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Evolution ‘Doesn’t Make Any Sense’: A Scene From a Classroom

…nd so, the circle of life continues. The most frustrating part is that the students appear to have genuine confusion over evolution and are struggling to understand it. But the teacher, rather than address their misinformation and use his teaching skills to actually foster learning in the classroom, abdicates his responsibility and says, “How can I say to the student, your ideas are trash?” As if that would be his only alternative to just standing…

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Harry Potter Gone Bad: Lev Grossman’s The Magicians

…and Elizabeth Knox’s extraordinary fantasy duet Dreamhunter and Dreamquake number among my greatest reads. So I opened The Magicians eagerly, poised to lose myself in a story the Times called “a Harry Potter for adults,” only to realize several chapters in that the aptly-named Quentin Coldwater (a boy with a talent for spells and sorcery who is whisked away to a secret school for magic called “Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy”) was, chapter…

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The Devil in Dover

…nd painful consequences. In Dover, a science teacher trying to inspire her students with novel approaches to teaching was bullied into reading straight from the textbook. Two newspaper reporters were slandered and called liars. Two of the parents in the case are devout Christians who sing in the church choir, but people called them atheists. There was a beautiful Frank Capra moment in the trial when one of the plaintiffs, this mild-mannered paper…

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Escalating Afghanistan: What Did You Do in the Class War, Daddy?

…ctivists of the time never could persuade a majority of upper-middle class students to take to the streets against the Vietnam madness, though they made a valiant effort—and they understood the ugly race and class dimension of American imperialism. Thinking about Coffin’s legacy, I had to ask myself exactly what I have been doing during the current class war—a siege that is far more severe and ugly than the one that sent mainly working-class and r…

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Capricology: Big Ideas, Lack of Humanity

…ll about everything, Clarice searching for Zoe’s avatar and protecting STO students from harm, and Lacy spending most of her time trying unsuccessfully to get Zoebot to another world. BSG, I remember, was captivating because it would reshuffle the deck every few episodes, and our sympathies and loyalties challenged every few weeks. Like Henry, I admire Caprica, but do not love it. And I think Diane is right on the mark when she says that some conn…

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Young Imam Reality Show, Debating Secularism, and More

…school classrooms. Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re said the crucifix teaches students to love and respect others and asked “How could someone not share such a symbol?” Like crucifixes in Italy, Muslim veils are facing bans in many European states. The Council of Europe urged countries to reconsider and passed a resolution stating that all-out bans on the veil violate women’s human rights. Some folks are even asking “Should I Quit My Religion?” And i…

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Claremont and the Agony of the Seminaries

…pen to student of other Christian denominations, at the very least, and to students who aren’t necessarily seeking ordination. That openness is genuine, but it doesn’t hurt that it keeps the green rolling in. That’s still not enough to keep some schools going, though, especially as enrollments drop nationwide. It’s a tough market: open pulpits in desirable locations are hard to come by, particularly in the midst of a recession. (If you’d like to b…

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Supreme Court: Law School Christian Group Can’t Exclude Gays

…ommon with all other student organizations—to choose between welcoming all students and forgoing the benefits of official recognition, we hold, Hastings did not transgress constitutional limitations. CLS, it bears emphasis, seeks not parity with other organizations, but a preferential exemption from Hastings’ policy. Justice Samuel Alito, not surprisingly, wrote in dissent, bemoaning the tolerance found on college campuses: “Our proudest boast of…

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The Religious Lives of Soldiers

…. I hope, as I think many academic authors hope, that my book will reach a number of different audiences some within the academy and some not. That said, there is a yawning chasm in American religious history when it comes to the wars of the twentieth century and it would be nice if Faith in the Fight reaches an audience interested in thinking and writing about intersections of religion and war in America’s past and present. With as much talent as…

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“Frontier Feminist” The Right’s Favorite In Nevada

…program run by the Church of Scientology. She also reportedly introduced celebrity Scientologists Kelly Preston and Jenna Elfman to Sen. John Ensign (a paragon of godly virtue!) to encourage him to sponsor legislation that would prohibit public schools from requiring students to take psychiatric drugs. The SBA List took credit for unseating West Virginia Democrat Allen Mollohan, and plans to spend $6 million this election cycle to promote the can…

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