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A Primer on Activism from Unitarian Universalists

…the Unitarian Universalists. The UUs were active in two locations. A large number claimed a major downtown intersection, where 23 of them grabbed hold of a giant flag saying Arizona Human Rights, stood in the middle of the street and refused to leave. Those who chose not to get arrested stood on the sidewalks nearby cheering them on. The group sang songs, repeated chants and offered a powerful witness to the city of Phoenix. Those on the sidelines…

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Creationism: Don’t Use the “C-Word”

…“may use supplemental textbooks and other instructional materials to help students understand, analyze, critique, and review scientific theories in an objective manner.” In his column, Chapman disingenuously writes: Tate’s fulminations are not characteristic of the educators and legislators who passed the new Louisiana law, but you can be sure that the Darwinist opponents of the law will try to make them sound representative. The same thing happe…

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Was George W. Bush the Last Hippie?

…that I want to try to define. And the other is the younger generation, my students, who also sense that something went down in their parents’ youth but have really no idea just what. Though many want to. Hoping to inform readers? Please them? Piss them off? Can I do all three? If not, I will piss them off by undercutting all their comfy narratives. I will force them to accept that even evangelical religious discourse is and has been meaningful. I…

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“Professor” David Barton On Immigration: God Drew Our Borders

…or Not to Pray: a statistical look at what has happened since 39 millions students were ordered to stop praying in public schools. In charts and graphs, Barton’s statistical analysis of the “volume of prayers being offered” is overlaid with data on a number of social problems, to compare the “prayer years with the post prayer years.” The removal of prayer from public schools lowered the amount of prayer being offered to such a degree that its imp…

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Glenn Beck’s ‘Social Justice’ Heresies

…way, and sometimes you have to adjust the teaching to the knowledge of the students, and so he provides some good basic education, but it’s also good to go a little deeper.” That was a charitable way of characterizing Beck’s ahistoricism—and his audience. But Olasky isn’t alone among conservatives in worrying that Beck might be misapprehending and possibly undermining their mission. As other conservatives warned at the Freedom Federation Summit, w…

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Reading the Qur’an: Wherefore Art Thou?

…us studies myself and trying to “introduce” the Qur’an to English-speaking students, or to go in greater depth with a course focused just on the Qur’an in an Islamic university, I think I can better mediate between the presumption that everything is self-evident and the need to bridge the mystery with the pedagogical. So this is not a discussion of history, evolution, or even of significance of the Qur’an, but more like a conversation about ways t…

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Shari’ah is Not the Law

…y to make some sense of the basics. This is not like trying to teach it to students where problematizing is part of the lesson. This is really just to get ducks in a row, so to speak. I’ll start with history. When the Prophet Muhammad died, there was nothing known as shari’ah and no one saying that it must be established or we do not have Islam. It is true, however, that there were the two divine sources: the Qur’an and his sunnah or his establish…

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Catholic Prof Teaches that Same-Sex Marriage is Violation of ‘Natural Law’

…when crafting the deal, but it is something to be investigated. Does this mean that if Dr. Howell had not been reported by a student for teaching the party line without any reference to other Catholic positions that the State of Illinois would have been happy to grant credits to students of a professor whose wages were underwritten by the religious institution he was promoting? Maybe at University of Notre Dame or Loyola, Dr. Hewitt. But at a sta…

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Teacher Who Burned Cross into Student’s Arm Fired

…m displaying posters of the Ten Commandments and bible versus and teaching students in science class that evolution is a lie. After the parents of Zachary Dennis complained to the district about the burn on their son’s arm way back in December 2007, the district began an investigation, in which Freshwater’s religious proselytizing was revealed. Freshwater fought the district’s attempts to fire him. The burning incident also led to a civil court ca…

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One in Eight Biology Teachers Creationists

…about evolution at all out of fear of offending religiously fundamentalist students and their families. From LiveScience: Only 28 percent of high school biology teachers followed the National Research Council and National Academy of Sciences recommendations on teaching evolution, which include citing evidence that evolution occurred and teaching evolution thematically, as a link between various biology topics.  As one Michigan biology teacher infu…

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