give into our xenophobic fears, we risk redefining a religion as a cul…

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Blaming Young People For the Fall of Roe is Like Holding Firefighters Accountable for Arson

…ry of the armaments used in the multi-decade war on abortion rights in the United States is woefully incomplete. It doesn’t do justice to the history of the conservative legal movement and its efforts to cultivate lawyers and stack courts with anti-abortion judges. Nor does it speak to how the current composition of the conservative Supreme Court came to be. It doesn’t address the ongoing social and economic pressures placed upon abortion clinics…

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The University of Vermont Might Be Done With Religion, But Religion Isn’t Done With Us

…nd dangerous in our current and decidedly fraught political moment. In the United States, if nowhere else, religion is special. I don’t mean special as in “I love and am personally and professionally inspired by the award-winning scholars-teachers-public servants that comprise UVM’s Religion Department”—though I do and I am. And I don’t mean special in an Ann Taves sort of way, though she’s raised some interesting questions. I mean religion is spe…

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Norwegian Catholic Church May Stop Civil Marriages; Global LGBT Recap

…t adopted a report last week expressing the European Union’s concerns over freedom of the media, freedom of expression and association, and the rights of LGBTI people in Central Asian nations. Anglican Communion: Conservatives Continue Movement Building The Anglican Communion’s divisions over issues of sexuality continue to be reflected at the leadership level. The Anglican Consultative Council met this month, and agreed “to continue to seek appro…

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The Critical Role of Jews in Defining Modernity

…cultural pluralists of the early twentieth century. As immigration to the United States rose and its sources changed in those years, growing numbers of Americans began to call for the exclusion or coercive “Americanization” of new immigrants. In contrast, a small minority of dissenting intellectuals—Randolph Bourne, John Dewey, Alain Locke, Horace Kallen, and a few others—promoted the doctrine of cultural pluralism, a view with roots in the Ameri…

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Mormons Absorb SCOTUS Prop 8 Ruling

…uietly, with some staking out a defensive position in defense of religious freedom. (Read the official LDS Church reaction here.) In one Washington, D.C., area stake, LDS Church leaders sent an email message to members requesting their attendance at a National Day of Prayer on religious freedom convened by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops this Thursday in Arlington, Virginia. “We have been encouraged to have 20 members from our stake attend…

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American Jewish Leaders Get Gaza Wrong

…of Israel’s military might? Three Israeli civilians were reportedly killed today in the southern Israeli town of Kiryat Malachi. A rocket from Gaza has reportedly fallen (inflicting no injuries) near Tel Aviv. I’ll state the obvious: this is unacceptable, and must stop, as the Israeli human rights group and occupation opponent B’Tselem stated today. And so must the Israeli shelling of civilians in Gaza (the death toll there is now at 13). It’s not…

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Disaster Theology: Blame and Powerlessness in Japan

…, “I hate to say, ‘I told you so’—but I told you so!” Fortunately, we know today that tsunamis are caused by earthquakes and other forms of seismic activity, and that seismic activity is caused by a shift in tectonic plates. We can’t predict exactly when they’re going to shift, but we are increasingly certain that they don’t do so in response to the immorality of the people in the countries where they occur. There are plenty of evil people living…

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No Religious Left “Split” On Anti-LGBT Religious Exemption

…nus the exemption, and Obama embraced the presence of religious leaders at today’s White House signing. Someone in the audience even shouted “amen!”, to which the president responded, “Amen. Amen. . . . Got the ‘amen’ corner here.” The Rev. Canon Susan Russell, Senior Associate Minister at All Saints Church in Pasadena, California, attended the White House signing today. Ball, said Russell, “got it wrong.” Ball cites the abandoned effort of Sojour…

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The World’s Most Influential Yoga Teacher is a Homophobic Right-Wing Activist

…into herbal remedies and natural foods. You may find this bizarre. In the United States, yoga and organics seem solidly in the domain of political progressives. Sure, the natural foods movement has its libertarian streak, and Republicans do attend yoga classes, but the holism-seeking scene that enjoys warrior poses and ayurvedic ear drops is heavily urban, educated, and liberal. The ethos with which they’re engaging, though, is not. It’s easy to…

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