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회양홀덤Θ﹛1sthol、coⓜ》☎회양홀덤✏회양바둑이❁회양포커 회양포커♧회양바둑이

US Offers Help For Investigation of Bangladesh Killings

The 2016 General Conference of the global United Methodist Church will begin on May 10. One of the first items on the agenda will be a debate about how to debate sexuality issues. Bangladesh: Kerry offers to aid investigation into LGBT activist murders U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina offering American support for a thorough investigation into the murder of LGBT activists Xulhaz Mannan and Tanay Mojumdar…

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How Merle Haggard Saved My Soul

I raised a glass of George Dickel in honor of Merle Haggard the other night. The country legend, who died last week on his 79th birthday, was an enthusiastic endorser of this brand of Kentucky bourbon, you see, until they sold out to a corporate conglomerate. It was an appropriate match. True, the drink is smooth on the surface, where Haggard was gritty, but underneath, the man and his drink share strength and fire. You don’t water down the good…

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Catholic Church Campaigns Against Gay US Ambassador; Global LGBT Recap

The Human Rights Campaign held a Global Summit this week, bringing together activists from around the world. U.S. National Security Advisor Susan Rice and U.S. Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons Randy Berry were among the speakers. Transgender Day of Visibility March 31 was commemorated as International Transgender Day of Visibility. This week, published an interview with Mahdia Lynn, founder of the Transgender Mus…

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Why Utah Felt the Bern: Mormonism’s Forgotten Progressive Past

This week, Utah and Idaho delivered Bernie’s largest margin of victories in the Democratic primaries since Vermont—with both giving him nearly 80 percent of the vote. The record turnouts in many Mormon-dominated precincts shocked onlookers and bewildered volunteer organizers, who continuously rushed to print more ballots after running out several times. In Utah, voting lines stretched around several city blocks, districts that were used to double…

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Silence of “Religious Liberty” Activists on Muslims’ Cases Not What You Think

The silence on the part of religious liberty advocates in a pair of recent cases involving Muslim employees would appear to be a simple case of prioritizing the religious beliefs of Christians over those of minority workers. But the explanation may be both more and less cynical. On Monday, the New York Times reported on an ongoing labor dispute between around 200 Muslim workers and their employer, Cargill Meat Solutions, a meat processing plant i…

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“Lyin’ Ted’s” Non-Endorsement: When Coherence Becomes a Vice

Last night, Ted Cruz preached a message of conscience and principled conservatism to the Republican National Convention. He was met with an almost deafening chorus of boos and jeers. In another election cycle, Cruz’s call to conscience receiving only disdain from a gathering of Republican delegates might seem more shocking, but there’s little left to scandalize after the horrors of this campaign year. Still, it’s worth pointing out how clearly la…

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“We All We Got”: The Black Church As an Oasis in Baltimore’s Food Deserts

Nearly a year has passed since Freddie Gray’s murder by Baltimore police officers ignited outcries that roiled my city for weeks. Though the camera crews have moved on and the curfew has been lifted, the protests kicked up a dust storm that has yet to settle. Failures—long-ignored—were thrown into sharp relief, and a beleaguered Charm City was forced to acknowledge its demons. The question of food justice quickly came to the fore during and after…

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Pope and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Declare Shared View of Marriage & Family; Government & Muslim Officials Ramp Up Anti-LGBT Rhetoric in Indonesia; Australian Religious Leaders Ask Parliament to Act on Marriage Equality; Global LGBT Recap

Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill met in Cuba last Friday, the first meeting between the heads of the two churches since 1054, and they declared, “we are not competitors, but brothers.” The Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers reports on a joint declaration on marriage they signed. “The family is based on marriage, an act of freely given and faithful love between a man and a woman,” it reads. “It is love that seals their union and t…

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I’m Too Sexy for My Church: Will a Thriving Singles Scene Renew American Catholicism?

As the choir rehearses before St. Monica’s Sunday evening Mass, two blond women in skinny jeans slide into a pew in the rear of the church and chat quietly. A few pews back a woman wearing a mid-thigh length dress and a long sweater genuflects before beginning to pray. Before long, the church is filled with attractive people under 40. St. Monica Catholic Community is a destination parish for young adults in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles with a r…

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The Bindi Isn’t Indie

It’s early, the sun not yet high enough to pierce the LA skyline, when Kat gets up to meditate. She spends half an hour cross-legged on a low wooden stool—yoga mats are harder to get up from at her age, she jokes—and then gets ready for the day. As she’s finishing up her makeup with setting powder, she chooses a clear crystal bindi from her collection and carefully sticks it on. “It centers me. I know I’m gonna be rushing through the day, so this…

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