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Cotizar seguro automotor Signal Hill CA llama ahora al 888-430-8975 Calcular seguro de auto Cotizar el seguro de mi auto Seguros para autos nuevos Que se necesita para asegurar un carro Mejores companias de seguros Cotizacion de mi auto

Vatican’s ‘Dumbed Down Version of an Old Argument’ on Gender Can’t Stop Changes in Catholicism

…e Vatican’s decades-long, worldwide, multifront war on what it has come to call ‘gender ideology’ from its very recent incarnation in Donald Trump’s United States back through its origins in the last century, highlighting the central role that concerns about transgender rights have always played for the two popes who have most directly shaped the contours of this war, Benedict XVI and Francis.” Professor Case concludes: “The history… reveals a com…

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100 Years Later, Just Weeks After OK Bans Critical Race Theory, the Tulsa Race Massacre is Still Marginal History

…de in countless African Americans as an example of economic resilience and self-sufficiency during the nadir of Jim Crow segregation. Black Wall Street was the name given to the Greenwood district of Tulsa, Oklahoma which was the hub of African-American businesses and cultural life. However, Black Wall Street was applicable to several Black business districts throughout the South, including places like Durham, North Carolina. Black neighborhoods w…

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Updated: My Work on Confederate Monuments Leaves This Christian Ethicist Distrustful of Calls for Reconciliation and Healing

…pporters breached security and entered the Capitol, spurred on by Trump himself. Their goal was to interrupt Congress as they were counting Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. And interrupt they did, entering offices, climbing walls, threatening the safety of elected officials, and waving a Confederate flag for good measure. In response, President Trump repeated his false claims of election fraud, calling the insurrectionists “very special” and…

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Why I’m Not Quite Sold on ‘Black Santa’

…is important, I think it contains a fundamental flaw in terms of race and self-perception. It’s not totally clear that the depiction of Santa Claus (or even divine figures like angels and Jesus Christ) as Black precedes the formation of an affirming self-identity. Simply put: just because a Black child grows up with depictions of Santa as Black it doesn’t necessarily translate to a positive and healthy self-image. How Santa got to the North Pole…

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Hanukkah Marks the Complexities of Assimilation and Syncretism Faced by American Jews

…without an airing of grievance, in a story of its loss, or through a political lens. Most of us American Jews know two things about our tradition: that we’re working out our struggles with aspects of it all the time even as we live inside it; and that if and when we see ourselves in Jewish life and community, it’s because we’ve made a choice to do so. America has largely made Jewishness into a voluntary association, an identity that one can choose

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The Wrong Emperor: Why Ralph Reed’s New Pro-Trump Book Distorts the Bible to Cast the President as Tiberius

…to save Christians. Instead, the notorious conservative lobbyist, evangelical apologist, and founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition doubles down on the toxic argument that Trump is an unlikely ally in the Christian struggle for religious freedom. During the Clinton presidency, Reed, then executive director of the Christian Coalition, was a fierce watchdog for presidential morality, as Kristin Kobes Du Mez has noted in Jesus and John Wayne. “W…

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Why Conservatives Really Oppose Federal Aid for the ‘Undeserving’

…dge Trump has never displayed. To him, choosing Easter must have been like selecting Independence Day or Arbor Day or Groundhog Day — a useful date on which to hang a ploy. Likewise, Paul Waldman is baffled by Lindsey Graham’s attacks on nurses: “You know, the ones who right now are risking their lives to treat coronavirus patients, and are in some cases forced to wear trash bags because their hospitals have run out of protective gear.” John Stoeh…

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Americans Who Rage against Political Correctness Are Also the Most Xenophobic—And Most Likely to Vote Trump in 2020

…guage, Trump wishes to remind his base who our internal threats are: politically correct liberals who care more about defending foreigners than they do the American people. Though Trump has previously raged against political correctness explicitly, and indeed, campaigned on it in 2016, when it comes to this recent COVID-19 labeling campaign, other far-Right thought-leaders have been doing this for him. For example, in a March 14th interview on Fox…

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In a Time of Chaos and Misrule, Mardi Gras’ Subversive Message is Virtually Meaningless

…th its inert eyes and its curved permanent frown. The eerie mask is historically accurate, long before it became just another bit of flash for Venice’s Mardi Gras celebration, it was used by physicians in the seventeenth-century who, believing that the plague was spread by fetid miasma in the air, would stuff the bird-like beak of the mask with dried herbs and flowers in a desperate attempt to stave off the swollen black buboes of the disease. Med…

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The Student Debt Crisis Is So Bad Even Clergy Are Packing Their Bags

…Not unique to any American profession, student loan debt currently economically asphyxiates millions of millennials, cutting off the air supply to emotional well-being, ethical formation, and social innovation. Student loan debt is only surpassed by mortgage debt in the orbit of our consumer-debt economy. America’s student loan crisis exemplifies big banking’s heritage of privatizing profits and socializing losses. One of our national sins, the s…

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