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300-430 New Dumps Book - High-quality Cisco 300-430 Test Questions Fee: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks ☀ Go to website ➥ 🡄 open and search for ➽ 300-430 🢪 to download for free 📦300-430 Sample Questions Answers

Is New Park51 Advisor Any Better Than Feisal Abdul-Rauf?

…rvez Sharma, to talk about his reaction and his question as to whether the community will be welcoming. Only time will answer Sharma’s question, but according to the Park51 website, “Park51 will be open to all, regardless of religious, ethnic, racial, or sexual orientation.” It’s important to remember that Adhami will be only one of several advisors, and he is not the spokesperson for the vision of Park51. I should make clear that I disagree with…

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Driscoll Makes Plagiarism Complaint Disappear

…erial from her site.”  But the greater likelihood is that nothing quite so high-minded as “Unity” (nor ideological as misogyny) was required to put an end to the accusations. Although he’s appropriately reluctant to make any accusations, Trueman suspects that something more nefarious is at play here, something worrisome (emphasis mine): the health of the Christian subcultures in our society depends to an important extent upon the freedom of the Ch…

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No Bible-as-State-Book for Tennessee as Legislators Suffer “Symbol Fatigue”

…choolchildren of us all. It’s not clear how designating the Bible as state book serves the common good, just as there’s no clear way in which designating milk as the state beverage serves the common good. The point is not to get people to engage the Bible (or milk, or salamanders) in any meaningful way. Nor is the point to express the je ne sais quoi that defines the good people of Tennessee, in all their distinctiveness and local color. Arguably,…

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‘Hell is a World Without You’ Shows Readers How Squarely They Would Have Been on Path to Jan 6 if They’d Come of Age in Evangelicalism

…JK: All the right-wing stuff with which my characters interact (persecution-complex song lyrics, casual misogyny, presumed queerphobia, etc.) could’ve been drawn from my memories alone, though I also studied. And I tried to show parallels with non-evangelical politics, because there’s no problem we can blame on only one kind of Christian. Jerry Falwell, conservative Catholics, and Rush Limbaugh were saying the same things, after all. I view 9/11 a…

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Pittsburgh Paradox: A City Haunted by God and Steel

…thiest industrial metropolis in America, only to see its economy gutted by free-market orthodoxy—makes the region a metaphor for the nation itself. Which is what makes the spiritual implications of Pittsburgh’s meaning all the more important, because if we try and reconcile transcendence with grubby reality, we derive a poetics of the sacred amidst the profane, what I described in a 2015 essay in Belt Magazine as being a place of “strangeness and……

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You Are More Than Your Brain: A Revolutionary Theory of Consciousness

…ess is not inside you, sealed off and hidden from view. It’s inside you vis-à-vis outside you. It suggests you are more than just your brain. Throughout Out of Our Heads, Noë’s strategy is to undermine conventional views of mind defended by the likes of Crick, Dennett, and Richard Dawkins, three of the most vocal champions of the prevailing Cartesian school—that we are our brains (or “thinking things”) and that the world we encounter is a represen…

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Should Evangelicals Smoke Pot?

…indolence and “tuning out” that is not an option for people who want to become agents of compassion and neighbor love, not to mention its association with all kinds of immaturity. Are these the eternal truths of pot, the only possible way marijuana can be used? No. But these cultural realities are still relevant for the discerning Christian. Cultural context thus emerges as a web of assumptions, rather than something more tangible. Marijuana is b…

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Chocolate Will Make You Thin! Or: How Should We Trust Science?

…on, over the past few weeks, of a major study purporting to measure how one-on-one canvassing can substantially influence voters’ opinions on same-sex marriage. The study was published in the journal Science, and it received widespread media coverage, including on This American Life. Also, the data turned out to be fake. In part, this was the case of a rogue graduate student, Michael LaCour, who seems to have broken nearly every imaginable rule of…

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Black Lives Matter Activists Disrupt Presidential Candidates at Activist Conference

…know why Walker joined a lawsuit challenging Pres. Obama’s decision not to prioritize the deportation of people like their father. Walker stuck to his message about people not being above the law and securing the borders without recognizing a thirteen-year-old’s fear and anger. That might be smart politics, but it’s piss-poor listening. Walker says “faith defines who I am and it plays a role in every part of my life.” Again, candidates don’t have…

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Unauthorized Catholic Immigrants will Renew a Christian America, Archbishop Says

…f the territory that forms part of the United States. He explains (with not-so-subtle reference to our current political landscape), “Long before the Boston Tea Party, Catholic Missionaries were celebrating the holy Mass on the soil of this continent.” In summary, he argues:   This is the real reason for America, when we consider our history in light of God’s plan for the nations. America is intended to be a place of encounter with the living Jesu…

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