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Heterosexual Martyrs and Gay Saints: Did AIDS Coverage Clear the Way for LGBT Equality?

…ted. In a series of stories about people who tested positive for the HIV virus, the Dallas Morning News included 23-year-old Charles, a gay intravenous drug user. Since learning his status, Charles stopped taking drugs and started helping people with AIDS. Although he did not belong to a religious group, he saw his work as a spiritual mission, telling the paper that “he was ‘standing in the way of the hand of God’ until he dedicated himself to hel…

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Warships, Animals, Pubs Eligible For Blessings From Church of England, But Not Same-Sex Couples; Global LGBT Recap

…mp administration’s relationships with Russian officials continued to make news, the Russian Orthodox Church praised Trump’s anti-abortion moves. The church statement cited its agreement with US-based Brian Brown, head of the World Congress of Families and International Organization for the Family. Brown recently traveled through Russia and several European countries while promoting the IOF’s Declaration on the Family and Marriage. In an email to…

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Kuwait “Morals Committee” Announced Deportation of 76 Gay Men; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…al, to work in Scotland. The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has struggled to keep the worldwide Anglican Communion together over the issue of same-sex relationships, with many African bishops voicing opposition to gay weddings and to clergy being involved in gay relationships themselves. Israel: Police detain suspected troublemakers in advance of Jerusalem pride celebration Just “hours” before last week’s pride parade in Jerusalem, police…

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‘Christian Warriors’: Who Are The Hutaree Militia And Where Did They Come From?

…ore attacking the Clinton administration for political assassinations and drug running. The storyline morphed in recent years into fears that the government of the United States planned to destroy national sovereignty by merging with Mexico and Canada to form a North American Union. That theory first surfaced among right-wing opponents of President George W. Bush. Along the way, right-wing media demagogues and Republican Party activists and electe…

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The Eddie Long Scandal: It is About Anti-Homosexuality

…on about anti-homosexuality, out front, bold and brazenly waxed across the news headlines accompanied by a picture of one of the most prominent African American clergy in the nation. Let’s not go into denial (innocent or intentional) on this matter: This is an issue about anti-homosexual rhetoric! It must be spotlighted with as much vigor as other matters surrounding this case such as ethical boundaries (including the utilization of power and auth…

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The Religious Origins of Fake News and ‘Alternative Facts’

…e the Republican Party. There were two long-term consequences for our fake news world. First, theologically and politically conservative Christians learned to distrust the proclamations of the supposedly neutral media establishment, just as they had grown to suspect the methods and conclusions of elite experts like scientists or historians. And second, they learned to seek the truth from alternative sources—whether a church sermon, Christian media…

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Global Anti-Gay Forces Plot Against ‘Satanic’ Equality Movement

…stonia, Hungary, Japan, Kosovo, Latvia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, and Vietnam. Vitaly Milonov, a member of the St. Petersburg city council and author is its anti-gay “propaganda” law, responded by saying , “They can marry monkeys and register perverts for all I care.” Mexico: Supreme Court Continues Approving Gay Couples’ Marriages Marriage is legal for same-sex couples in Mexico City. Couples…

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The Bible Says… and Other Myths About Scripture

…blishing houses and intended to translate “thought for thought rather than word for word,” keeping an originally simple message simple, direct and clear, “as God intended it.” And on it goes. Translations, unlike canons, are never closed. What Will Become of the Book in Our Time? Like no other book known to me, Lori Anne Ferrell’s self-described “cultural history of the Bible” reminds us with an attractive combination of visual artistry and rhetor…

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Can Poetry Heal the Planet?

…s poems likewise kindle higher consciousness. Aloud, they awaken awareness—words become stepping stones. He writes, “The words offer handhold after handhold as I climb/ Grace in every breath,” and “My prayers are in the silence/ between breaths.” In a breath-based culture, we can become aware how each moment holds a range of texture and nuance (image, idea, and sound), taking us beyond the fixation of the skin-encapsulated ego and the logjam of di…

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High Ark: A Geologist on the True Meaning of Noah’s Flood

…ies are more about control of nature… the point is not “which one of these stories is true.” The point is to connect the stories to actual facts on the ground. One of my favorite places is the Valley of the Tsangpo River in China, where I begin the book. It’s rare as a geologist to go somewhere where there has not been a lot of work done, somewhere where you feel you can put the story together yourself. You see land deposits, and you start making…

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