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Did Romney Cynically Cite His Mormon Faith for Impeachment Vote as Critics Claim?

…n fact, it might cost him some. It certainly wouldn’t be a get-out-of-jail free card within his own party, as evidenced above. So possible, but not necessarily probable. Another argument is that Romney, like many Mormons, has been turned off by the President’s lack of [ahem] interpersonal moral hygiene. You hear this one a lot when evangelicals are discussed as well. But while it’s true that Utah gave Trump his smallest margin in any state he won,…

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CNN’s Disastrous ‘Town Hall’ with Trump Put the Country at Risk

…for Trump’s MAGA worldview and support the television media networks that promote it: 84% have a favorable view of Trump, compared to 32% of Americans. 71% continue to believe the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, compared to 28% of Americans (PRRI, American Values Survey, 2022). Nearly half (48%) say they most trust either Fox News or far-right news such as Newsmax or OAN to give them accurate news about current events…

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Pray Vote Stand 2022 Kicks Off With Some Head-Scratchers on Predictable Topics

…ight voters with the right issues” coming to the polls this election and in 2024. After 2020 Republican losses in Georgia, it’s telling that the Family Research Council brought the conference to Atlanta. Mohler reminds the audience that, come November’s midterm elections, the whole country “will be looking at Georgia.” Georgia’s Senate hopefuls Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock were both invited to speak at Pray Vote Stand on Friday. Neither is…

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Has American Conservatism Abandoned the Christian Right?

…towed immense wealth and power on America and given it a mission to spread freedom and religion around the world; but that mission and those blessings are now threatened by the presence of non-Whites, non-Christians and non-native-born people on American soil. Today this story is propagated by a veritable Christian-nationalist industry that includes radio stations, video series, scores of books and entire organizations dedicated to telling White c…

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4 (or 5) American Muslims For Ben Carson to Interrogate

…n 2016, and well after he’s forgotten by 2020, Peter Kassig could’ve run in 2024. And why not? He certainly had the credentials. After high school, Peter became a U.S. Army Ranger, and was deployed to Iraq for several months with a special operations unit. Peter later returned to the Middle East as a medical relief worker. While delivering supplies to a town in Syria, however, he was abducted by ISIS. Peter’s journey to Islam began before his capt…

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Leaked ‘Freedom Convoy’ Donor Comments Clearly Demonstrate Christian Nationalist Presence

…nd them in the donor comments. Some of the comments mention Trump, who has promoted the occupation and attacked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau among others. And unsurprisingly, those comments contain violent rhetoric. One donor from Williamsburg, Virginia, writes (at times cryptically); “Trump won. F Hide Biden! F TruDope! All dictators & Traitors will get what they deserve. Praise the Lord.” Most of the others are some variation on “Trump won” or…

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Boo! Trump’s Lead With Religious Voters Not As Bigly As You Might Think

…gainst a Trumpist candidate could turn today’s 66% Evangelical support into 2024’s 55%—or worse. If 2016 has taught us nothing else, of course, it’s that anything could happen. Even as I wrote this post, FBI Director James Comey launched a bombshell by announcing the agency was examining previously-unreleased emails from Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department. Still, between the browning of Catholicism, increasing secularization, and a p…

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Hillary Clinton Won the Catholic Vote After All, So Dems Should Stay Pro-Choice, Right?

…in 2020 and most will have gone to that great election booth in the sky by 2024. Similarly, the Hispanic vote went overwhelmingly for Clinton at 74% to 19%, for a massive 55% advantage. Of course, at least some of this can be accounted for by Trump’s hostility toward Hispanic immigrants and may not carry over to future Republican candidates. But young voters have a tendency to stick with the party they first vote for, so it’s likely that Trump ha…

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Blame Series Bonus: Why We Want That Dish For Free, an Uncut Interview with Bertram Malle

…tisfied customers at restaurants want to get their dish for free, or get a free glass of wine, or a free dessert, because that balances out the input-output equation. So if the customer service agent gives you something, then you feel compensated, then you’re okay, and it’s not such a cognitive puzzle, and also not such a frustration to deal with the amorphous agent of the airline as a whole. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the customer service age…

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The Problem of Evil in Free Market Theology

…r calculate the economics of grace. Think of that: grace, the paradigmatic free gift, is replaced by the massive edifice of Wall Street number-crunchers and their continual wagering on the future probabilities. As we all know, a lot of money has been made—and lost—this way. Which leads Buchan to his second point: money generates more money, even on Sunday. This is a subtler point, one that he develops specifically in relation to the invention of p…

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