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Marco Rubio’s “Constitutional Scholar”

…the event in support of Rubio’s candidacy, is the fundamentalist Christian promoter of “Christian American History” and a revisionist history of race in America that paints the Republican party as the party of racial equality. He also plays a big role in Glenn Beck’s “Founder’s Fridays,” his “university,” and the recent rally in Washington. While Beck promotes Barton as a “professor,” the advertisements for this “free and open to the public” event…

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Colbert v. Stewart: It’s On! 10.30.10

…’s primaries, pundits have pondered whether the far right character of the Republican nominees will make them unelectable; thus rescuing Democrats from what otherwise promises to be a very bad year.   But no one anticipated the Rally to Restore Sanity or the March to Keep Fear Alive. Could the Comedy Central Duo make a difference? While the tea party crowd is overwhelmingly middle-aged the Stewart-Colbert fans are those younger potential voters co…

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Religion Profs Critique PBS’ God Documentary, Call it Simplistic

…d what it means to reach the public through the medium of television. Even better, in the last few years, PBS—like the history profession as a whole—has caught the religion bug, producing excellent shows on Aimee Semple McPherson, Jim Jones, the Mormons, and now God in America. They should be applauded for their effort. This is not to say that there is not room for criticism. But we need to be fair about what we are criticizing. The transcripts fo…

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For Buddhism, Science is Not a Killer of Religion

…re in this universe was Mount Meru? On the surface of a sphere there is no central or special point for it to rest. Of course, the modern scientific idea finally took hold, but, due to the remoteness of Tibet, it was not until the 20th century that it made its way fully to that land. The Dalai Lama has been in power since 1960, so cosmology has been a live issue for him. How does he handle the mount Mount Meru question? Very simply. On Monday he l…

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Election Update: Oklahoma Bans Shari’ah Law

…of Shari’ah which are never fully conclusive, because Islam recognizes no central authority to define those readings once and for all. Thus Islam’s decentralization, its many competing discourses, all pushing and pulling around a body of texts that are nearly universally agreed upon—but over whose interpretations most debates never end. What most Americans don’t realize is that we already have interpretations of Shari’ah law in our country; or, a…

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Controversial Mary Statue Weeps Because ‘We’re Killing This World’

…similar to that of Catholics authorites, trying to find a delicate balance between uncritical acceptance and stark condemnation. Father Ayoub remarked that he had investigated Ibrahim’s weeping statue and that while it was not miraculous, Ibrahim was still a beloved member of his parish. He added, “If you want to believe [Ibrahim], you are free to believe her.” However, for some pilgrims, Father Ayoub’s answer simply isn’t good enough. At least on…

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US Catholic Bishops Elect a Culture Warrior

…p Dolan, on the other hand, is a fighter for the orthodoxy that has become central to the Catholic Church since Dorothy Day’s death in 1980—sex and gender. In recent weeks, the two most influential Catholic magazines in the US, Commonweal, and America, have published articles about major crises currently facing the US Church. In America, Vincent Miller argues that Catholic social teaching on the obligation to care for the poor, as well as the esse…

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Obama’s Supposed “Religion Dilemma” and American Exceptionalism

…e PRRI report notes (emphasis in original): There is a critical difference between Americans who say Obama’s religious beliefs are very different and those who say they are only somewhat different. Among those who say his religious beliefs are only somewhat different, a majority (56%) still have a favorable view of him, although this is significantly lower than among those who see their beliefs as similar to the President’s. This is not a “religio…

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Anti-Gay Marriage Arguments for Prop. 8 Fall Short

…r how close, no matter how committed it may be, or emotional relationships between other people as well. But, when a relationship between a man and woman becomes a sexual one society immediately has a vital interest in that for two reasons – one, society needs the creation of new life for the next generation. But secondly, [society’s vital] interests are actually threatened by the possibility that unintentional and unwanted pregnancy will mean tha…

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Margaret Thatcher: A Muslim’s Perspective

…might have perhaps questioned the “Us vs. Them” narrative. According to the blogger writing under the pen name of Archbishop Cramner, Thatcher was a devout Christian with a mission of political reform. Thatcher’s Christian faith was, Cramner suggests, central to her politics. Perhaps if Thatcher had been more sympathetic toward Muslim issues, not only would she have found a socially-conservative group within her electorate, but she might have also…

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