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Glenn Beck Takes on Liberation Theology

…nifier, then liberation theology is still important and clearly has a future. Unlike Beck, I look forward to the day that a young immigrant worker picks up a copy of God of the Oppressed and realizes her humanity through it. James Cone once said in class that if you can write a book that people are still talking about 40 years later, then you might have had something very important to say. At the 41st anniversary of Black Theology and Black Power,…

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Interfaith: Whose Faith?

…t closed for high holidays but then there’d only be a half dozen of us per class. When I left home at 14, I lived with families of different faiths: Jewish, Unitarian Universalist, Catholic, and atheist. Questions of ultimate concern always interested me, and as soon as I got to college I actively pursued the answers given to these from faith systems outside my own. Eventually I came to live in a Buddhist ashram and practiced according to the prec…

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Birthday Blog

…asion that I would be unlikely to forget. But this is only for those round numbers. There’s nothing that rings out of 58. I’ve got two more years, if I live, before I need to find the next big celebration. I’ve got time to plan still. But, why 5-year increments? Seems a bit arbitrary. Because I accepted Islam in one of those round figures, and spent the first ten years in such constant transition: first the religion itself and learning new things,…

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TLC Premieres Polygamy Reality Show Sister Wives

…me? Why am I peeking into these windowless bedrooms at middle-aged, middle-class blondes in fuzzy slippers and sweats? Why am I spending an hour of my life watching a middle-aged advertising salesman in suburban Utah standing there in the predawn hours in his sweats explaining where he keeps his clothes? And perhaps because I’m tuned in on assignment as a religion columnist I’m disappointed by the near absence of religion in the episode. Early in…

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Former Employees: Racism & Abuse in Leading Religious Right Org.

…igated the Rwandan genocide. In early 2009, One News Now promoted Lively’s book, Redeeming the Rainbow: A Christian Response to the Gay Agenda, as a “textbook on family values.” On his radio show this year, Fischer claimed that criminalization of homosexuality was mandated by biblical law. The Lively visit to Boise sparked a “visceral response” from the community, said May-Chang, including a letter from the Interfaith Alliance of Idaho, calling on…

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How Religion Shapes Sex Discrimination at Wal-Mart

…ening arguments before the Supreme Court in the landmark Dukes v. Wal-Mart class action suit—no big surprise from the Court that gave us Citizens United (2010). But as a nationwide assault on workers’ rights continues, it’s worth remembering the role that gender and religious views of gender play in the fate of labor. And experts say there’s little doubt that religion played a role in shaping the “Wal-Mart Way” on gender. (Recent stats show that t…

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The Real Context Of The “Taliban Dan” Ad

…y. These include The Light and the Glory, a Christian American history textbook popular in fundamentalist Christian schools and home schools. Webster’s section itself cites Christian Reconstructionist Gary DeMar’s work in “Optional Resources.”  Over at AlterNet, Bruce Wilson writes that Gothard wanted to use Christian Reconstructionist R.J. Rushdoony’s seminal Institutes of Biblical Law for his programs if it weren’t for their disagreement over di…

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Mormons, LGBT People Respond to Packer’s Talk

…os Angeles, she recalled, would sometimes reach out to feel her head for horns. Late in her life, she and I talked about homosexuality—we talked about everything—and she recalled back in the 1950s a boy who grew up on her block in her middle-class Los Angeles suburb, a child who she always knew was different, and kindly she asked, “I wonder what has happened to him? I wonder if everything turned out okay for him?” Kindness was the core of her Morm…

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Quiz: The Outer Limits

…Test your fringe political savvy, and guess which ones of these are ACTUAL book titles. a. All in the Family: Playing the God Game on Capitol Hill b. Can America Survive?: 10 Prophetic Signs That We Are The Terminal Generation c. Going Jindal: Packing Heat and Praising Jesus d. Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul e. Glenn Beck’s Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine f. Carnal Matters: A Conversat…

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Glenn Beck’s ‘Social Justice’ Heresies

…using his anti-government heresies to produce a false, ahistorical civics class that distorts his viewers’ understanding of the role of government in serving the needs of its citizens. Beck is our 21st century red-baiter, our go-to guy to tar any government services as “socialism.” Beck didn’t invent this, and he certainly won’t be the last demagogue to pollute our airwaves. But as the Republican Party and the conservative movement have fallen of…

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